Closed Territory RiverClan there'll be oats in the water 𓆟. ° .• — SEARCH PARTY

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


After all, darlin', I wouldn't sell the world
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Character Hub
{$title} A search party looks for Leech after Rosepaw is rescued from drowning.

Takes place shortly after this thread.

The urgent shuffle of paws scraped against the dirt before coming to a stop at the river's edge. The setting sun bathed everything in an orange glow—not the most ideal time for something like this. Then again, there never would have been an ideal time. Adderfang wished he didn't have to do this at all.

Wavesong had told him what happened—how Rosepaw had fallen into the river, how Leechpaw was still missing. The girl had been shaken and exhausted. There hadn't been much else to get out of her in that state, so Wave's account of what happened would have to be enough.

These kits had no business leaving camp alone. No business being near the river, especially without proper skills. Some parts of the water were too dangerous for young swimmers, even on the warmest days. A heavy sigh marked the start of what was bound to be a long night.

Adderfang is quick to step up and put some sense of organization to their efforts. His eyes drifted over the patrol that had assembled. "We're going to split up to cover more ground. Bay." If the scouting trip had proven anything, it was that Bay was reliable. The only other cats Adderfang trusted to keep Pikestar from falling in or getting lost Wavesong and himself. Smokewreath, unfortunately, was not here to do that a second time. "Fishgaze. Pikestar. You all form a party." He hesitated briefly, eyeing the RiverClan leader, waiting for any objections. If Pike had a better idea, Adderfang would've listened. Still, he figured it best to keep some space between them for now. Sorting things out with Pike would have to wait.

"Peachtrot, you're with Wave and me." Peachy was reliable—if a bit too optimistic. Adderfang would rather keep Wave by his side. With that pairings were settled, as long as there weren't any complaints.

And there had better not be. They couldn't afford to waste time bickering.

Transparency needs to be had and Adder knows that if he doesn't address the difficult topics, no one will. Even if Leech could swim, there are parts of the river unsuited for young cats. By now Adder's hopes are low. The tension tightens in his shoulders. "We should check breakpoints in the current where he could've... washed..." He moves on quickly, "Just be thorough."

"We'll start where Rosepaw fell in, then spread out in different directions, sweeping along the river. One of us will break from the group to fetch the other if we find anything. Otherwise, when the sun sets, we meet back here." He shifted his weight, tail flicking impatiently. "Anything to add? Be quick. We do not have the luxury of time."

  • "speech" - thoughts

    @PIKESTAR @Wavesong @Bay @Peachtrot @Fishgaze
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet​
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Fishgaze could feel his heart beating so, so fast. He heard the news about Rosepaw and Leechpaw. They were so young! And he had to help with the searches. How could he not? Such young cats, Rosepaw was very lucky to not have drowned, that someone saved her.

He heard attentively what Adderfang said, nodding along. Adder know what he was doing and it made Fishgaze feel more at ease at first. Someone was in charge and moving things along. That was very important for such cases.

When Adder pointed Fishgaze to form a team with Pikestar, their leader, he felt his heart beat a bit too fast. He felt the need to pace nervously around, but stopped himself. He needed to show how he could be a great warrior, that he was relieable. And maybe if he found Leechpaw, everyone would think about how cool he was, how he was such a great cat. He imagined himself finding Leechpaw, rescuing him from the waters, still alive and well, but just because Fishgaze found him. Fishgaze was a great swimmer, afterall.

Fishgaze nodded firmly to Adder.

However, when Adderfang talked about how they needed to check for places where he would wash up, Fishgaze noticed the implication: maybe they were only looking to find Leechpaw's body. He felt his heart drop. No, that wasn't fair, that wasn't right. Leechpaw was so young, with so much to live. No, they would find Leech still alive. Fishgaze was sure of it.

"I'm ready to go, we will find Leechpaw!" Fishgaze said, trying to be reassuring.
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Reactions: Meadowpaw
Pikestar was unaware of what had transpired between Leechpaw and Rosepaw. He had been out of camp, and the moment he returned, he was practically whisked by Adderfang into this group. Their party wasn't the biggest. Guess we just grabbed whoever was closest. To be honest he had no clue what was going exactly other than Adderfang telling them they were going to split up to cover more ground. Why? Is there like a fox or something? Or are we looking for something? Hopefully... Yeah no, this is Adder we're talking about. When he's super serious like this, it's bound to be bad.

He is correct in his assumptions given the fact that he was thrown in a patrol with Bayhowl of all cats. Oogh. Bayhowl. This is going to be great. I can feel it in my paws. I haven't talked much with Fishgaze before, but he's never been such a grump. If Adder had any worries in an objection from Pikestar, it would be quelled by a nod of his head. The silver tabby simply strolls over to Fishgaze, unaware of the warrior's nervousness. While he may have been their leader, it wasn't as if he was any different from how he was before being thrusted into this position. That is to say that he wasn't mean or unapproachable. At least, he doesn't think so.

Anyhow, the situation has become clear. They're on a rescue mission and two young lives are at state. Leechpaw and Rosepaw who he knows decently well from his time looking after them. Especially Leechpaw, who had bitten his tail more than once. Time is of essence and he trusts Adder's judgement. Even if things were still strange between them, he will never deny the warrior's skill in coming up with a plan in such short notice as well as gathering a group to do so.
"I've got nothing to add. L-let's just hurry and find Leechpaw."
Please be alive. I know you're a feisty one and I hope that hasn't changed. You better be alive.
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Reactions: Scarlet

Wavesong shifted anxiously from paw to paw, her worry plain as she scanned the others. Leech had been with Rose, that much, she understood. Maybe there had been an argument, sharp words exchanged... but then what? Had they fallen into the river? Or not? Rose wasn't certain, she'd been too busy trying not to drown. Stars above... A shudder ran through Wavesong at the thought of that temperamental boy lost, alone. If he had fallen in, if the current had carried him away…

She swallowed hard. Turning toward Adderfang, she gave a sharp nod. The plan was clear. Peachtrot, Adderfang, and she would search one side. Fishgaze, Pikestar, and Bayhowl would take the other. " Pray we find the boy, so we can bring 'im home safe. " she murmured, dipping her head. Then, firmer: " Let's go. As Adder says, we've not the luxury o' time on our paws. " Without another word, she turned, setting off with purpose.

She would find Leech.

She would not return home only to tell her daughter they'd lost her friend.

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    ☆ a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    ☆ mentored by who / mentoring no one
    ☆ whichever relations / want listed
    ☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    ☆ penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
Reactions: Adderfang
Stupid kits and their stupid games. Bay cannot believe how quick disaster had struck; not even a proper moon has passed since their arrival to their new home, surrounded by water just like at the Shipyard, and already someone has found themselves in quite a situation. He does not say what they all are surely thinking. The chances of a cat without proper experience due to age surviving in these conditions... it's not looking too bright. Consequences, he thinks grimly. It's a miracle Rosepaw had not succumbed to the freezing depths — miracle in the form of Wavesong.

Perhaps this will act as a cruel reminder that the currents are not for play.

Adderfang is quick to dish out orders. That seems to be the norm around here; first Pikestar with his imaginary island, now Adderfang with his search patrols. At least this one makes tangible sense. His tail flicks in mild irritation, but he does not argue with the older tom.

"Let's get going."
His nod is brisk. Already the ever-waving surface of the waters are painted with vague tints of orange; even if their eyes get used to the dark, it would be near impossible to find the black pelt of Leechpaw in the night. If the search party does not succeed today, they would not do so later on either.