ShadowClan tiny and full of rage ( ` ᴖ ´ ) fleapaw

F l e a p a w

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FLEAPAW, shadowclan & apprentice

values family and strength the most. She is clever, sharp-tongued, and quick to anger. She is guided by her desire to become stronger and protect those she cares about—at any cost. Fleapaw respects strength but not necessarily authority. She will push boundaries and take advantage of the weak if given the opportunity.

Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and lacks morals. She does not believe in Starclan or the Darkforest. However, she is open to the idea of the odd things occurring in ShadowClan being supernatural. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, ending up on the streets, and feeling powerless have deeply affected her view of the world.

    She was named Flea because her mother was covered in them and knew little of the outside world.
    Age: 7 moons
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Rank: Apprentice
  • Cinnamon Solid

    Description: An undersized cinnamon she-cat with folded ears. Dirty and unkept fur.
    Physique: Stocky but still shows signs of a difficult life.
    Current Condition: Slightly emaciated.
    Posture: Depends on the occasion, whether she's trying to impress, intimidate, or sneak around. She tends to slouch.
    Distinguishing Features: A round face and eyes full of malice.
  • Mischevious — Volitile — Clever — Imaginative

    » She's TERRIFIED of spiders. Flea hates them and will scream anytime she sees one.

    » Flea has a colorful vocabulary that she's more than happy to share with others.

    » Sometimes carries a teddy bear around with her which she affectionally calls 'Ma'. If anything ever were to happen to that bear she would throw the final act of all tantrums.

    » Considers all the kits in the nursery to be her siblings whether they like it or not. Fleakit coaxes them into breaking the rules and going on wild adventures. Well, that and using them as soldiers when violence is required.

    » She learned most of her nasty habits from a rogue who took care of her for a time. He bestowed upon her many survival tips and he's why she is the way she is. You can thank him for her vocabulary and tendencies toward violence. Fleakit loves him like a father but harbors a grudge against him for abandoning her.

    » Presumably always scheming, even at the cost of others. In her mind, that's how to survive, kill, or be killed so to speak. Prone to acts of violence, extortion, blackmail, threats, and tax fraud. :)

    » Underneath it all Flea is still a kit. She has a lot of suppressed memories and masks her pain with rage. That's just how she learned to cope. The brat won't admit it, but she's incredibly lonely and wants the love and attention other kits get from their parents.

    » Once she gets attached to someone, she'd ride or die for them. That means messing up anyone who would do them harm or talk bad about them. If she can't physically hurt someone, she'll resort to pettiness. Flea can show surprising consideration for those she loves and will protect them at all costs.

    » Flea was weaned too young and is on the smaller side, even for her pedigree.
  • Early Life

    Chronologically Fleakit joined ShadowClan after the battle and camp discovery. She was not present for events that took place before ShadowClan's founding. Additionally, she has no blood ties to any of the clans as a former kittypet.

    → Flea's earliest memories are of a cage. The scent of her mother soured by feces and sickness. She was named Flea because her mother was covered in them and knew little of the outside world. Her siblings' names were Fly, Mite, Roach, Slug, and Worm.

    → Due to growing up in horrible conditions her siblings contracted illnesses and were sickly. Despite it all, their mother did love them and tried in vain not to get attached. Mainly, because she knew what was waiting for them.

    → Flea was taken from her mother when she was just three weeks old. She was bought by two-legs who intended to have her as a pet. She was sickly and the only reason she survived was under the care of a vet.

    → She hated her two legs for taking her away from her mother. They weren't awful to her. They fed and cared for her but she could only think of how her family was still suffering. Flea felt guilty, especially when she started to like them and her new life.

    → When she was old enough, Flea ran away. She couldn't stop thinking about her mother and siblings. She wanted to save them and bring them back with her. But, of course, that didn't happen.

    → Flea got lost in the city. After being chased by dogs, attacked by other cats, and nearly hit by monsters, she met a rogue. Flea told him her story, and he broke the bad news about the mills and how she would never see her family again.

    → After that, she stayed with him for a while. He kept her fed and taught her how to survive and how to sound tough. Plus, he gave her a gift. A teddy bear that she likes to pretend is her mama. It kept her warm through the cold nights and when he went out it made her feel just a bit less alone. Flea took after his example and before long she saw him as family...

    → Some time later, he took her deep into the forest. Once she realized what he was going to do, Flea panicked. She screamed and bawled her eyes out but he still left her there, on the edge of a swamp. Once again, she had her family taken from her. But only this time, it hurt worse, because he chose to leave.

    → Now her name is Fleakit. She's still adjusting to life in a clan but has adapted well enough. She treats all the other kits like her siblings and makes the adult's lives miserable.


"Hey DUMBASS!" She didn't hesitate in giving that witch a backpaw to the snout. "Wake your stupid ass face up." She growled, lowering her voice and learning in close. "I aint killed you yet! You're not allowed to die."
A toothy smile spread across her face when the other kit asked what happened to the monster. "I killed it!" She ran across the couch and leapt off the top onto the monster's snout(?). Honestly, she wasn't sure but it had those two shiny things that looked like eyes.

Fleakit jut her chin up into the air and gave them a toothy grin. "It didn't stand a chance when I got hold of it." Yeah, she was fibbin' but now she sounded real cool! But oh hell, just in case she laid it on thick. "But don't you runts go tryna kill one yourself, it was like super hard and this one was weak. I almost died!" She snickered and tapped the metal beast with her paw. Flea wanted to inspire them so good that they was gonna tell their grandkits one day.

