⌋if i knew this love would do; im running from the floor
sunlight is a barn cat (and a future a warrior of windclan, under the name sunlitwing). they identify as nonbinary and use they and he pronouns. they are currently single with no prospects.
sunlight is a longhaired chocolate torbie with white.
sunlight was born to dam sunshine, a housecat, and sire mouser, a barncat, with currently no known siblings. sunlight was born 09.08.2023, they are currently 15 moons old and ages every 8th.
sunlight's barnmates may recognize them for their bleeding heart, soft spoken nature, and trepidation in the face of change. they are an excellent mouser that moves swiftly and silently despite their size, though they are easily overwhelmed and scared off by loud sounds, sudden movements, and strange smells.
sunlight is written by @izanami. please dm me on discord (@nullmoons) or message my channel (nami's noodles) for plots and threads :)
sunlight is a longhaired chocolate torbie with white.
sunlight was born to dam sunshine, a housecat, and sire mouser, a barncat, with currently no known siblings. sunlight was born 09.08.2023, they are currently 15 moons old and ages every 8th.
sunlight's barnmates may recognize them for their bleeding heart, soft spoken nature, and trepidation in the face of change. they are an excellent mouser that moves swiftly and silently despite their size, though they are easily overwhelmed and scared off by loud sounds, sudden movements, and strange smells.
sunlight is written by @izanami. please dm me on discord (@nullmoons) or message my channel (nami's noodles) for plots and threads :)

sunlight is a large, extremely fluffy chocolate torbie with white and leafgreen eyes.. their reference can be found here and their toyhouse here.
sunlight is a mass of fur commonly seen hunched over, ruddy browns and bright creams giving the appearance of sun-dappled leaf litter. their fur is choppy at its edges, giving them a very shapely appearance and an unusual silhouette contrasted by their round and seemingly always startled eyes. bright orange wings stretch down their spine, and butterfly-like stripes paint their face. it can be hard to tell where sunlight ends and their fur begins, larger than most other barncats, but their size is deceiving for when it rains sunlight is only a third of their size, taller than their peers but much sleeker.
sunlight is a mass of fur commonly seen hunched over, ruddy browns and bright creams giving the appearance of sun-dappled leaf litter. their fur is choppy at its edges, giving them a very shapely appearance and an unusual silhouette contrasted by their round and seemingly always startled eyes. bright orange wings stretch down their spine, and butterfly-like stripes paint their face. it can be hard to tell where sunlight ends and their fur begins, larger than most other barncats, but their size is deceiving for when it rains sunlight is only a third of their size, taller than their peers but much sleeker.
+ inquisitive, compromising, gentle, sincere
/ skittish, overthinker, quiet, biased
- fretful, dependent, anxious, self-deprecating
sunlight is a very reserved, quiet cat who is most at home surrounded by those he knows best. although he is a cat of few words, his head is constantly buzzing with thoughts that go left unsaid. he is a silent critic, hanging on to transgressions and holding little grudges he's slow to let go of when he truly feels he's been wronged. a pleaser, sunlight is gentle smiles and little tilts of the head usually accompanied by a nervous ear flick. sunlight is easily startled and will bristle at most things he doesn't recognize, but with encouragement adapts to change fairly quickly. he makes friends quickly, and excels at small talk and pleasantries, although he struggles to open up and confront his fears and nerves./ skittish, overthinker, quiet, biased
- fretful, dependent, anxious, self-deprecating
generation one. no known siblings.
single. no known children.
unknown sexuality, presumed monogamous.
single. no known children.
unknown sexuality, presumed monogamous.
although he's prone to being incredibly shy, sunlight is quick to trust and form connections with. he tries very hard to always see the best in someone unless he's grown to be afraid of them. sunlight will likely consider someone a friend well before it's a reciprocated feeling, and are slow to forgive transgressions unless a forward apology is offered. they will not forgive, nor forget, on their own volition. but with a tender paw, sunlight is a dedicated friend willing to turn a blind eye with a very heavy heart.currently mentoring/mentored by: CHARACTER
admires – tbafriends with – tba
likes – tba
dislikes – tba
fearful of – tba
visual calculus
visual calculus
inland empire
esprit de corps
pain threshold
physical instrument
half light
pain threshold
physical instrument
half light
hand/eye coordination
reaction speed
savoir faire
thread title — development⬤
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — interaction
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — etc
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — desc.
a description or impact of this thread here
sunlight was born of a union between two unlucky lovers, a barncat who swat most twolegs who dared disturb his barn and a little round housecat who circled her twolegs legs with trills for treats. they met through a window, and spent the majority of their relationship communing through a barrier. one day, sunshine managed to sneak out, and the two spent a star-struck handful of nights together before sunshine finally had to return to her twolegs out of guilt. at their next glass rendezvous, sunshine informs her beloved that she is expecting. mouser spent restless nights at the barn as sunshine grew heavy with kittens, eventually moving to sleep next to the window they met at every night to spend as much time with her as he could.
their litter was born, and once the kitten's appetite for milk waned, sunlight was passed through a cracked window to their father. "[he] looks so much like us," sunshine would laugh, licking the bobbing heads of their remaining kits, words sunlight would never remember. "i'll name [him] sunlight, just like you. just like you, my love," their father whispered, collecting the newly named sunlight by the scruff and heading off to the barn. mouser figured they would visit regularly - seeing the rest of his family through a window was heartbreaking, but at least he had one kitten of theirs to keep his head on straight.
a moon later, sunlight is old enough to keep pace with their father. mouser had visited sunshine only a few days prior, his darling beloved stressed about changes around her home that the twolegs had been doing. "come with me, my love," he pleaded, reaching a paw under the glass and attempting to budge it upward. "come to the barn with me. it can me you, me, and our kittens. please, love. i have a terrible feeling." sunshine laughed, a delicate and airy laugh, gently hooking her paw around her mates. "no no, my love, my housefolk simply rearrange from time to time. it's alright. come back tomorrow, alright? teach our [boy] how to hunt, now. oh, i wish it's something i learned."
the next day, sunshine and her housefolk were missing. the house was filled with strange two-legs, shuffling and rearranging items into a massive monster in the driveway. with no trace of his mate or the rest of his litter, mouser spiraled out of control. sunlight stayed at the barn and counted strands of hay while their father would be gone for ages at a time, welcoming him home with a warm smile that was never reciprocated.
shortly after, mouser never reappeared. sunlight searched for their father, to the best of his unskilled abilities, and enlisted the help of other barncats. but at the age of three moons, sunlight resigned to growing without his parents. sunlight turned to the other barncats, and coiled around the leg of the twoleg that tended the barn, and has found themselves content to not wander far from home lest they too lose their way.
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