this is my kingdom come [🦅] 1.15 meeting

  • Love is in the air, platonic, familial or even romantic! Check out SkyClan's Matchmaker Event!
She / They
SkyClan Leader
Played by

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious

They made it. It had become a constant refrain in the leader's head, a silent prayer that went up to her ancestors with an intensity that bordered on fervor: we did it, we did it, we did it. A makeshift camp had been assembled together, something that they could expand on once they had their strength back. Something they could build without fear of destruction or plague or extermination. Here, they were safe from the rats and winds and the constant threat of twoleg expansion. Here, they were safe, and the first night they had settled beneath the sparse canopy... Hawkstar had wept in sweet, quiet relief.

Not that she would ever tell anyone that.

Now, she had situated herself at the argued head of the camp, her whip-like tail curled against the soft bark of a fallen tree. It was a poor excuse for a throne... but it would do for now. "SkyClan, the king calls out, and for one savored second, she allows herself to relish in the ability to call a meeting in her own spacious home. "to me."

They trickle in, and Hawkstar's ever-whizzing eye flicks from cat to cat, assessing... counting. All warriors accounted for. All apprentices confirmed. Electric blue searches, momentarily, for two feather-soft coats, the trappings of motherhood seizing upon her compulsive organization before fading back into duty. There were things more important... in this moment, at least.

"I feel as if I must repeat myself today, but StarClan has blessed us. These new hunting grounds will be ours," damned be to any cats that may oppose them "and as such, we would do well to claim them quickly. To do so, I will need to depend on my scouts more than ever.... Batwing and Dovecloud, as my eyes and ears, please go out at first light and mark our preliminary borders as far out as your paws may take you. You may take any cats you wish to complete this task. Take a few bruisers, if it please you." she chuckled lightly at her own joke, knowing full well that SkyClan's bruisers were hardly the type to be guard-dogs rather than just sturdy fortresses of fur. Either way -

"Additionally, I have need of a guard myself. Fujimoto -" the name slips from her tongue like oil, and though she knows that the distaste is not evident on her face, there is a momentary hint of it that expresses itself in an ear flick - quick, but not altogether unnoticeable. "- as my Sun Guard, I expect you to set up the first round of hunting patrols. Before moon-high, thank you." clipped as ever; utilitarian, as if the promotion was nothing more than the closing remarks of a daily report. Flowercloud had petitioned for it, had deigned the daylight warrior an asset to her and her council... but it didn't mean she had to like it. "Okay. Moving on -"

"Bumblepaw, Ponypaw, Asphodelpaw, Cherrypaw. You all took great care to show me exactly what kind of warriors you would be during our journey, and for that, I must applaud your candor. If you promise to uphold the warrior code, and if you are willing to protect and defend this clan with your life -" she waits a beat for each of them to answer, for them all to pledge their soul and service to the clan she so desperately her sworn herself to all those seasons ago, - then I, as sworn leader of SkyClan, give you your warrior names:"

"Bumblepaw and Cherrii. I do not say this lightly, because it is not a statement to be used often, but words can not express how proud I am to be the leader that names you. The both of you showed me true courage, loyalty, and strength during our journey, the likes of which not often associated with cats as young as yourselves. For this, I present you to your clan, anew, as Bumbledawn and Cherrydawn. As the first warriors named in our new forest, I deign you our new beginning: the dawn of our brightest future."

She pauses a moment to allow her first warriors to bathe in their earned accomplishment before continuing, her cadence never slipping from her typical formality: "Asphodelpaw, you are nothing if not resilient," resistant would be a better word, but who was truly keeping score? "For your kindness... and enthusiasm... your name will be Asphodelmeadow." the place where you'd no doubt feel more comfortable. it's a bitter thought, and a nasty insult that is clenched in her throat, behind her tongue, locked away to never be uttered a-loud... but oh, how the child had utterly failed to impress her as much as their siblings had. A shame, really. "Which leaves us with -

"Ponypaw, from this day forward, your name will be Ponywhistle. I am sure that StarClan will agree that your strong will and soundness are a great asset to your clan." the rallying cry in a raging storm. The girl had suffered enough for her own wild nature. Perhaps a name for clarity would bolster the glimmers of potential the king had seen - a polishing agent for the crude stone of her mind. Something to strive for.

Maybe it would be a lesson that all of SkyClan could learn, now that the sky was quite literally the limit, reachable with only enough gut and guile to be able to stretch out and touch it past the canopy they would claim... in due time.