'Flea the Monster Slayer' had a ring to it.
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My Stat Guide



Current Skill-Cap: 5
Stage: Kit
High Position? No.




Social Skills


Point Ledger

⤷ +5 base skill points.
⤷ Divided skill points into stats. +3 to Combat, +1 to Social Skills, +1 to Hunting
⤷ +1 Combat experience gained from this thread.
⤷ + 1 Social Skills experience gained from this thread.
⤷ Apprentice Age reached! +5 points and skill-cap increased to 10.
⤷ Divided skill points into stats +2 to Territory, +2 to Hunting, +1 to Social Skills.
⤷ +1 Social Skills experience gained from this thread.
⤷ +1 Social Skills experience gained from this thread.
⤷+1 Territory experience gained from this thread.

Stats updated 2/23/25
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NPC ✕ NPC ‧ generation ???
sibling to

LOSTPAW ‧ The most laid back of all the siblings. Lost is calm and level-headed, while Flea is more intense and emotional. They are opposites, and yet she and her sister share a strong bond.

WEBPAW ‧ Not as hardened as her other siblings and the one Flea is the most protective of. She feels the need to look out for Web the most due to her sister's gentler temperament.

TICKPAW ‧ After finding her brother near death on the ShadowClan border, she's been glued to his side. They are as fire is to ice. Tick stabilizes her in many ways but also incites her to improve and endure, no matter the cost.​

other family

TIMBERFROST ‧ Initially just the father of her best friend. Much as she's tried to keep him at a distance, Timber has become a comfort in her life. Timber groomed and cared for Flea while she was very sick. He's a source of great comfort, and she wants to be around him, but after being abandoned, she's unsure of how to feel about this.

STOATKIT ‧ Her very first friend in ShadowClan. Stoat has a hearing disability, and its inadvertently allowed them to become close (despite Flea not being aware of Stoats hearing). Stoat acts as a mediator and can soothe her temper better than most others. Fleapaw likes to find things to share with her friend. They are very close.

MONSTERKIT ‧ Adopted kit of Timberfrost. Flea immediately took to him. Flea tries to take him on adventures to get him away from Timber's fussing. She tries very hard to make him think she's cool. Flea treats him as she would any of her siblings from the mill. She is very protective of him.

pansexual ‧ single / uninterested
relationship planned
crushing on NONE

Mentored by POSSUMGRIN

Hard to befriend. Difficult to form lasting friendships with.

admires JADETHORN ‧ Treats her differently than most of the others. Jadethorn doesn't try to change her or tell her what to do. She's unaware of Jadethorn's conflicting feelings about how protective she is of Flea.

adores FLAMERUNNER ‧ Laid back and easy to get along with. They often plan pranks together. Flamerunner helped take care of Flea when she was very sick and stayed with her until she was better. During that time, they've bonded. She finds comfort and enjoyment in having him around.

rivals with VULTUREPAW ‧ That's a secret for now. : )

enemies with CICADABUZZ ‧ While Cicadabuzz did save her brother, it was not for free. Fleapaw cleans the medicine-den as part of their agreement. She finds them offputting and annoying. After accidentally destroying a large amount of herbs, Fleapaw pushed Cicada into losing their composure, and they said very cruel things to her. She owes a large debt and is easily manipulated by them.​

——— SNAPSHOT ———
skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
In battles . . .
will start/not start fights​
will / will not end them​
will /will not flee​
will / will not show mercy​
Speech is #COLOR
peaceful powerplay allowed​
any other notes​

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After the happenings of this thread. Fleapaw accidentally destroys a significant amount of herbs, and as punishment, she's expected to replace what she's destroyed. I will track that debt here, as well as Fleapaw's knowledge and growth in that area.

They step forward, paws silent despite the carnage underfoot. A single dried stem clings to the mud on Fleapaw's leg, crushed underfoot without hesitation. Cicadabuzz's voice does not rise, does not waver. It is the quiet voice of inevitability. "You will learn their names. You will learn their shapes, their scents, their uses. By the time you are finished, you will know them as well as I do." The weight of the statement settles between them. It is not a suggestion. Not a threat. An order. Their tail flicks, gaze shifting to the wreckage once more. "Weeds or not, you will bring something back. And if you fail, you will go again. And again." Their eyes meet hers once more, impassive and depthless. "And again. Until you get it right." There is no room for argument, no space for bargaining.

"You will gather what you destroyed. I do not care how long it takes. I do not care if you miss your morning hunt or if Possumgrin has to train without you." Their gaze sharpens, turning colder, crueler. "If you cannot tell a marigold from a leaf of dead bracken, then you will bring back everything you find. And if I find a single wrong herb, if you waste another second of my time with your incompetence—" They take another step closer, their breath now brushing against her fur, voice quiet enough that it forces her to listen; "...then I will make you eat it."

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━​

Flea's Herb Debt

Wound / Infections - 7
Head/Stomach/Tooth/etc Aches - 11
Illnesses - 4
Travel - 8
Labor & Delivery / Kit Health - 3

Total: 33

⤷ +1 to Poisons. Fleapaw acquired Foxglove Seeds here.
⤷ +1 to Illness and -1 subtracted from debt. Fleapaw acquired Dandelion here.
⤷ +1 to Travel and -1 subtracted from debt. Fleapaw acquired Ragwort Leaves here.
⤷ +1 to Broken Bones. Fleapaw acquired Cobwebs here.
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