The Farm Unfamiliar Lands | OPEN

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


you're always flashing your teeth
He / Him
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Character Hub
「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Carefully placed paws stalked along the edge of a picket fence, the cracks between the posts flashing glimpses of feathered creatures pecking along the grass. Coy's jaws were parted, as the scent made the hunger gnawing at his stomach seem to scream louder. The scent of cat also flooded his senses; it was stale, but anxiety still fizzed in his paws at the thought of being interrupted. He shook his head briefly, trying to push the worry away. He needed to eat. He had been a traveler for moons, never staying in one place for too long, eating whatever he could find. Coming to the end of the fence, Coy peered around, his gaze falling on the large group of birds, spread out around a small den. It would be easy to snatch one and run, and find a safe place to eat alone.

Could I fight off another cat if they wanted it too?

His focused stance relaxed slightly, realization creeping through his body. There could be cats around who were as hungry as he was.

Of course I could. He growled under his breath, shaking out his pelt softly as he resumed his crouched position. Gathering his strength into his legs, he prepared to launch himself towards the prey.


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦
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indent Dusty ran a tight ship at the stable. While the rest of the barn cats goofed off and played games, she was the one keeping things in check, making sure things ran smoothly. She was the one double-checking the feed room for pests, and chasing snakes out of the pasture. She had memorized the names and faces of every horse on the property, and more than most of the cats that came and went.

indent Which is how she knows this little kitten wasn't from around here. She watches him from afar, with mild interest, as he stalks along the fence line. It looks like he's scenting for prey - fine enough with Dusty. The cold weather had caused droves of mice to seek shelter in the barn, and there was more than any of the cats here could eat on their own. She's just about to turn tail and leave the young tom alone, when she watches him drop into a hunting crouch - while eyeing up a chicken

indent "What the hell're you thinking, boy?" She calls out, quickly moving to put herself between the kitten and his would-be prey. A few of the hens scatter, startled by the commotion. "Goin' after a chicken like that is a real good way to lose an eye. And that's not even countin' what the twloegs will do to you if you're caught." A rooster is approaching now, having been alerted to their presence by the hens. He puffs out his shimmering feathers, and beats his powerful wings. The message is clear - he's not happy about them scaring his hens, and wants them to leave, before he's forced to chase them out.
「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Fur rising along his spine, Coy's ears swiveled sharply towards the sudden yowl, his gaze following as he stared at the stranger in shock. He instinctively leaned back, his body recoiling as she drew nearer, his gaze flickering between her and the fleeing creatures that erupted in startled cries. Studying the cat for a moment with narrowed but fearful eyes, Coy weighed her words, wondering whether or not this cat was telling the truth. She could just want to keep the prey to herself, seeing as there was so much of it.

But this cat was different--her scent was almost the same as when the farm hit his nose for the first time. Her eyes were hard with determination, and her face revealed nothing beyond the certainty of her claims. This was her territory, and Coyote scolded himself silently for not sensing her presence earlier.

"I wasn't actually going to-"

Coy cut off his defensive retort, his attention flashing back to the strange birds as one of them strut closer, bigger than the rest. His eyes widened, as he hadn't seen this one among the others. It looked mean, and had a challenge to it's demeanor. The young tom took a short step backward, swallowing nervously at the sight. He almost lashed out a paw, but thought twice considering the she-cat's warning. Gritting his teeth, he hesitantly returned to the fence he had stalked before, leaping up and sinking his claws into the wood, pulling himself atop the posts. Relieved to have put distance between himself and the large fowl, he exhaled sharply before returning his gaze to the stranger.

"I wasn't actually going to attack one, that would be stupid." He continued quickly, slightly stumbling over his lie. "I was only checking them out." Coy trailed off, his tail flicking with irritation. Desperate to change the subject, and forget the embarrassment heating the tips of his ears, he parted his jaws once more. "You look like you've lived here long, are there more of you?"


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦
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Unlike Dusty, Buck did not take the life of a barncat so seriously. Then again, why would he? If things looked grim, Buck would get up on his paws and travel to his next destination. There was still so much of the world to see, after all. Life was too short to worry.

