[ please check the ooc note below!! ]
"You're more useful out there, Ro..." Serpentberry nudges the apprentice (that's the terminology, is it not? It feels odd on her tongue,) out of their den. There's a tether to the girl as they linger by the entrance, her own eyes half lidded with reluctance. She'll share the russet-furred molly with a few warriors who would do incredibly well to ensure not a single hair of hers is out of place. But she can't withhold Rowanpaw from her duties around camp - even some who she would consider still injured are on her mind as she considers her actions. She approached Juniperstar with her intent the night prior - "My herbs; Cicada took half of them. If anything is to happen..."
They're all still learning. They're barely functioning as their ancestors once did, only knowing the recent past to reflect on. Serpentberry shackles herself to her den, to her kittens who need her, and makes the hard decisions - to trust others.
Warriors are gathered by her den, sent this way in the morning light either by word of mouth or by Juniperstar herself. She looks to them all, spies a soul or two who she'd rather not send out, and slides on her winning grin. "Thank you all for giving me your time. Finding plantlife during this season will make you feel miserable and useless, and maybe you'll believe your time better spent elsewhere -" and maybe it is. Her ear twitches, "- but it's only for a few hours of daylight. You'll manage."
She leans back, her tail draped across the entrance of her den, hoping to trip any kits that try tumbling away. "Owlbark, take Darkplume and Rowanpaw with you. Ghoststrike, Hazelheart and Trufflepaw," she groups them by threes - cats with know-how, with grit, with curiosity and hardiness. She gives the youth a chance to shine and the older the opportunity to learn new tricks. Her gaze flickers, "Thunderflash - do not make me regret this - Copperstorm, and Rampaw." A long look to the tom, who's side would bleed if he brushed a trunk too hard. He's antsy to get about. She finds a glimmer in her own eye as she separates him, however, from one of the other patrol leaders. He can't have it all. "Okay, one more... Gravelpath, how about Honeysucklecry and Tuliptail with you?" Four patrols - twelve cats hoisted into the wonderland outside of their camp at once, hopeful to return with a semblance of herbs.
"Return with anything not quite withered. Berries, leaves, flowers - if it tastes bitter, use a leaf and drag it on the snow. If it falls apart between your teeth, leave it. It will not be worth the effort." Serpentberry looks about the cast of cats she's putting her hope into - her daughter, some cats who've lost those close to them, others who almost lost themselves. Great Stars, she knows how to pick them, huh?
"Alright - off with you then!" She waves a paw, "Return by sunhigh and you'll have the rest of the day to waste away as you please."
[ what's this? simple herb patrols?? NOT!!!! welcome to your surprise landmark discovery thread!!!!! with this thread taking place after everyone gets their names, it will be assumed that these places have been seen prior - so the patrols will have a prompt to go with them as well :] patrol leads are expected to make the threads and tag their patrolmates; if this cannot be done, let me know! i'll ask someone else in the patrol to handle it :3! ]
[ additionally these patrols are randomized however they are pulled directly from the census onsite. let this be your reminder to sign your ocs up if you want to be included in fun things like this in the future!!! ]
"You're more useful out there, Ro..." Serpentberry nudges the apprentice (that's the terminology, is it not? It feels odd on her tongue,) out of their den. There's a tether to the girl as they linger by the entrance, her own eyes half lidded with reluctance. She'll share the russet-furred molly with a few warriors who would do incredibly well to ensure not a single hair of hers is out of place. But she can't withhold Rowanpaw from her duties around camp - even some who she would consider still injured are on her mind as she considers her actions. She approached Juniperstar with her intent the night prior - "My herbs; Cicada took half of them. If anything is to happen..."
They're all still learning. They're barely functioning as their ancestors once did, only knowing the recent past to reflect on. Serpentberry shackles herself to her den, to her kittens who need her, and makes the hard decisions - to trust others.
Warriors are gathered by her den, sent this way in the morning light either by word of mouth or by Juniperstar herself. She looks to them all, spies a soul or two who she'd rather not send out, and slides on her winning grin. "Thank you all for giving me your time. Finding plantlife during this season will make you feel miserable and useless, and maybe you'll believe your time better spent elsewhere -" and maybe it is. Her ear twitches, "- but it's only for a few hours of daylight. You'll manage."
