understanding the influence of the moon / milky

She / They
SkyClan Leader
Played by

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious
Tagging person here

Darkness flickered in and out of being, sometimes a whirling, totalitarian ether, and then twisting out of reach towards nothingness. Hawkstar had not imagined such a feeling to be so bodiless - so unfulfilling in its wholeness. She swam through it, unmoored, but present; her consciousness had anchored itself in the nebulous elsewhere, and so her transition settled somewhere between unsettling and manageable.

Of two things, she was absolutely certain: one, she had died fighting, protecting, her clanmates and two, this is what laid in the much-beyond; the way-point between death and un-life where judgement may be had. She had received nine lives to protect her clan, and here is where her ancestors would come to determine the fate of her soul in the aftermath: where her lives sat trial to be continued or ripped away based on her own sins.

Stars tumbled into view, faster and faster until they settled into an endless field of blue and light. They had been colder when she had received her lives, she mused, cold as ice flowing through her veins as power was imbued into the very fibres of her person. The absence of cold was somehow more chilling, as if the lack of it meant a subtraction, a loss of the blessing she had been given. Was it... had she failed, truly, wholly, countably, as she believed?



indent Being dead isn't all that bad. It's even a little nice. Milky - what had Thorny called her again, Milkbelly? Milkbelly is more than happy to drift in and out of consciousness, floating among a sea of stars, watching the pinpricks of light twinkle and shine against the inky blackness she had found herself in. It gave her plenty of time to think. About the colony, the 'clans', what she had left behind and what had befallen them. She thinks about Smokey a lot.
'When he killed me, he seemed so... sad. Why had he done it anyways? Did he think he had no other choice? Why would life lead him on such a sad pathway.' These days, she mourns more for him than for herself.

indentEven if starclan wasn't so bad, she wishes it were less lonely! The vibes in this place were super low - it was pretty empty, and the cats that did show up were hardly ever good company. Milkbelly supposes it makes sense that their mood weren't the best, considering the dying and all, but they should quit dwelling on it so much! Not that Milkbelly herself had done a great job of not dwelling. She's willing to own up to her faults.

indentRight now, she's laying on her back in a shallow pool of stars, white-and-pink stomach facing the twinkling sky above. She's quietly ruminating, almost about to drift off to 'sleep' for a few more weeks, when she feels a ripple in the pool.
"Hnngh? Whuzzat?" Milkbelly quickly awakens, turning onto her paws and shaking stardust off of her fur. Someone was in the pool with her! A mostly-white molly, lying in a big heap. Milkbelly doesn't recognize her, which she supposes isn't unusual. Milkbelly has a hard time keeping track of people. But this cat is different! She smells weird. The smell of oak resin and wet leaves is absent, replaced by the sharp scent of rocky dust.

indent"Woah, you're completely new! Are you even from the forest?" Milkbelly stands above the stranger, gently poking her with a paw.

- mentions @Smoky. @Thornstar -​
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