Life here could also be incredibly dull on most days. Today, though, the chocolate tabby tom managed to catch a glimpse of a young stranger stalking the fenceline and peering hungrily through the posts. He doesn't say anything at first. Maybe if it were a bigger animal he would—Buck wouldn't want to see a young'un get killed—but these birds would probably just give the kid a shake-up if anything. It was free entertainment!

It was not long before Dusty showed up to intervene, though. Buck was somewhat disappointed, but ah well, what could he do? As the ticked tom scrambles up onto the fence to keep himself away from the protective fowl, the mouser comments from his position upon a nearby stack of hay bales, "Good thinkin'. Those roosters can scratch." Buck knows this from experience, not from this farm but the one he'd grown up on. The resident rooster had not taken too kindly to young Buck trying to chase the hens around in the yard and had snagged his lip with its sharp hind claw. The chocolate tabby was obviously still quite the daredevil, bending and slipping by the rules as he pleased, but he had experience under his pelt. One did not mess with a rooster ( or his gals ) and come out unscathed.

Buck did not buy this kid's excuses, as much as they were determined to save their pride. Their hungry stare and hunter's crouch betrayed whatever lies they were trying to tell. "Uh huh. Next yer' gonna tell us that yer' fur is actually green, right?" Buck snorts, though not necessarily mean-spirited. The chocolate tabby is the friendly sort but was not above poking fun at strangers just to lighten the mood.

The slightly muscled male rises to his paws, stretching his spine before settling into a seated position and rasping his tongue over his shoulder a couple of times. "There's a lot of us. The mice in the barn keep us full. We don't touch the hens, though — you can have those all to yerself if you've got the guts." Buck drawls, shooting a mischievous grin toward the stranger.


indent Dusty scowls up at Buck. The tomcat's lackadaisical attitude never failed to rub her fur the wrong way. The barnyard is no place to goof about! Dusty's been counting down the days ti'll one of his hare-brained schemes gets him seriously hurt, or even worse.

indent"Ignore him, boy." Dusty very pointedly turns away from Buck, towards the newcomer. "Buck is just a good-for-nothin'. Listening to anything he says will only get you in more trouble. If you want to learn the ropes here, you're best of folliwin' me instead." She stood tall, puffing out her chest. "The name's Dusty. Pleased to meet ya'"
「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Coy's gaze flashed towards the newcomer as he approached, feeling more exposed seeing as there had been another cat observing his actions. Though his whiskers twitched with slight amusement and interest as he had a similar drawl as the she-cat.

A lot of us? Coy thought, quickly pushing away the lightheartedness that threatened to bubble up. His gaze swept cautiously across the farmland, a pang of regret echoing in the rhythm of his heartbeat. This was not what he had planned, nor what he had wanted. But he felt an unexplainable tug towards the strangers and their home, even when his mind yowled at him to flee back into solitude. The cat's words and actions had left him curious, because despite their warnings and his idiocrasy towards the hens, they seemed unbothered by his presence, and maybe even welcoming.

Coy's ears perked as the gray she began to speak once more, in response to Buck's banter. He observed them in silence, absorbing every nuance of their exchange—the shifts in their expressions, the way their fur bristled. When Dusty gave him her name Coy remained hesitant, considering her offer. He knew the logical thing to do was refuse, as getting wrapped up with strangers could lead to unforeseen dangers. But his stomach burned with hunger, and Buck's description of the mice in the barn was incredibly persuasive. If Coy agreed and followed her, and things went sour, he could easily run and escape. He tended to have a knack for squeezing out of tight situations due to his small size and speed. But if they didn't... Then he could leave freely with a full belly.

Making up his mind, Coy opened his jaws to reply. Yet, he hesitated to reveal his name to these unfamiliar cats. After all, he intended to leave as soon as he could.

"Alright." He meowed from atop the fence, trying his best to form confidence in his tone and mask the anxiety he was sure showed on his face. "I'll come with you Dusty."


