Hello and welcome to Purrgatory! We are an 18+ Warrior Cat Roleplay set in an AU where the clans were unable to leave the forest territories and perished!
It has been 100 or more years since then, the clans of the forest are but distant memories to any cats still alive, stories passed down to kits of strangely named wild warriors and leaders with nine lives but the time of the clans is upon us once more and the stars shine yet again.
fox — named for his cinnamon tail
- cisgender male — he/him
- gay aroace — single, monogamist
- 16 moons — created 11.25.2023 / born on September 25th 2023 / ages once a moon on the 25th
- riverclan lifeguard — former shipyard cat
— penned by @vvinsoli
- LH cinnamon/chocolate tabby with high white and olive green eyes — Foxtail is a cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera that stands at 12 inches at the shoulder, with a body length of 16 inches, and approximately weighs 15 pounds. Foxtail has long fur, which might make him appear slightly larger than other clan cats when he matches in size with them. The majority of his body is covered in white fur- besides his face, ears, rump, tail and front right paw. His face is a mixture of two colors- cinnamon and chocolate. The bridge of his nose is cinnamon, almost coming off as red like a fox- hence his name. His forehead and ears are a nice shade of chocolate, giving him that torbie look. His tail and rump are cinnamon, bushy like a fox's tail. His front right paw is cinnamon as well, and finally he has olive green eyes.
- smells like algae and petrichor — sounds like milo from atlantis the lost empire (specifically michael j fox) / voice claim
- aesthetic board — TOYHOUSE
lawful good, hufflepuff, sanguine — Foxtail is an individual who comes off as a warrior who isn't nearly as brave as his peers. The tom can be a little more timid and shy than most, but that does not mean Foxtail is not brave, and won't jump into action. He has a good heart- he cares about his clanmates, friends and family, and is loyal to RiverClan. Despite a rough apprenticeship, he is always there for one to vent to, and provides for his clan.
- other notes:
- positive: understanding, warmhearted, caring
- neutral: loyal, calculating
- negative: timid, nervous
- RED X DAWN (npc x npc)
- sibling to coyoteclaw and dogflicker
- mates with no one — crushing on no one — no offspring
- mentored by tbd — mentored no one — currently mentoring no one CLOSE FRIENDS WITH here FRIENDS WITH here ADMIRES here NEUTRAL WITH here WARY OF here DISLIKES here LOATHES here HISTORY history here
- peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
- medium/hard difficulty to battle — is not inherently violent — underline & mention Foxtail if attacking
- may attack if provoked — will show mercy — might flee
- easy difficulty to talk to — he treats other clans with respect, but knows when to set aside friendships from other clans when it comes to battle. He is easy to befriend, and easy to gain his trust.
- good hunter — decent fighter — good mediator
- speech is
Fox was born to two shipyard cats, Dawn and Red on September 25th, 2023- alongside littermates Coyote and Dog. Fox was the youngest of the litter, and their parents were long-time mates, as their bond over the water brought them closer together. Both parents were present in the litter's upbringing; Dawn was a gentle, soothing mother, and Red was a strict but caring father. Fox had a near drowning accident during their first leafbare, but was taught to swim alongside Coyote and Dog when the weather grew warmer. During this time, their mother fell ill with greencough- leaving essential lessons for survival to be handled their father.
Fox learned how to hunt, and fight, by his father Red- training alongside his littermates. Fox was certainly more anxious when it came to fighting- he never grew into that "hunger" for blood nor the "excitement" at the thought of a battle. What Fox lacked in strength, he excelled with hunting fish from the violent waters at the docks. It's ironic, considering how the raging shore makes his fur bristle with alarm (at the thought of jumping in). But his worries seem to forget him, when he focuses on a fish below the surface.
During the time they weren't spending on training, Fox would visit his sickly mother. Tragically, he had to keep his distance- as they did not want the greencough to spread. Despite that, she was grateful to see him, his siblings, and their father... and felt pride seeing how much her kits were growing.
Fox had been silently hoping their mother would overcome the greencough. The other shipyard cats kept she wouldn't recover, that she'd never step out of that shelter again, but Fox turned his ears away from them. He didn't want to believe them.... tried not to listen to that tiny voice in his head, that was telling him they were telling the truth.
They were nearing the age of adults when their mother finally succumbed to greencough. He and his kin were with her when she died- and Fox would've never forgiven himself if he hadn't been there. He grieved alongside his littermates, grateful to have his sisters alongside him during the difficult time. He never wanted to experience the loss of a parent, so early into life too, but his littermates helped him get through it. Their father, on the other hand...
As they grew into adults, Fox's relationship with Red grew more and more distanced. He noticed a change in the older tom- he became more quiet and isolated... and Fox's heart weeped whenever their father would purposely avoid him or his sisters. At times, it felt like they lost both parents that day.
Life continued on at the shipyard. Fox didn't pay much attention to how wooden deck would sway, and creak underneath his paws. The deck had always been swaying and making noises... cats have been living in this shipyard for so long. It has to be safe, right?
He remembers waking up to Smoke's yowls, thunder rumbling loudly in his ears... and rain pelting his fur. He was sleeping inside one of the twoleg made structures in the shipyard, when the structure finally failed- this particular storm being the last draw for it. It was collapsing on them- and it was a miracle only one didn't make it out alive.
It felt distressing... knowing that the home he came to love was no longer safe for them to live in. He waited nervously with his littermates, as Pike went off with a patrol to scout some territory miles away.... wondering what would come of their future.
Upon Pike's return, Fox encouraged the other shipyard cats to trust Pike's word, and to make the journey to the territory Pike and his patrol discovered. He insisted it was for everyone's survival- even he doesn't like to swim, but he knows there are times when it's necessary to do. And now is one of those times, as they must swim to reach their new supposed home.... If they were to stay here, who's to say how many more cats will die? Perhaps the swaying and creaking, from the wood, was a sign to get out all along.
It takes some convincing, but his littermates convince their father to make the journey. Red seemed conflicted... not wanting to leave the grave site of his mate. It only makes Fox's heart weep even more, as he wonders if their father cared more about their dead mother... over his kits that are very much alive. They travel to their new home, and upon arrival in the mostly empty clearing... Pike explains to them how an ancient clan called "RiverClan" used to call this place their home.
Pike tells them of "StarClan", ancient cats who live in the stars... that called upon him to rebuild RiverClan. And that the shipyard cats gathered, were the descendants of this ancient clan. Fox remembers being told stories as a kit, by his mother and others that surrounded him. They spoke of "warriors" and leaders that had "nine lives", but he grew up assuming them to be kit tales he would eventually pass on. He never suspected any of them to be true, and in that moment, wondered if Dawn was among the StarClan cats.
They are no longer Shipyard cats; they are now RiverClan cats. It's a lot to take in- being called a warrior, learning his name will be changed within a couple days... but Fox nervously decides to trust the older, awkwardly anxious tom. As the older tom travels with Smoke, to who knows where, Fox clumsily weaves dens... wondering what the future will be like.
— warrior of riverclan, former shipyard cat
𓆛 16 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 25th
𓆛 speech is
— thoughts are #da945f — attacks are underlined
𓆛 cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera w/ high white, and green eyes
𓆛 peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
𓆛 penned by vvin — vvinsoli on discord — open to plots & dms
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