This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


i aim low, i aim true, and the grounds where i go
Colony Clan Founder



Ghoststrike had disappeared after the meeting. Hadn't returned when the cats had all gathered that night to share tongues, either. It was only in the early hours of morning that the tomcat had returned, a near-silent shadow moving through camp at dawn's first light.

He'd taken his time. Made peace with his actions– or lack thereof. Now it was time to buckle down. If he was staying in Thunderclan for any prolonged period of time– a week, a month, a year– then he had to be confident it was the decision he wanted to make. No more uncertainties. No more excuses.

Which meant it was time to find his routine again.

It felt odd slipping into the warriors quarters, a space he wasn't familiar with, but it helped ease the awkwardness to know it was a semi-public space that he was technically entitled to by rank if he so chose. Also, he wasn't the only cat awake at that hour. A few other cats and apprentices were stirring as well, slipping out into the clearing to stretch and groom their pelts, hoping to snag an early breakfast before starting their day.

Reasonably he knew he could have approached any of them about training with him, but instead his paws brought him to a standstill at the nest of the chocolate tabby.

"Up and at 'em, Thunderflash." The words were a low rumble in the air between them, hushed enough to not disturb the others and punctuated by a sharp jostling of the nest as Ghost reached out to shove the edge of it.

"Your burning daylight." he called as he turned to pad back out, not interested in hanging around any longer than necessary. Either the younger warrior would wake up and join him or Ghost would go out alone today. Either way, the masked toms plans weren't changing.


future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


Thunderflash had honestly been worried- but he knew that it was important for Ghost- Ghoststrike to make a decision on his own. Sharp blues had watched the darker tabby disappear into the shadows. He, at that point, had offered his clanmates a soft smile, one that was forced and hid the way worry gnawed at his stomach, made some stupid joke to distract himself and them from the obvious hole missing from his side. When Ghoststrike hadn't returned at the end of the day, his anxieties had only doubled down. Baby blues had flicked to and from where he knew the shallow dirt nest was near Serpent's grave, expecting beady brown ones to be staring back at him at any given point.

But there had been no press of awareness on his flank. No knowing that Ghoststrike was watching the back of his head. No presence felt, heavy and dark and brooding like he was known to do. So as the moon kissed the sky, his eyes had trailed after the stars high above, a frown on his face before making his way into the warrior's den, where he had designated a nest for himself, and settled there. A breath left him, eyes closing. Sleep didn't come easy, though- he dozed in and out, the rotating question in his head blaring like an alarm. Is he coming back?

It's early morning when someone stands over his nest. Baby blues slid open, squinting at the slow dawning light, staring directly at bone-traced paws. His spine stiffened, vision snapping up at- Up and at 'em, Thunderflash. His nest was jostled, wide blinking eyes staring at Ghoststrike. Disbelief found him first, then relief that he did return after all. In his stupor, Ghoststrike was turning, stepping away, and he was left scrambling after him. "Wait!" He called, ears perked forward. Stumbling out of the warrior's den, he offered a sheepish grin at anyone who saw that before turning wide eyes towards Ghoststrike.

Thunderflash was quite an image at the moment- hair tufted up in any direction imaginable, his 'mohawk' not quite 'mohawk'-ing. Clearly he hadn't rested well, else it would have still been in good condition. There was a few heartbeats of trailing after Ghoststrike before he spoke up. "I knew y' woulda missed me, Ghostie." He hums, stretching his legs a bit to be shoulder-to-shoulder with the other warrior as they moved, likely towards the exit of camp. "How do y' like yer name? Fancy enough fer ye'?"

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Ghoststrike did not turn back to check if he was followed, nor did he let the subtle smirk he wore at the loud '"Wait" reach his eyes. It was just for him, and it was gone almost as soon as it'd shown itself, not meant to be witnessed by anyone else.

When Thunderflash emerged a moment later, still sleep-ruffled and hair a lopsided nest atop his head, it made him wonder if the cat had even slept at all the night prior. he nevertheless

"Keep telling yourself that, Pup." he answered, not sounding bothered. The teasing was half expected after all, though whether he would have taken it in stride like this from someone else had yet to be seen.