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦
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indent Dusty purrs - a low, barely perceptible rumble. It's good that some cats are willing to defer to her on things like these. She walked towards the little tomcat, briefly touching his flank with her tail in a welcoming gesture.
"Come along, then, boy. Let's get you something else to eat." She leads him towards the barn, but not before shooting Buck a withering look from over her shoulder. "You can tag along, but behave yourself. We don't need the ragamuffin learning any bad habits on his first day."


indent"This 'ere is the main stables." Dusty mews, as she leads the boy up to the large, imposing building. "Horses live on the bottom - don't fuss with them, unless you want a swift hoof to the skull. They're easily startled, and it takes a gentle paw to deal with them. Best leave it 'till you're more experienced." She deftly slips through the barn doors, which have been left slightly ajar. As she enters the stables, she takes a second to survey their condition. It's mostly empty. Most of the horses are out to pasture, and the ones in their stalls don't pay a single mind to her as she approaches. There aren't any Twolegs, either - well enough, by Dusty's standards. She's not sure how the boy is around them, and would prefer him not to bolt off while she's trying to teach him. "You can find mice and such down here, eating the food the horses have dropped. The best place to look, though, is upstairs, in the hayloft. Dusty hops on the first rung of the ladder leading to the level above, before wrapping her tail around her paws as she turns to face they boy, making sure he's following.
「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Coy recoiled a bit at Dusty's touch, casting her a cautious glance while deliberately steering clear of her gaze. A soft sigh of relief escaped him as she moved ahead, barely catching her remark directed at Buck before he hurried after her, maintaining a respectful distance. His paws tingled with unease as Dusty guided him across the farm, his ears constantly pivoting to catch every sound while his eyes darted around the surroundings.

Once I get a meal or two, I can leave. Coy reminded himself, wishing the time would grow quicker.

His attention snapped towards Dusty at her mew, and he gazed up at the large structure she referred to as a "stable." Coy tilted his head, as if trying to take in the new words. His nose scrunched up at the smell that exited the doors, and he wondered why Dusty wanted to live alongside creatures she described as so dangerous.

"Best leave it 'till you're more experienced."

Coy cringed at her words, and he quickly opened his jaws to protest. "I don't think that'll be necessary-" But his words faltered as he watched her slip through the stable doors with surprising ease. He swallowed, fear fluttering in his chest. Surely this wasn't where she planned on hunting, around the horses? Digging his claws into the dirt, he braced himself before following Dusty into the stable. He couldn't let her see his fear, especially when she seemed so calm. Or, that's what Coy told himself.

Coy let his eyes adjust to the dim light of the building, and soon his attention was drawn to one of the massive creatures stationed behind a gate, its hulking form barely visible behind the bars. Heart leaping, he padded as close as he could to Dusty without brushing against her, his eyes locked on the horse. To his relief, it seemed rather unbothered--but only because it hadn't spotted them. Watching Dusty as she leaped onto the ladder, His gaze flickered a few times towards the horse before following after her quickly, raising his paws onto the first rung as his hind paws remained on the floor. "Hunting up there sounds great!" He hissed, silently urging Dusty to continue onward as Coy grew desperate to put more distance between himself and the stable creature. He just couldn't shake the apprehension, not after the giant rooster from before almost tore his pelt off. The young tom bounced on his hind paws, impatience prickling in them as his gaze flashed to and from Dusty's.


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦

indent Dusty chuckles. She probably didn't need to worry too much about the kid fussing with the horses. Unlike some cats around here, he had the good sense not to mess with something so much bigger than him. In fact, he looked pretty nervous. Not aproblem, Dusty thinks. A bit of caution'll serve him well while he finds his footing.

indent"C'mon up then, boy. Let's get a move on." Dusty turns back to scale the ladder. It's steep, but has a slight incline - just enough for the less steady of the twolegs to get up without falling over. It's more than easy for a cat, though, who can scale the ladder with ease. When she arrives at the top, she preemptively shakes herself off. The dust up here is thick, and it always manages to cling fast to her fur.
"This is where the food for the horses is kept- She mews, gesturing with her tail to the north facing side of the loft, which is filled with numerous bales of pale green hay. but the horses ain't the only ones who like to eat it. Mice, especially, like to steal the stuff, but they aren't the only ones. Chipmunks, sparrows, even rats will come up here to find food. Luckily for us, that means we can come up her to eat too. Now, the other side-" She gestures again, to the opposite end, which is filled with stiffer, more yellowed straw. "Is just bedding. Not too good for eating, but critters will still make nests there, especially this time of year. If you're lucky, you can find a whole nest of mice all sleeping together." Dusty turns to face the kid, a proud smile on her face. "Now that we're here, how's about we get something to eat, yeah?"