@batwing @Dovecloud @bumblepaw @Cherrii @Ponypaw @Asphodelpaw

/ this meeting marks the END of our journey plot !!! YAY !!!! a big round of applause for our AMAZING hp team @deidre , @maxine , and @Wormwoodland for helping me out with our very first event and so much more on the backend <3 and a second THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE for every single person who posted from day 1 to now, making the start of skyclan something really special !!!! we're gonna have so many more good plots and moments to come but you guys ALL deserve a smooch for how lovely this turned out.

badge thread will be linked here soon

ADDITIONALLY, congratulations to our first sun guard @Fujimoto , played by @gonkpilled . we've got some things planned for you just you wait and see >:3 don't forget to submit your characters in our audition thread if you also want a chance to be on our council !! we're spacing out our promotions a bit more than the other clans because we wanna give people some time to get in and get settled, especially after such a BIG plot. (characters that are already posted will continue to be considered, so no need to repost!! but feel free to edit your apps as new plots and ideas come to mind)


The first night in their makeshift camp had been nothing short of a blessing. The knowledge that this territory was theirs to explore, theirs to protect and care for, filled Cherry with a blissful contentment. She had drifted into sleep with a soft, rumbling purr, the exhaustion of their journey still lingering but eased by the promise of safety and stability. When morning came, the weariness still clung faintly to her bones, but it no longer felt unbearable.

Hawkstar's call for a meeting brought her bounding forward with newfound energy, her eyes gleaming and a bright smile lighting up her face. In her excitement, she misjudged a step, tripping over an unseen root. Her paws stumbled slightly, but she quickly recovered, brushing it off with a flustered flick of her tail. She was still learning the layout of their new home, after all.

As Hawkstar's voice carried over the gathered cats, Cherry closed her eyes briefly, suppressing the urge to purr aloud. They were truly blessed. New hunting grounds, new places to explore, perhaps even a permanent camp, though she wasn't sure if this would become it. Whatever lay ahead, she was certain SkyClan could handle it. They were resilient. They were strong. They were SkyClan.

Her gaze instinctively sought out Batwing and Dovecloud, the warriors chosen to lead the first patrols into their new territory. Cherry fought the urge to dash toward one of them, eager to be part of the first patrols into the unknown. Instead, she forced herself to remain seated, her eyes fixed intently on Hawkstar.

Then came Fujimoto's moment. A Sun Guard! Cherry's awe was palpable, her eyes wide with admiration as she watched the former daylighter. Her paws twitched with barely contained excitement, thoughts racing. Perhaps one day she, too, could rise to such an esteemed rank, helping her clan in every way imaginable. But the thought made her flustered. She wasn't ready. She was still so young, still just a former daylighter. Surely Hawkstar wouldn't consider her yet...

" Cherrypaw. "

Her ears pricked sharply at the sound of her name. No... Her new name. Cherrypaw. A thrill of pride surged through her chest, making her whiskers quiver. She had joined SkyClan as Cherry, but now she was truly part of them. This name was hers, and it bound her to the clan she loved so fiercely.

Almost shyly, she stepped forward, her eyes wide with awe and admiration as she looked up at Hawkstar. " I promise with all my heart and soul that I will uphold the Warrior Code. " she meowed, her voice firm despite the rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. " And I will defend and protect this clan with my very life. " She lifted her head high, her pride unmistakable.

Hawkstar's gaze shifted between her and Bumblepaw, and she felt her breath catch. When the names were bestowed, Bumbledawn and Cherrydawn, her heart soared. She couldn't help but glance at Bumbledawn, excitement dancing in her eyes at sharing such an important moment with another. The were the beginning of a new day, a new dawn... She knew she would carry it with pride.

A loud purr rumbled in her chest as she respectfully dipped her head to Hawkstar. When she looked back up, a determined glint shone in her eyes. " I will wear the name with pride. " she whispered softly before stepping back to allow the others their moment.

Asphodelmeadow and Ponywhistle were called forward next, their names ringing out over the clearing. Cherrydawn cheered loudly for them, her tail flicking with joy. Settling back into her spot, she fluffed up her fur, her head held high. A deep sense of belonging coursed through her veins.

This was home. She was SkyClan. And she was exactly where she was meant to be.

