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This thread takes place in StarClan.
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Despite getting lost, he and Smoke made it. Sure they needed some help from a few ghostly pals, but what mattered is that they made high stones. From there, the pair had ventured deeper into the cave, and eventually (without getting lost for once) they came across a large quartz crystal glowing beautifully as if it were bathed in the moonlight. No words were exchanged between him and Smoke, but the glance he gave the other was more than enough.

Silver paws move forward, drawn by the ethereal crystal before him. This is it. This is the moonstone. I've... I've never seen something so beautiful. No salmon or fish scales could compare. A paw stops short from touching the stone, no. Not like this. It has to be my nose, not my paws. Could? Could I take a piece of the stone? It's just so breathtaking. He knows deep in his heart that is is wrong for him to want to carve out a piece of the luminous stone. Perhaps, he should be thankful that it is impossible to do so.

"Here goes nothing,"
the tom mumbles to himself before touching the stone with his nose.

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A cool sensation as if his fur is lapped with the ocean waves on a warm sunny day soothes his soul, a welcome feeling, as if he were coming home. The scene before him morphs into one he recognizes. A field of flowers underneath his paws, a nice cool breeze, followed by the sound of shifting grasses. There was a distinct lack of hunger. It was bizarre, but for once in his life he was unafraid. Yes, he felt as if he was floating. Nothing here could hurt him. It was refreshing, so much so that he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, focusing on the breeze which ruffled his pelt.

For some time now he had no doubts in the existence of Starclan. His hesitation only came in understanding what Starclan was and what it did. He still didn't have a clue exactly what it Starclan was, but he would wager a guess it was where one felt at peace. True peace.

The sound of pawsteps approaching causes him to open his eyes and turn to the source. He immediately spots Seabriar, a warm smile sent towards the starclanners way. And then, he sees Dewdrop. She did tell him that they would see each other again, but he hadn't expected it to be this soon. Nevertheless, he dips his head towards her. As for the other cats, he can't say he knows any of them. Wow, there's so many of them. So this is what happens when you touch the stone? A bunch of cats come and see you? There's not gonna be any funny business right? Seabriar and Dewdrop I trust, but the other cats? I've never seen or talked to them before. Hold on, there's... Nine cats. Nine lives... What. What are they going to do to me?

"H-hi! My n-name is Pike! I'm sorry, I don't know everyone here, b-but it's nice to meet you all?"
It's then that he decides to approach a small black smoke with two fangs peeking out, extending a paw.
"Wait a second. Can? Can I even touch any of you?"
Am I ghost now too? Or is this the same like that time Seabriar was in my dreams? You know... This Starclan thing is kinda complicated. They just feel real. It feels weird not to shake their paw or give them a hug or something. I dunno about them, but I don't really like just staring at somecat.

// if you can't post just put a placeholder and edit in after so people can do theirs as soon as they're able! :3 @Seabriar @Dewdrop @charredboar @egg @whiteflame @darkflame @Wildrose @Willowleaf @PHLOXWISH

Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
Even after he and Dewdrop had given Pike and Smoke directions to the moonstone he still found himself anxiously awaiting their arrival as if the silver tom was his own kit going out hunting for the first time. Creekstar had made some amused remark about it that had earned a snap from the warrior and the former Riverclan leader had simply laughed with a knowing smile before walking away shaking his head. Were he still a living cat he might have let out a sigh of relief when Pike finally, finally, appeared before the cats that had gathered to bestow him his nine lives, and Seabriar was the first to step forward.

"Welcome, Pike. You did well..!" He purred out warmly, pride in his voice. This hadn't been a complete waste of time after all. Maybe he should have had a bit more faith in the tom before him.

"With this life-" Seabriar pauses, ocean blue eyes meeting green for a brief moment before leaning forward to touch nose to forehead. "I give you bravery. There may be times where you want nothing more than to turn away and hide from what lies ahead. This is when you must be brave, to support and protect your clanmates through turbulent times. Use it well."

'Like the shelter collapsing.' He thinks solemnly, if he and the others had awoken sooner maybe it all could have been prevented.

Taking a step back, he glanced to Dewdrop. She would be next to give a life, he was sure.