「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Coyote was relieved to be following Dusty up the remainder of the ladder, placing his paws hastily as he climbed towards the top of the loft. He sneezed as Dusty shook out her pelt, the dust reaching his nose as his paws reached the top floor. Coy shook out his own pelt more stiffly, then followed Dusty's gaze across the stable loft, and across the remaining half as she explained what prey liked to hide among the strands. He silently wondered who it was that fed the horses, then immediately thought back to the twoleg scent that lingered around the farm. Twolegs were strange, and would explain all the weird animals and structures around the area. Snapping his attention back to the present as Dusty concluded, Coy's stomach growled, and his paws itched to finally sink his claws into something warm to satisfy his hunger.

Coy nodded in response to Dusty, before lowering his body to the wood flooring and parting his jaws to taste the air. He didn't need to wait for her to take the lead any longer. The scent of mice and hay flooded his senses, and he suddenly understood why Dusty and so many other cat's chose to live here despite the dangers. The prey was plenty. He began to creep closer to the green stacks of hay, his tail twitching to-and-fro. Catching live prey would be much more impressive than prey that's sleeping. Coy told himself. After all, he was as good as any hunter like Dusty. He silently hoped she was observing his technique, and had forgotten about his earlier blunder with the rooster. A shiver ran through him at the memory, but he quickly pushed it aside. As he navigated through the bales, his ears perked up, alert for any signs of hidden prey. It wasn't long before he noticed a plump mouse scurrying along the loft floor, partially concealed by the scattered hay. Coy licked his lips as he drew nearer, excitement fizzing in his paws.

Readying himself as he closed the short distance between himself and the mouse, Coyote leaped forward, sending strands of hay flying into the air as his paws slid across the floor and into the creature. His chest flared with alarm, as he wasn't expecting the hay to be so slippery, but he was quick on his paws, and swiftly hooked the mouse with an outstretched paw as it attempted to flee. He sank his teeth into it's body, killing it quickly before it went limp in his jaws. With a triumphant flick of his tail, Coyote rose to his paws, eyes gleaming as he turned to where he last saw Dusty.


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦

indent Dusty sits patiently, watching the kid as he lowers into a hunting crouch. 'Not bad,' She thinks to herself. 'Makes sense. He couldn't have made it this far alone if he was completely helpless.' And he has been on his own for a bit, at least as far as Dusty can tell. Cats his age usually aren't so cagey - the kid hadn't even told her his name yet. Besides, if he had a grown cat looking after him, they would have surely taught him not to go after birds almost twice his size.

indent The kid pounces forward onto a waiting mouse. Again, his form is fine - but he fails to take his footing into account, and slides on the hay, sliding into his target. Quickly, before Dusty can react, he brings a claw down onto the mouse, trapping it.
indent"Fine enough," She purrs, hiding her contentment behind a mask of aloof professionalism. "But you can't always rely on being fast enough to make up for a mistake like that. Account for the terrain, next time, and make sure your first strike counts." She stands, and arches her back, stretching. "Your quick thinking did net you a catch this time, though, so I s'pose I can't complain. Eat up, before your empty belly makes you act up again." He could make for a fine barncat, but he'd need some wisdom in that head of his first. Lucky him, then, that Dusty was here to show him the ropes. Otherwise he might end up with some... less than effective mentorship. She shuddered to think of what strange ideas Buck would put the boy onto.

indent"Once you're done, I'll show you around s'more." It was a statement, not a question. If she left him to explore on his own, he'd likely end up creating some terrible mess, or worse, get himself killed. It was best he remain under Dusty's careful supervision for a time, until she determined he was right enough to be left on his lonesome.