・゚✦ —— I'm reaching light through the struggle


abababaifghdggddfgfdgjCrafted, Holy, Rolling Thunder

indentPonypaw steps to stand at the foot of Hawkstar's 'throne', anticipation boiling under her fur. Each quickened breath she takes is accompanies by a faint wheeze, the only remnant of her brush with death. Or, at the very least, the only physical scar. The tabby remains shaken from the experience, the bitter cold of the frozen river never truly leaving her heart. 'I could have gotten someone killed. Me and my stupid, homesick heart really could have killed Sagesong.' If only she had been strong willed in the way that her sibling are. In the way that Wolfstorm is.

indentPonypaw knows, in retrospect, that she had been placed under his tutelage in an effort to 'toughen her up' by proximity to the rugged tom. Unfortunately, Coffeestar had failed to take into account her mentor's bleeding heart, or her own stubborn naivete. She had become reliant on him, as her knight in shining armor, to protect her from hardship and conflict. Ponypaw had ignored the shadows and grief that played at the edges of Wolfstorm's being, instead using his goodwill to keep herself sheltered. 'I don't deserve him as a mentor. He should have gone with Cherrypaw instead, and trained with her.'

indent Ponypaw is no stranger to Wolfstorm's fondness for her fellow apprentice. Where he and Ponypaw had the bond of a mentor and their charge, Cherrypaw held a place in his heart more like family. It made her a little bitter, at times, to have her mentor doting on some other cats apprentice. But more often that not, she just felt a little empty, whenever she saw them together. 'I want to be in her place. I want him to look at me like he looks at her. I want to be the center of his world.'

indent When Cherrydawn is given her name, Ponypaw feels shame twist in her gut. The molly had been nothing but kind to her, and yet her she was, looking at her with envy and disgust. Cherrydawn was bright, and courageous, and strong. She's be a wonderful warrior, and serve Skyclan well.

indentPonypaw has far less faith in her own abilities. All her life, she had only ever been 'okay' at things. She was often able to outperform Asphodelpaw - Asphodelmeadow, now - due to his sickly nature, but she rarely came out on top of anyone else. 'I'm really a shame. I wouldn't be surprised if Hawkstar decides not to make me a warrior at all.'

indentWhen she hears the name Ponywhistle, she originally takes it as a cruel joke at her expense, a jab at the way her lingering illness makes her breath whistle and wheeze. When Hawkstar continues, though, she realizes this isn't the case. 'Strong will and soundness. Is that really what she thinks of me?' She has a hard time believing it. Hawkstar has always struck her as difficult to impress, and assumed she would always be an afterthought to her new leader. But it seems like she had noticed her, at least a little. It was enough to make the frozen ice around her heart warm and melt, just a little. She smiles shyly, tears threatening to spill from her watery eyes.

indent"Ponywhistle is such a pretty name. I'll be sure to wear it with pride."

Ponypaw | 11 moons | Apprentice of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa

- tagging @Cherrydawn @WOLFSTORM since Pony talk abt them quite a bit here -​
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Reactions: Teaselpaw
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Truthfully they were no stranger to travel like this-though perhaps not at the pace Hawkstar had set for them all-but it was always a welcome relief when one came to journey's end. Sagesong's tired paws itched to get out there and explore. To take Magepiepaw and show them the very edge of their new territory as if to say See? I told you everything would be fine in the end.

'Skyclan, to me.'

They looked up expectantly, tail curled around their paws as Hawkstar addressed the clan. Yes, this was it. Like Hawkstar said, they were home. Borders were to be set, and the first of the new Sun Guard was named. Bumblepaw, Ponypaw, Asphodelpaw, and Cherrypaw were given and Sagesong was the first to cheer for Skyclan's new warriors and Sun Guard in their new home.

And perhaps, she cheered just a tiny bit louder for Ponywhistle, relief and pride in her voice that the young molly had thankfully made it despite all that had happened in their journey.
  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.


Skyclan, to me.

Batwing moved as he was called, ears forward. His paws ached and his muscles screaming for more rest, especially after the last battle of the Journey, but he didn't bother to laze around. A soft grunt left him as he settled down, eyes lifting towards Hawkstar herself. And she was ever critical, watching to make sure that Skyclan's flock came to their shepherd. He himself is amongst them- but that is to not call them sheep, mindless followers. No, they trusted their shepherd with their lives, but they were not thoughtless drones.

