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what doesn't kill me better run
you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
Remind him why he was out here again. Right. Finding flowers for Lostmoon because someone enjoyed dangling the fact he was pregnant over their heads like the menace he was—stupid idiot. He tried telling the idiot it was leaffall, so now Lionfire was on a wild goose chase looking for dead things when he could be out hunting.

Of course, Lostmoon made the argument that the upwalkers had flowers.

Lionfire grumbled, evidently annoyed by everything life offered right at this moment, but it wasn't if life was always shitty. He had his brother and his so-called family, and now he was the godfather to Lostmoon's kits if something ever happened to the dumbass which in fact–impossible because Lionfire didn't half-ass anything, and by the Stars themselves, Lostmoon was dying fat and old.

The tri-colored tom grumbled, picking his way through the sparse undergrowth with a characteristic scowl until someone rammed into him, drawing a throaty growl from the warrior, sharp yellow eyes snapping to see who the bird-brain was when he paused, squinting.

Huh. That wasn't anyone he recognized. Of course, he was off SkyClan territory. Go figure. His rapid-fire response would have been something along the lines of who the stars are you and why are you on SkyClan territory, when no bird-for-brains, he wasn't on SkyClan's territory. He was working on his aggression, okay? Leave him the fuck alone.

"Do you not have eyes furball?" Lionfire's response came, the undertone aggressive despite the deadpan baritone drawl.
  • ooc
    —— @Bright
  • a5e92fa4c3c37567978de69ae140035bee24d8dc.pnj
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea



Getting kicked out of his twolegs home hadn't been fun, especially when it left him riddled with a number of insecurities regarding himself and just why he'd been made to leave. Was it something he'd done? Or had they just… not wanted him? Add to that the fact that he'd been a strictly indoor cat for the majority of his life, and one could imagine the sense of fear and confusion and helplessness the green-eyed tabby had felt trying to figure out the new world they'd been thrust into. Where to get food, where he was going to sleep, what things were actually worth getting scared over. There were so many new noises and smells, so many intimidating things to see.

He never would have survived without–


He wasn't sure when he'd stopped thinking about her altogether, or when her name had become some forbidden thing in his mind. What he did know was that he missed her, and that any memory that contained her felt like a knife to the chest.

It made everything hurt so much more. Made him realize just how alone he was now.

But he wouldn't give up.

He couldn't give up– not when he was only here because of her sacrifice. He refused to waste her life like that. Which was why even though he refused to think about her, he didn't let himself forget the things she taught him. He doubted he'd ever be as good a fighter or hunter as her, or that his clinical intelligence would ever be as useful as her on-the-fly cunning and streetsmarts, but it was apparently enough to keep him alive.

He let out a very ungraceful yelp as he slammed into something that was both soft and solid all at once, basically bouncing off of them with a cry of surprise. He supposed that's what he got for being too in his head, but Bright had always been that way, prone to getting caught up in his head as he went over mental notes or observations he'd made that day. He'd been calculating the best way to tip a trash can without alerting half the neighborhood cats (resources were scarce enough and he didn't want to fight over scraps) when he found himself literally running into trouble.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" he apologized quickly as he scrambled back to give the other some room. "Y-your not hurt, are you?"

He felt a little silly asking since the tortoiseshell tomcat was much bigger than him, but it felt rude not to make sure, especially since Bright was the one who hadn't been paying attention.

Besides, even the biggest and strongest cats could get hurt sometimes.

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes

you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
"Do I look hurt, birdbrain?" Lionfire's hot-headed response came, rolling like angry thunder as he stared down at the other, sharp yellow hues narrowing with a loud tsk. As if a small fry like him could do any damage.

Observing the dark tabby with narrowed irises, Liofire flicked a heavy plumage, striding past the other, before pausing, shifting a broad helm to stare at the green-eyed tom, brow raised. "You commin' or what?" He commented, voice guttural like crackling fire.

Yeah, the tri-colored tom knew it was a less than stellar idea to have the odd-ball tag along, but it wasn't if he was in SkyClan's territory, so whatever words he did have meant shit. See? He was dealing with his unhinged anger. "What's an odd-ball like you wandering around? Don't you have upwalkers to cozy up too?" He grunted, nose wrinkling in mild distaste at the word upwalker. Damn, good for nothin' pests is what they were, dumpin' crow food all over the place.

Lionfire never liked 'em. He had his reasons for staring at their daylighters like they've grown two heads watching 'em wander back to their owners like the common pet they were. He grumbled, shaking out his tri-colored pelt, glancing at the towering twolegs nests. "Hey, odd-ball." He suddenly said, twisting a heavy helm in the tom's direction, sharp yellow irises narrowed. "You've got a place I can steal flowers from?"
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
Last edited:



"Well, n-no. " he replied, shifting his weight nervously beneath their sharp, disapproving gaze as he realised he'd managed to offend them. Oddly enough, it happened more often than you'd expect "But it's only polite to make sure, right?"

