Flicker awoke with a yawn, a puffy cloud of hot breath drifting up to the barn rafters. The midday sun glinted beyond wooden doors, and through the glare of its dazzle upon the earth she saw that fresh snow layered the ground. She stretched and padded out, blinking as her eyes adjusted. There weren't heaps like the drifts that came in deep winter, but it was definitely new. Flicker prodded the ground with a paw, stamping a print that could be seen clear as the blue sky. Perfect for tracking rabbits. The young calico's stomach murmured hopefully. She was looking forward to spring, when songbird eggs would be laid, but for now she would happily take anything furry.
"Hey, Hayloft," she meowed, lifting her head in greeting as the tom strolled into view. "You busy? I bet we could track heaps of prey in all this new snow." Flicker preferred company on a hunt, she found it helped with any dullness. And since the dog attack, she'd happily take half the barn with her this afternoon if they were willing.
// @Hayloft.
"Hey, Hayloft," she meowed, lifting her head in greeting as the tom strolled into view. "You busy? I bet we could track heaps of prey in all this new snow." Flicker preferred company on a hunt, she found it helped with any dullness. And since the dog attack, she'd happily take half the barn with her this afternoon if they were willing.
// @Hayloft.