His chin lifts as she begins to speak, head nodding gently at the suggestion. His name is the first to ring out amongst her announcements, and his shoulders square as he is named. "Can and will do, chief!" He calls, grinning to himself as he glances sidelong. Eyes searched for his brother, then shifted back towards Dovecloud, nodding to the others. Bruisers. A funny statement alone, given the nature of their clan. Fujimoto's name is called, awarded the first Sun Guard since the demotion of the council before leaving for the Journey.

His head tips gently in thought. He dwells but only for a moment, sparkling green eyes moving to find his apprentice, a grin spreading on his face as Asphodelpaw is hailed to the front. Even if he feels she had some gaps in her training, she had proven herself as much as the rest of the other apprentices- eyes switching towards Ponypaw with brief worry- then back towards the rest. A mouthful of a name is awarded to his apprentice- no, one of the newest warriors to grace this unfamiliar forest. Asphodelmeadow. Fitting, at least.

Batwing is one of the first to lift his voice in a cheer for all of the new warriors, for Fujimoto, for Skyclan. Hope glimmers in the distance- it is theirs to take.

  • "speech"
  • BATWING AFAB he/him, WARRIOR of SKYCLAN, thirty moons.
    A tall, agile, blue and black pelted tom with bright green eyes. Extremely talented at climbing and cracking jokes when most needed.
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Hawkstar's command is a beacon of light, front and center to the attention of her Clan and like moths they gather to her. A good days work had earned himself the time to focus on grooming the tangles he had ignored in favor of keeping up with everyone. He loathed the way it pulled and twisted his fur and the relief of each untangled knot felt better and better, as if he were returning back to himself.

The wintery sunlight would give him company later as he closed in on the meeting. Ears perk up as Hawkstar doled out each command, and he looked at Batwing with a smile. Already given a big mission! His attention to Batwing is pulled as Hawkstar continued on and his name fell next. Not to rise parallel with Batwing and Dovecloud, but to ascend higher than that. A Sun Guard, the first to rise after Coffeestar's council was gutted.

An uncomfortable heat rose to bubble in his throat and Fujimoto felt the muscles in his legs tense as they felt rooted to the ground, joined by the frosty forest floor. Him, Fujimoto, a kittypet Sun Guard to Hawkstar.

Green eyes blew wide as he sought for Flowercloud first, releasing the air trapped in his maw as he met her gaze. The surprise on his face is evident but stars he hoped no one could tell it was also fear that made his tail-tip tremble. What had made the leader see him worthy of such responsibility? He hadn't even sought her for a warrior name, even with surviving the journey he didn't see himself worthy of it, let alone this new title. What if he failed?

Hawkstar moved on to graduate their first warriors of the pines while he spiraled in his own head, stumbling to reel himself back from the shock. The Clan erupted into shouts and praises for them- Bumbledawn, Cherrydawn and Ponywhistle- but his maw felt wired shut. As the cheers began to quiet Fujimoto would part from the meeting as quickly as he could in some vain attempt to quiet his mind to summon these patrols to mind.


Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw sat quietly among the gathered cats, their wide gaze fixed on Hawkstar as the leader addressed the clan. Their tail swept lightly against the ground, a soft rhythm of anticipation and thought. A faint smile flickered on their face, it was brief, fleeting and fading as their eyes wandered to their siblings.

Rosepaw, Cygnetpaw, Lavenderpaw... and there was mama, standing strong on her own... They'd all made it through the journey! They were here. They had succeeded.

But the warmth was short-lived.

Crowsight was not there. Their father was gone. Their family didn't stand together. Rosepaw was unhappy with mama, Cygnetpaw hadn't even called her mama... And Lavenderpaw--

The cracks in their family, once faint, had begun to widen, threatening to break apart the foundation that had always held them together. Teaselpaw fluffed up their fur, sadness settling over them like a heavy fog. They forced themselves to swallow the ache and turn their focus back to Hawkstar, their gaze steady, though their heart weighed heavily.

Batwing and Dovecloud were assigned to explore the unfamiliar territory, a good decision, Teaselpaw thought, nodding faintly to themselves. That made sense. But when Hawkstar announced Fujimoto's new role as a Sun Guard, confusion flashed across Teaselpaw's face. Their eyes darted through the gathered crowd, searching for Fujimoto. When they found him, for just a moment, they thought they caught a glimpse of fear in his expression. Was he okay?