She leans back, her tail draped across the entrance of her den, hoping to trip any kits that try tumbling away. "Owlbark, take Darkplume and Rowanpaw with you. Ghoststrike, Hazelheart and Trufflepaw," she groups them by threes - cats with know-how, with grit, with curiosity and hardiness. She gives the youth a chance to shine and the older the opportunity to learn new tricks. Her gaze flickers, "Thunderflash - do not make me regret this - Copperstorm, and Rampaw." A long look to the tom, who's side would bleed if he brushed a trunk too hard. He's antsy to get about. She finds a glimmer in her own eye as she separates him, however, from one of the other patrol leaders. He can't have it all. "Okay, one more... Gravelpath, how about Honeysucklecry and Tuliptail with you?" Four patrols - twelve cats hoisted into the wonderland outside of their camp at once, hopeful to return with a semblance of herbs.
"Return with anything not quite withered. Berries, leaves, flowers - if it tastes bitter, use a leaf and drag it on the snow. If it falls apart between your teeth, leave it. It will not be worth the effort." Serpentberry looks about the cast of cats she's putting her hope into - her daughter, some cats who've lost those close to them, others who almost lost themselves. Great Stars, she knows how to pick them, huh?
"Alright - off with you then!" She waves a paw, "Return by sunhigh and you'll have the rest of the day to waste away as you please."
[ what's this? simple herb patrols?? NOT!!!! welcome to your surprise landmark discovery thread!!!!! with this thread taking place after everyone gets their names, it will be assumed that these places have been seen prior - so the patrols will have a prompt to go with them as well :] patrol leads are expected to make the threads and tag their patrolmates; if this cannot be done, let me know! i'll ask someone else in the patrol to handle it :3! ]
[ additionally these patrols are randomized however they are pulled directly from the census onsite. let this be your reminder to sign your ocs up if you want to be included in fun things like this in the future!!! ]
thunderclan territory map for the culture
owl tree
- - lead: @OWLBARK
- @DARKPLUME @rowanpaw
prompt - the tree is tall, just like any other, but it seems to stand apart from its brotheren. its trunk is wide and sturdy, too, with a gaping maw high in the branches. nearby a stack of rocks settles, and a single mouse peaks out. does the patrol correlate these two? does someone begin the rumor that owls take to roosting here?
snake rocks
- @Copperstorm @Rampaw
prompt - the thunderpath clouds the senses of the patrol. while sniffing about for herbs, someone notices that there's a cluster of stones, smelling just faintly of mice. hunger presses the patrol forward - until a rock shifts underfoot and reveals a snake corpse. the patrol begins to wonder... is this a safe place to be?
sandy hollow
- - lead: @- Ghost -
- @hazelheart @cassidy
prompt - after wandering the territory for a while, the patrol happens upon a clearing. they become hopeful - perhaps beneath the snow, there will be herbs! however instead, sand shows itself. it seems the entire hollow is softened underfoot. does the patrol find use in this discovery, or are they frustrated with the failrd endeavor?
- - lead: @GravelPath
- @Tuliptail @honeysucklecry
prompt - although no one in the patrol claims to be a good swimmer, the cats persevere towards the river regardless. they happen upon a small outset from the treeline, where the sun beams down on wide, flat stones. the patrol feels warmer than they have since leafbare began; do they take the time to relax and sunbathe a bit?
owl tree
- - lead: @OWLBARK
- @DARKPLUME @rowanpaw
prompt - the tree is tall, just like any other, but it seems to stand apart from its brotheren. its trunk is wide and sturdy, too, with a gaping maw high in the branches. nearby a stack of rocks settles, and a single mouse peaks out. does the patrol correlate these two? does someone begin the rumor that owls take to roosting here?
snake rocks
- @Copperstorm @Rampaw
prompt - the thunderpath clouds the senses of the patrol. while sniffing about for herbs, someone notices that there's a cluster of stones, smelling just faintly of mice. hunger presses the patrol forward - until a rock shifts underfoot and reveals a snake corpse. the patrol begins to wonder... is this a safe place to be?
sandy hollow
- - lead: @- Ghost -
- @hazelheart @cassidy
prompt - after wandering the territory for a while, the patrol happens upon a clearing. they become hopeful - perhaps beneath the snow, there will be herbs! however instead, sand shows itself. it seems the entire hollow is softened underfoot. does the patrol find use in this discovery, or are they frustrated with the failrd endeavor?
- - lead: @GravelPath
- @Tuliptail @honeysucklecry
prompt - although no one in the patrol claims to be a good swimmer, the cats persevere towards the river regardless. they happen upon a small outset from the treeline, where the sun beams down on wide, flat stones. the patrol feels warmer than they have since leafbare began; do they take the time to relax and sunbathe a bit?