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She did not jest when she said she would see him soon, too soon, all too soon - if StarClan had a word perhaps it was 'soon'. Sooner rather than later, died too soon, gone too soon, not soon enough, it was poetic and tragic and her heart still ached. Dewdrop missed the salty sea air, she once wandered the shores with her kit at her paws flipping shells to see the way they shimmered in the light, one side alarmingly glossy and iridescent while the other ragged and plain like a simple stone. Beneath the surface of many things there was beauty, the depths of a tide pool, the core of a rock, the heart of a cat who seemed more afraid of the future than what the past had once promised. The pale white molly smiles as she approaches, head tilted and a wink in her sunset colored gaze in an effort to ease the blue tabby's frazzled nerves, "You'll do well, Pike, have faith in you and in the guidance of those who came long before us." Her pink nose meets his coal black one, warmth and then a sweeping chill; the eye of a storm.
"With this life, I give you patience...not only for you to grant others, but for others to be lenient with you. You are learning something new and scary, may your clan grant you the patience and kindness we see you giving them as well. Like a caregiver watching over their kits, give yourself time and understanding - treat yourself kindly."
He looked seconds away from bolting across the field of stars at all times, she wondered idly what happened if you ran away in the middle of a ceremony like this; it felt blasphemous and Dewdrop severely did not want to witness what might occur. Hopefully he steeled himself. Only a few more left....
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A woman of ethereal greatness, Whiteflame moves forth next. She is no former leader nor medicine cat. Her existence began and ended within a den that smelled of milk and warmth. She is a mother, her starlets having joined her in the afterlife not long after she left them. Each little kitten still paws at her tail now, playing between her legs and chasing one another despite the atmosphere that hangs about them. Whiteflame shares a smile with Pike, that of a blessing to be given. Has she done this before? Surely, once or twice - repentance and hope for all her lover has caused. But never for RiverClan. Perhaps it is her own peace that the water-loving colony returns once again, and that she may have a paw in ensuring its survival. Especially after tearing it to shreds by dying prior.

"Pike," she mews his name, like a mother summoning a child, deep set in her chest as she tests it on her tongue. "I am Whiteflame. I do not come from RiverClan's past, but my kits -" she motions to the rascals, likely off pestering a different soul, "- they share the blood of a RiverClan ancestor. It is my honor to be here before you today." She takes and holds that privilege and relief with soft, dulled claws. Her smile never leaves her.

"For you, Pike, I have forgiveness..." she hopes he bends his neck for her, so that her pink nose may trail to the top of his crown. In that space she relinquishes the life, a ripping, agonizing pain that over time fades. In its fading, however, a dread pools, an uncertain understanding that there is no saving this, that an end is near. And finally, peace, punctuated by a cold, cold plunge. Even reprieve is gifted with sharp talons of pain, she thinks. "You are new. Your home is new. Holding grudges and rivalries will not serve you well, Pike. Remember that cats are fallible and learning. You should encourage curiosity and forgive when it fails."

She steps away, her kits summoned to her flank when she does so. A dip of her head, and the molly departs back into the swath of cats. If listened to, someone can hear a bell's laughter in her tone. "Now, who wants to play a game?" And a cheer of childish, "We do!" shortly there after.
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placeholder! (gonna let folks ahead post first just so i can get a good vibe of stuff before replying with wildrose!!)
⋆˚✿˖° Though I walk in silence, my heart speaks loud in the stars above.

Willowleaf watched the tom with quiet curiosity, a gentle smile touching her maw as he spoke. He was young still, brimming with energy, with questions, with uncertainty. She understood. To him, this was uncharted waters, a path yet untread. A soft chuckle rumbled in her chest as she observed Seabriar step forward, offering the first life. Bravery, a strong gift. Then came Dewdrop with patience. Another necessary virtue. A part of her wished that this too had been given to ShadowClan, but that was a worry for another day.

She watched as others came forth, Charredboar, Whiteflame, Egg, Wildrose, Phloxwish... Each bestowing their own wisdom, their own strength. And then, at last, it was her turn. With a quiet breath, Willowleaf stepped forward, warmth flickering in her ice-blue eyes like the glow of distant starlight. She gazed upon Pike with something soft, something almost motherly, as she dipped her head.

" I am Willowleaf. " she murmured, her stammering voice carrying like a whisper on the wind. " And I give you the life of protection. "

She pressed her nose to his, and in an instant, the world around them unraveled.

Pike was no longer standing in the clearing. He was small, vulnerable... His paws were sinking into thick, cloying mud. The air crackled with furious yowls, shadows surging forward, claws outstretched, poised to strike. Fear coiled tight in his chest. But before the blow could land, warmth engulfed him and there was a shield of fur, a barrier of unwavering strength. He could feel it, the fire within her. A love so fierce it burned, not to destroy, but to defend, to cradle, to protect. Then, pain. Searing, white-hot agony, the kind that came with sacrifice, with the choice to give everything for another. The ache was unbearable, and yet... there was no regret. Only purpose. Only love.

And then, like ripples across water, the vision shattered. The present returned to him, the clearing materializing once more. Willowleaf watched him with gentle eyes, the stars at her paws gleaming like moonlight on still waters.

" Let this life remind you... " she murmured with warmth. " That true protection is not only in fangs and claws, but in sacrifice, in love, in standing firm even when the tide threatens to sweep you away. Bear it well, Pike. Let no harm come to those in your care. "

With that, she stepped back, her form wreathed in quiet starlight, her presence a fleeting echo of the love that had guided her in life and would continue to do so, even in death.

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