Teaselpaw hesitated, but then shook the thought away. Maybe they were imagining things. The journey had been hard on everyone.

And then Hawkstar spoke the new warriors' names: Bumbledawn, Cherrydawn, Asphodelmeadow, and Ponywhistle.

For now, they let themselves feel joy for the others. They wrapped their tail neatly around their paws, holding onto the hope that everything would be okay. Surely, it had to be. Surely, they could find a way to keep the cracks in their family from growing too wide. Surely, the darkness wouldn't win.

═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════


thoughts // dialogue

"StarClan has blessed us. These new hunting grounds will be ours."

Near the back of the crowd of tired, nearly emaciated cats, shrouded partially in what little shade hung over their new camp, Swiftstorm lashed his tail. He had come when their leader called, as he always did, but he made no effort to hide his displeasure at the official announcement that they were home. As far as the young Warrior was concerned, home was dozens and dozens of sunrises away, left to the Daylight Warriors that chose not to make the journey and the rogues who had been posturing and jeering at them for as long as any cat could remember, desperate for the once-plentiful prey and security that their old territory provided.

Left to Lyla, who had begged him to stay.

Swiftstorm twitched an ear as his brother's name was called, instructed to lay out their new borders, and with a puff of air, he stood and slunk to Batwing's side. Their pelts brushed as he resumed the slouching seat he'd settled into at the start of the meeting, but did not speak until the ceremonies had been completed and his Clanmates' new names spoken out.

Bumbledawn, Cherrydawn, Asphodelmeadow, and Ponywhistle. Strong names for strong cats. Miffed as he was to admit it, perhaps something positive had come out of this journey.

As the Clan roared its approval for its newly-minted full members, Swiftstorm ducked his head to speak to his brother. "Bruisers," he mrrowed, "is rich. We look like a bunch of half-drowned rats." His words, though bitter, did not match the undercurrent of amusement his words carried. SkyClan was strong, sure, but perhaps now more in spirit than in stature.

I like it better when the sun shines,
Give me those good times, then I'll be alright


MILKHEART, He/Him / 30 moons / Skyclan Caregiver
Seal Sepia tom with high white, has scruffy tipped ears, a long fluffy cream-white tail and amber-caramel eyes
Former mate of DUCHESS, Father of CREAMKIT and two others
Radiates Dad Energytm, good with kits, warm and amicable (totally doesn't look like a hot chocolate, except he does)
Tagging [@]

It was almost surreal that the journey was over. Some members of Skyclan may be feeling something akin to homesickness and that was fair enough to a point but Milkheart was most assuredly not one of them. To him, home was not a place, it was among his Clan, the cats he had come to care for, home was whenever Milkheart could feel safe— and now he finally did.

As with the last meeting at their prior territory; Milkheart would be situated closer to the kits and apprentices of Skyclan, particularly near his three little ones; he looked over them with pride; they were strong to have made the long trek as young as they were and the same could certainly be said of many other youngsters!

Milkheart sat upright and focused, weight off of his mind for the first time in a while which allowed him to focus on the moment that he was in right now. The big changes had come and gone; and more were to come, but that was simply life. Skyclan's new leader; Hawkstar had done her duty, she had brought them all to this new territory and kept her word. Milkheart's faith in her was emboldened, and he took note of her gaze passing over where the youngsters of Skyclan were, taking it upon himself to double check that Downykit and Falconkit were safe (and behaving themselves) while listening to Hawkstars announcements.

Batwing and Dovecloud were tasked with marking preliminary borders, to even bring a few bruisers if need be— which Swiftstorm seemed to find amusing, and Milkheart has his guesses as to why.

What came next was somewhat a surprise— Hawkstar had chosen one of her own Sunguard, and it was Fujimoto of all cats! She didn't seem to be all too happy but she still chose to make this choice; a former Daylight Warrior as her first Sunguard.

Milkheart blinked a few times to shake off his surprised before he smiled wide and gave a cheer of congratulations.

The cheers of jubilance would not end there however as there were some apprentices to give official warrior names to! Once Bumblepaw, Cherrypaw, Asphodelpaw and Ponypaw they were now Bumbledawn, Cherrydawn, Asphodelmeadow and Ponywhisle! "C'mon, let's give them the cheers they deserve!" Milkheart joyously added to the cheering that erupted from the clan.

I tell you what— you better not be bringing bad vibes,
Leave your troubles behind, then I'll be alright