Hello and welcome to Purrgatory! We are an 18+ Warrior Cat Roleplay set in an AU where the clans were unable to leave the forest territories and perished!
It has been 100 or more years since then, the clans of the forest are but distant memories to any cats still alive, stories passed down to kits of strangely named wild warriors and leaders with nine lives but the time of the clans is upon us once more and the stars shine yet again.
{$title} for the scary voices prompt. u know the one
Still so young, Desperate for attention!
indentttMothbite is no stranger to cruel voices that whisper in his ears. Ever since he was a kit, it seems someone somewhere has had something nasty to say about him. When he lived with his mother, the cats behind the voices had the common courtesy to say it to his face. Cursed. Runt. Deadmeat. They made no secret how they felt about him. Now, cats were more secretive, but he still heard their words through the looks they sent his way. Now, though, the voices had no source he could see - disembodied voices trailing on the wind.
indenttt Despite his being alone, the voices continued. Mothbite's fur bristles. "If you've got something to say, come out and say it! Or are you too afraid to show yourself?" Despite the machismo he attempts to project in his voice, he can still hear his words wobble. Through the rain, the voices continue to mock him.
It was just another day for him, really. The birds fluttered from tree to tree, and Timber ambled out of the nursery with bleary eyes. It had been quiet in the camp, far quieter than it usually had been, and he decided to close his eyes for just a moment and revel in it.
Well, it had been quiet. All of the sudden, a loud, angry voice startled his eyes open. It took the chocolate colored tom a moment to regain his bearings, and eventually his eyes trained on a cat not too far from him. Mothbite, if he remembered correctly — he had heard of the young tom's promotion to Nightguard, though he wasn't entirely sure just how much weight the promotion carried. Either way, he looked... distressed, to say the least, and Timber couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. Timber was only a few moons older than him, surely they had some sort of common ground they could bond over. Anything to cheer him up.
"You doin' okay?" The tom said uncertainly, squinting at the other through the rain as he approached. Timber had spent far too much time soaked by the rain here, it hardly bothered him anymore. Still, he couldn't help but shiver against the cruel winds that accompanied the rain. It must've been freezing for the other as well. "It's awfully stormy out here-" He started gently, attempting to speak as loud to be heard over the rain but not being threatening. For good measure, Timber tried for an assuring smile. "Maybe It'd be best to take a break from being out here. Might help warm you up."
'And calm you down', Timber thought uneasily to himself.
indentttThe new voice among the chorus made Mothbite's fur bristle. In the back of his mind, he recognizes it as Timber, the tomcat who watched over the nursery. The forefront of his mind however, was clouded by the red haze of embarrassment and rage. He hardly took into account Timber's usually kind and accommodating presence - all he heard was another mocking voice.
indenttt"Don't patronize me!" Mothbite hisses, whirling around to face Timber. "I know you can hear them too!" The rain soaks through his coat. Even though he's gained some weight since the move to the pocosin, his hips and shoulders still jut out, and the faint outline of ribs can be seen where wet fur clings to his frame. He looks at Timber, but his eyes are wild and unfocused, not truly seeing what's in front of him. He's being haunted, by the voices in the rain and the shadowed memories of his own mind.
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