「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Coyote's pelt burned, he had hoped she hadn't seen him slip, and his successful catch had almost made him forget entirely. Isn't the fact that I caught it impressive enough? Hurt flared in his chest momentarily, but his eyes quickly brightened once again as she continued. Her "quick thinking" comment made his fur prickle with happiness. Sitting back onto his haunches, Coy Lifted a hind paw to scratch behind his ear, attempting to hide his satisfaction as a smile threatened to pull at his jaws. "Don't worry." Coy replied after a moment, In a wry manner. "I won't be going near those chickens again any time soon."

Though he quickly cringed at his words, anxiety washing over him as he had felt himself begin to relax spending time with Dusty. He clenched his jaw before taking a stiff bite into the mouse, the tang of blood washing over his tongue. He enjoyed it, more than he had enjoyed any mouse he had eaten over the past few months. It eased the hunger that had been resting at the pit of his stomach for days, and he quickly finished the remainder of the prey, swiping his tongue over his jaws. Satisfied, his eyes flickered back towards Dusty, and he shuffled his paws slightly against the wood flooring.

When she finishes showing me around, I can leave. Coy repeated to himself, though a tinge of regret tugged in his chest. He ignored it, pushing it away as he rose to his paws, signaling to Dusty that he was ready.

The sooner the better.

"Okay." He meowed, his voice slightly unsure. "Where're we going next?"


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦


you are not always to know where you are headed

Pebble crouched low, his wide, curious eyes fixed on Dusty as the older cat led the stranger around. Excitement sparkled in his gaze—this was someone new! Someone unfamiliar! And maybe... maybe a new friend? A new partner for playfights, perhaps?

His tail swished eagerly as he wiggled his hindquarters, ready to spring from his hiding spot. He squinted at the pair, trying to catch every detail of the stranger. But then... a tickle. A tickle in his nose. His eyes widened in alarm as he realized what was coming, but it was far too late.


Pebble exploded from his hiding spot with an enormous sneeze, tumbling forward in a flurry of fur and hay dust. He rubbed furiously at his nose with a paw, shaking his head as if to banish the lingering tickle. Straightening up, he stood as tall as he could (which wasn't very tall at all), blinking wide-eyed at the two other cats.

" Hello! " he chirped brightly, his earlier embarrassment vanishing as a toothy grin spread across his face.
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indent Dusty hears Pebble before she sees him. As he bows into a play crouch, the subtle shift of his paws rustles the straw beneath his feet.
'One of the kittens is listening in. Cute. Maybe I'll pretend I don't hear 'em, give a little boost to that confid-'

indent "Ah-Ah—ACHOO!!"

indent Dusty is proud to say she is not startled by the sudden noise. If she flinches a little bit, it's just because some hay tickled her nose. That's all
"Pebble. Not up to trouble, I hope?" She nods her head towards the newcomer. "This kid's new, you know. You'd better help him settle in." It would be good for the boy to have a friend closer to his age. Pebble is an incredibly bright, sun-shiney kid, real easy to get along with. Someone who could easily make you feel at home. Right now, the boy is serious, and a bit high strung. A bit of pebbletime is sure to make him loosen up. Hell, Pebble might even manage to learn the kids name.


「 ✦ COYOTE ✦ 」

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Coy jumped at the sudden commotion, backing up a pawstep or two as a bundle of fur tumbled down onto the loft in a cloud of dust. His first thought was the horses--could they have been upset at them hunting near their food? He immediately shot Dusty a glance, searching her gaze and looking over her body language to gauge the situation. To his surprise, Dusty seemed to be unbothered. Eyes flickering back to whatever had fallen down onto the wood floor, the tenseness in his body relaxed as he realized it was just a another cat, and a small one at that. Coy gritted his teeth in irritation. How could I let some kit startle me out of my fur like that! Warmth heated the tips of his ears, in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. Luckily Dusty wasn't watching him, as her eyes were fixed on the young tom.


