A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious
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Darkness flickered in and out of being, sometimes a whirling, totalitarian ether, and then twisting out of reach towards nothingness. Hawkstar had not imagined such a feeling to be so bodiless - so unfulfilling in its wholeness. She swam through it, unmoored, but present; her consciousness had anchored itself in the nebulous elsewhere, and so her transition settled somewhere between unsettling and manageable.
Of two things, she was absolutely certain: one, she had died fighting, protecting, her clanmates and two, this is what laid in the much-beyond; the way-point between death and un-life where judgement may be had. She had received nine lives to protect her clan, and here is where her ancestors would come to determine the fate of her soul in the aftermath: where her lives sat trial to be continued or ripped away based on her own sins.
Stars tumbled into view, faster and faster until they settled into an endless field of blue and light. They had been colder when she had received her lives, she mused, cold as ice flowing through her veins as power was imbued into the very fibres of her person. The absence of cold was somehow more chilling, as if the lack of it meant a subtraction, a loss of the blessing she had been given. Was it... had she failed, truly, wholly, countably, as she believed?
Of two things, she was absolutely certain: one, she had died fighting, protecting, her clanmates and two, this is what laid in the much-beyond; the way-point between death and un-life where judgement may be had. She had received nine lives to protect her clan, and here is where her ancestors would come to determine the fate of her soul in the aftermath: where her lives sat trial to be continued or ripped away based on her own sins.
Stars tumbled into view, faster and faster until they settled into an endless field of blue and light. They had been colder when she had received her lives, she mused, cold as ice flowing through her veins as power was imbued into the very fibres of her person. The absence of cold was somehow more chilling, as if the lack of it meant a subtraction, a loss of the blessing she had been given. Was it... had she failed, truly, wholly, countably, as she believed?