Private The Farm The songs you grow to like never stick at first // Soot

This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


you're always flashing your teeth
He / Him
Played by
Character Hub


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Coy's eyes were locked onto a rabbit as it sniffed along the grassy floor of the field, his tail tip flicking back and forth with excitement. He had never caught a rabbit, or even chased after one, so the young tom was fueled by pure curiosity and his own naivety.

He didn't pay any mind to which direction the wind was blowing as he stalked onward, his pace quickening as his excitement grew. But before he even got close enough to pounce as he would on a vole, the rabbit shot up, its ears tall as its head darted around the field, before its eyes set on Coy.

Coy froze, the fur along his shoulders bristling in surprise as he stared back at what was supposed to be his prey.

In the blink of an eye the rabbit darted away from the scene, kicking up grass and dirt with its powerful hind paws. With a sharp inhale Coyote quickly gave chase after the creature, his attention solely focused on its brown fur as it bobbed across the field.

Adrenaline coursed through his paws as he felt them gain on the rabbit, slowly closing the distance between himself and the creature. I'm getting closer! He exclaimed to himself, imagining the look on the other Barncat's faces as he dragged a catch of this size back into the stables.

Coyote sharply turned the corner of a bush as the rabbit suddenly changed direction, but his chase came to an abrupt end as another force knocked into him from the side--a blur of black and orange fur. With a hiss Coyote tumbled against the field in a tangle of fur and paws, his claws digging to get a grip on whatever had crashed into him.

  • ⟡ OOC -
  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has an angular build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
Soot's tail twitches with excitement, as his pine green eyes lock on his prey– an innocent rabbit. It sniffs the grassy terrain, seemingly unaware of the young tom watching it from afar. I need to bring this back, Soot decides quickly, as he attempts to keep his belly low to the ground. Frankly, he doesn't know how to hunt. He's never hunted a rabbit before, nor chased one– but he's watched countless barn cats catch up to them. They're fast little creatures, but who's to say he won't keep up?

He stalks forward, his heart racing with excitement as he inches closer to his future catch. His gaze sees nothing but the rabbit, not even the other barncat stalking it too. Not only that, he fails to notice a stick in his pathway, until it crunches beneath his paws. His fur bristles with surprise at the sudden sound, and he holds his breath as the rabbit's ears perk up. He barely gets to blink, before the rabbit darks across the field.

He silently curses, and propels himself forward with his hind legs. You aren't getting away from me! Soot wants to yell at the rabbit, kicking up more grass and dust as he chases after it. But he holds his breath instead, grinning as he gets closer and closer to it. You might be fast, but I'm faster!

He can almost taste the rabbit's flesh in his mouth, but before he could go for the kill, the rabbit has one more surprise for him. It turns, and the young tom curses as he sharply turns after it. Ha! Is this the best you got-

Suddenly a blur of tan fur blocks off his target, and he is unable to stop himself from colliding into the other barn cat's side. He lets out a yowl of surprise as he tumbles into the field with Coyote, claws digging into fur that was meant for the rabbit. As they tumble, the rabbit races off into the field; surviving another day.

He relaxes his claws, and separates himself from the younger cat with his ears pinned to his skull. Dust and grass stick to his fur, as he sends a deep glare towards the tan and blue ticked tabby.
"Nice going, fleabrain!"
Soot hisses at the younger tom, lashing his tail back and forth.
"You ruined my first catch!"

  • 96515777_OvlstfWoFrg07uR.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • SOOT
    — future apprentice of windclan, barn cat
    ⚘ 6 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 1st
    ⚘ speech is
    — thoughts are #75a991 — attacks are underlined
    ⚘ shorthaired tortoiseshell with pine green eyes
    ⚘ peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
    ⚘ penned by vvin — vvinsoli on discord — open to plots & dms

  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ With one last hiss Coyote gave Soot a quick shove with his hind paw as they separated, scrambling to his paws as he shook dirt and debris from his pelt. Coy spun around to face who he had ran into, mirroring the bicolor tom's glare with his own.

Your catch?" Coyote spat, the ruffled fur on his shoulders beginning to rise in retaliation at his insult. "I was the one who made the rabbit flee--I was chasing it--It was my catch!" With a somewhat of a whiny growl Coyote shoved his muzzle up towards the taller tom, the tip of his tail flicking in annoyance. "Or it was going to be, until some idiot crashed into me!" Coyote wasn't normally this bold, but this was the second time his hunt had been in his eyes 'ruined' by another. That, and the claw marks Soot had left him from their collision stung.

Working his claws into the dirt, Coyote searched the tom's gaze as his body stood stiff with anger.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has an angular build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him