The name echoed in Coy's mind as Dusty spoke, as his eyes surveyed the grey tom. He seemed friendly, maybe too friendly, and Coyote shuffled his own paws in uncertainty. Please don't start asking me questions. Coy didn't want to talk about himself, and the gleam in Pebble's eyes told him that he was the chatty type.

"This kid's new, you know. You'd better help him settle in."

Alarm and anxiety flooded Coyote's pelt at her words, and he quickly shot her a look of surprise. Was she going to leave?

"I'm not sure I'll need too much help..." Coyote trailed off after a moment, offering a slight chuckle as he tried to sound unbothered and convincing. The fur around his shoulders prickled uncomfortably as he dreaded whatever ideas were going through Pebble's head.


✦ 6 Moons | He/Him | Barn Cat ✦


you are not always to know where you are headed

" N-no, of course not, Dusty ma'am! I'd never! " chirped the young tom, his turquoise eyes widening with an almost comical sincerity. Pebble jittered on the spot, a mix of eagerness and nervous energy bubbling under his fur. He wasn't quite the troublemaker his sister could be, not always, anyway... But he was no stranger to making the grown-ups sigh heavily now and then.

Dusty's comment had his gaze darting to the new cat, curiosity lighting up his expression like the sun breaking through clouds. A new face! At the barn! Where had this tom come from? What had he seen? Did he have stories to tell? Pebble's mind buzzed with questions, though he knew better than to overwhelm the poor newcomer. Still, he couldn't just stand there, he had to do something to help.

With a quick glance toward Dusty for reassurance, Pebble padded forward, a light hop in his step, and flashed his friendliest grin. " Hey, hey! I'm Pebble! But you can call me Pebs, Peb, or even Peebs, most cats do! " he meowed, his voice warm and inviting. " You seem like a capable tom yourself, so I bet you don't need much of my help, but hey, we could still hang out! Has Dusty shown you the whole barn yet? "

Pebble's tail swished as he tilted his head, his turquoise gaze sparkling with excitement. " Oh! I know one of the best spots for catching mice. They think they're all sneaky and hidden, but that's where they're wrong! " he added with a playful wink.
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Beetle was a cat somewhere in between the leaderly confidence of Dusty and the relaxed citizenship of Buck. A tomcat who happily took a life of luxury, as most of the barncats did; but one who took meticulous care of his surroundings, ensuring the safety of himself and the other barncats. From keeping a keen watch between the horses and wandering cats, to inspecting every little grain of wood for stray splinters, Beetle found himself a routine in performing safety checks around the barn.

Today, he had been lacking, it seems. Sunlight filters through the partially-open barn door, and Beetle rests on one of its warm rays, nestled up against the wall with his beloved resting alongside him. The commotion doesn't wake him at first, as Dusty and the stray keep their volume decent; it actually isn't until one of their own kittens introduces himself with a startling sneeze and friendly chirps that Beetle finally stirs from his slumber.

With jaws parting in a lazy yawn, Beetle stretches a forearm across the plush pelt of @glade , then finally opens an eye to examine the newcomer as Pebble excitedly chatters to them. His whiskers twitch, and his lips curl up into a fond smile.
"We've got a visitor,"
the tom murmurs to Glade, gently nudging her awake. As she stirs awake, Beetle finally rises with a long stretch and another sleepy part of his jaws before trudging over to the small group.

"Looks like you'll have your paws full,"
Beetle comments to the newcomer. It'll be nice for the little ones to have a new playmate - though the thought of another rowdy kitten bravely running around the barn makes him nervous. Perhaps he better take another look at his previous kitten-proofings. In the mean time, he pushes away the anxiety with a small smile.
"I'm Beetle. This is my mate, Glade,"
the black-furred tom introduces, gesturing to the chocolate tabby somewhere behind him.
"What's your name, kid?"

