Here, on the rooftop of the barn, Peony feels nearly invincible. It is the safer alternative to the silos that Flicker had mused about the other day; those might be taller, but the completely vertical and flat surface of its sides means there is almost nothing to hold onto. Too dangerous — he would never risk his or Petal's life for a greater view. No, the barn will do just fine. It's become as much of a home as it can to the likes of the sibling pair. It's provided them with shelter, safety, and even a community, so it shall provide a great place for a nightly outing, too.
There is a cupola with even tinier bits of roof adorning it; perfect place for the two to huddle close together, shielded from the winter chill. Peony scoops all his limbs underneath himself.
And so Peony looks, just in the right time.
"Got your footing?"
Peony double checks- triple checks, quadruple checks, just for good measure. The roof is slanted after all... at least it has not been raining or snowing, so there is no extra case of slippery tiles. His tail lingers near Petal's shoulder — always close by — in case he loses balance and needs something to hold onto. Sleeping inhabitants of the barn underneath them would surely curse Peony for yelling so loud, but that's a price he is willing to pay.There is a cupola with even tinier bits of roof adorning it; perfect place for the two to huddle close together, shielded from the winter chill. Peony scoops all his limbs underneath himself.
"Maybe next time, we can make a nest up here... it's cozy."
Away from the hustle and bustle of life, one has the chance to think clearly for once. He is already noticing things that he would otherwise not care the slightest bit about: flocks of sheep around the moor that prefer the outdoors, sharing their warmth, just like Petal and Peony are now. Then there's the endless stretch of sky that is always undeniably there, but Peony feels its pull now, almost like it is demanding to be looked at.And so Peony looks, just in the right time.
His paw shoots out to point at a moving star, its tail lingering over the cloudless horizon. Are they supposed to make a wish now?