The topic of his name was another thing he knew couldn't be avoided forever, particularly after he'd been so firm on not taking one– on leaving this place and never looking back. He still didn't expect to see stars in his pelt when he died, but if he had to live out the rest of his days somewhere, and had to spend his life fighting still, why not do it here?

Why not do something good for a while?

"It's good enough." he stated, his feelings on the matter still entirely ambiguous. "Accurate, if that's what she was going for."

Each name having meaning behind it was an interesting concept, but not something he was entirely unfamiliar with. His own mother had named him 'Ghost' after all, and he wasn't so naïve as to pretend he didn't know why. At the very least this new naming convention would give him a somewhat clearer idea of what a cat's strengths were– he wouldn't be asking anyone called 'Cloudstumble' or 'Goatscreech' to accompany him on hunting patrols, that was for sure.

Out of camp he led them, and into the forest beyond– but he paused here, lingering just beyond the edges of their base. It was a chilly morning, but not unforgivingly so, and Ghost hoped the snow wasn't so deep that it slowed his efforts that morning. It'd been a while since he'd had a solid routine to follow, but now that he knew what to expect going forward it seemed easier to know where to start.

"Been a while since I've gone runnin'." he began, dark eyes sweeping the white-clad forest before them. "Figured I should pick it up again if I'm stickin' around– get the morning routine back on track."

It was all he offered in way of explanation, the only hint as to why he'd woken Thunderflash up at the asscrack of dawn to trek out into the snowy woods with him.

"You run?" he asked, gaze sliding to the side to land on the cat standing beside him. It wasn't an activity he'd seen the other partake in on the regular, but then again Ghost himself hadn't exactly kept to his own typical schedule given how things had gone recently.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


Keep telling yourself that, pup. The nickname made his ears burn, and he had to duck his head and lick his chest once or twice to keep himself any of kind of put together. Of all things to have called him, one that was normally meant as an insult, a name that he would have snapped at anyone for calling him that. But from Ghoststrike's lips specifically, it almost made his muscles soften and his heart burn to hear it again. Thunderflash cleared his throat moments later as Ghoststrike spoke upon his head, and he nodded. "Not tha' I've seen y' fight but boy, y' are lethal huntin'. Glad m' on yer side." He grinned brightly at Ghoststrike, stretching his body for a moment before stepping after him.

Frost and snow nipped at his paws, a soft curse leaving the longer haired cat. Going from warm nest to out in the frost was not his typical by any means. If he could sleep in, he would, but after last night, the way he worried about Ghoststrike not returning.. yeah, he was missing that nest right about now. Baby blues flicked towards Ghoststrike, wondering quietly to himself as they walked. Which was a miracle in itself- he was normally non-stop chatter when he finally got up in the morning, but with the lack of a meal and more then two hours of sleep behind him, well, he wasn't going to be yapping on like the moniker that Ghoststrike had awarded him just yet.

Ghoststrike stops, so Thunderflash draws shoulder-to-shoulder with the larger, his ears twitching curiously. He wasn't entirely sure why Ghoststrike had dragged him out here, and doubt bit him at the realization of that. Was this to tell him he was officially leaving? No, that wouldn't make any sense. Baby blues squinted at the white carpet in front of them as the sun began to just barely glint over the horizon, then turned back towards Ghoststrike when he finally explained. His eyebrows lifted, and perhaps a look of relief flashed across his eyes before he nodded. "Makes sense tha' y' do that." He says, tilting his head as he observed Ghoststrike from the side.

The next question causes his ears to perk. You run? Brown eyes finally met blue, and he blinks. His brain computed, and a shrug left him. "Not normally. Was always.. huntin' before. Woke up n' hunted. Nibbled on somethin'. Got up n' hunted. Running was normally reserved for extreme situations." A chuckle left him. Thunderflash looked towards the blanket laying over the forest again. "Never too late t' start, I s'pose. M' out here now."

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.