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    a friendly yet cautious warrior.
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Life at the barn often brought visitors from all directions, sometimes leaving or staying. Much like others who settled here from faraway, Glade made home in the barn's refugee and lived a content life with Beetle. Before a storm separated them from their families, she had lived close to the shipwreck and survived with her family and her beloved when they were kittens. After many moons, they were reunited. They traveled until they found the barn, which they found to be a comfortable place to call home because it offered food, safety, and shelter. Who could turn down such an offer? Combray eyes blinking wearily, her ears flicked at the noise she frequently learned to sleep through until her mate nudged her awake. A visitor, he says? She shakes her mane, then yawns widely and stretches to ward off the drowsiness as Beetle approaches the gathering group. There seemed to be so many new faces now staying in the barn cats that it seemed they had their own colony that grew with every day, similar to her day back at the shipwreck. Her plush plumed tail sways as she eventually makes her way over after her stretch, brushing against Beetle as she came to his side.

As he introduces her, she offers a gentle smile.
"Nice to meet you; don't be afraid to ask about anything."
The umber tabby would respond as she waited to hear the introduction of the new face to the barn. She wonders whether their name would be normal or unusual. It was always interesting to find how similar some were named from nearby compared to different places, with common examples nearby being simple, such as Dusty and Buck. There were plenty of other barncats living there, and like Dusty's thoughts, she doubted any of them had a cheerful disposition nearly as bright as Pebble's, who radiated a cheerful composure.

indent Dusty smiles as Pebble bombards the newcomer with his boundless energy. She had expected him to jump into action quickly, but she wasn't prepared for just how quickly Pebble would move to make friends with a complete stranger. He's so quick, in fact, that the new kid seems a little offput by it. Maybe Dusty had been hasty, introducing the two?

indentBefore she can say anything to the little toms, she sees Beetle approaching. She holds a great amount of respect for him - ever since he and Glade had come to the barn, he'd been another set of eyes and ears to keep things in check. Dusty had found him reliable, and incredibly helpful. Glade, too, was someone Dusty thought fondly of.
"G'mornin." she purrs, greeting the pair. "Found the kid trying to get himself a chicken to eat. Figured I'd better show him how we really do it around here."

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Coy drew his upper body backward at Pebble's fierce enthusiasm--it was exactly as he feared. Coy avoided eye contact as best he could from the young tom's unusually bright gaze, thoughts of how he would reply racing through his head. Though he held on to this comment about seeming capable, and he stifled a small smile.

"Has Dusty shown you the whole barn yet?"

Coy parted his jaws to reply, but was quickly cut off as Pebble went on about his so-called best hunting spot.

Coy meowed hastily, offering a weak smile. Though his reply didn't really make sense in regard to Pebble's statement. He just hoped the tom would be satisfied with his answer without any more questions. Though his heart leaped once again as another cat strolled into view, with a long-furred she-cat at his side. Coy was growing annoyed at his inability to scent the strangers, the scent from the hay and horses overwhelming his nose. Just how many cats are there here?

Coys gaze darted to and from the two, and for a moment he thought they may be cross for causing so much chatter in the stable loft, but his worry was obviously for nothing as the tom kindly introduced himself as Beetle, along with his mate, Glade. He stared at them for a moment, their words resting on his shoulders. He exchanged a quick look with Dusty, then with Pebble—who was still uncomfortably close—before turning back to the pair.

The good-naturedness of the barn cats he'd met so far was nothing compared to all of his previous experiences, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and confused. Yet, a small flicker of relief began to stir within him, though he resisted welcoming it. He had never thrived in groups, so why would this time be any different? His instincts still urged him to escape, especially now that his hunger had been sated, but for the first time, he found himself not having to fight for prey. The first time he felt welcomed. Letting out a small sigh, his body relaxed as his shoulders seemed to slump from the release of tension.

"My name is Coyote--or Coy."
He meowed quickly in response to Beetle, his tone sounding lighter despite the stumble for the first time since arriving at the farmstead. He cringed slightly at Dusty's introduction of him, wishing she had kept the chicken comment to herself. Did they really need to know that? Especially Pebble, Coy didn't want the capable impression the tom had of him to falter.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • [bimg width="200px" height="200px"][/bimg]
  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has a lithe build, with little muscle definition.
    Holds an anxious and standoffish demeanor.
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