Manners, Bright was slowly learning, was not necessarily something the streets appreciated. His polite, clumsy, rambling nature put a target on his back as someone easy to chase off or challenge for their things, and much to Brights disappointment, they weren't wrong. It was hard to stand up for himself sometimes, especially when everything wa still so fresh.

Fresh enough, that sometimes he couldn't help but think what they said was true.

"You commin' or what?"


For a stunned moment he simply stood there and watched a the other turned to leave, trying to figure out how he'd achieved the invite when just a moment ago he could have swore he'd offended the other. It was.. Weird, right? The kind of thing she would have warned him against if she was here, but…

She wasn't… And that shecat by the gorge was the first one to be nice to him all week, and he'd been having a rough go of things well before that. Maybe– what harm could walking with the other do?

"H-hey, wait up!"

Gathering his courage, he went padding after the other before he could be fully left behind, his shorter legs working overtime to catch up with the larger tom. It wasn't like Bright had been going anywhere special anyways, just wandering around to pass the time by. He found it was safer that way, if he just kept moving around. And maybe… He glanced toward the big, scarred tomcat beside him. Nobody would bother him if he was with this guy, right?

"Um, well no– I mean, I used to have some, but something came up and they weren't really able to keep me anymore. It's okay though! I-I like it out here a lot more.I guess that also explains what I'm doing out here. he explained, keeping his tone light despite the rather unhappy topic. A part of him was hesitant to go into detail anyways since the topic was one other cats had honed in on to use against him before, and despite the invitation to walk with them, Bright was still walking with a much bigger, much more easily annoyed cat that could easily turn into one of the bullies he'd been trying to avoid. "I was just out stretching my legs when I bumped into you."

But maybe this wasn't like those other times. After all, he could almost swear the towering stranger smelled like Flowercloud had, and while their tone and expression were certainly intimidating (along with their size, and scars, and just about everything really) they were letting him tag along to.. wherever it was they were going, and he was talking to Bright, which was a lot better than the silence he'd been putting up with day after day.

He glanced over as the other spoke again, blinking up at him owilishly as the words sunk in. "S-steal?" he echoed, sounding unsure.

But that's what Bright had been doing this entire time, wasn't it? He was a lousy hunter, and the majority of his meals came from tipped trashcans or metal bins out behind larger buildings. Which he knew was wrong because he'd gotten in trouble for it when he was younger back with his twolegs. Something he's quickly learned not to do.

Flowers weren't food, but was it really any different? Taking was taking.

"Um, yeah, I think so. What do you need them for?" he asked, tone genuinely curious despite his tail giving a nervous twitch behind him at the idea of ripping up a twolegs garden.

"Oh! I'm Bright, by the way! What's your name?"

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes

you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
Lionfire barely batted an eyelash at the oddball's explanation, not having the time or day to worry about what some upwalker did. It wasn't news to him. Poison is what they were, no matter how caring they acted. They'll stab you in the back quicker than you can blink.


He wasn't speaking from experience. He refused to be roped with all the other pampered kittypets feasting on tasteless kibble, plump like a newborn kit's belly full of milk.

"Nosy one, aren't you?" He grunted, swinging a massive helm toward Bright, brow raised in muffled annoyance. "Got a friend expecting kits. Said he wanted flowers." He shrugged lazily. "Don't give a damn what he does with them. The sly bastard." He muttered, his tone becoming a deep, baritone growl. "Don't think those snotty idiots would mind missing a few useless flowers. Not like they don't take enough from us." He grunted, wooly plumage flickering angrily.

When the oddball introduced himself as Bright, Lionfire just batted an eyelash, grunting in response. "Names Lionfire, odd-ball." He introduced himself begrudgingly.

"Ya gonna show me where they are, or are we gonna groom each other's fur?" He gave the other a side-eye, nose wrinkling.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea



"Just curious!" he answered with a reassuring chirp, trying to appease the bigger cat in case they changed their mind about being nice to him.

"Kits? he echoed, vibrant hues widening in surprise for just a moment before going soft. " T-that– Congratulations! To your friend, I mean! It must be so exciting having a family like that!" he replied, his smile sweet and a just a little bit wistful.

He'd never really stopped to consider that life might not be this horrible for everyone. Not every cat could be a walking target, and the idea that there were families out there– communities even– only made him that much more hopeful that life was still a beautiful thing despite all the ugliness he'd seen.

After all, surely a cat that went around looking for flowers for their pregnant friend had to have some good in them right?

Taken from us? What did he mean by that? But the way the others fur spiked up at the mention had Bright thinking twice. Maybe that was a question for another time? Besides, there was more pressing question Bright had just then. Because Lionfire was an odd name, like another odd name he'd heard before, and their smell…

"Ya gonna show me where they are, or are we gonna groom each other's fur?"

His ears flushed lightly at the idea of being groomed by this stranger, and he was quick to stammer out a response. "Oh, um- right, yes!" he stammered out quickly, before his ears darkened even more, fur bristling slightly in embarrassment. "I mean, showing you where the flowers are! N-not the other thing!"

He quickly forced his fur flat and his eyes down, setting a brisk pace in the direction of the twoleg garden he was after.

It was at times like these that Bright wished he hadn't been the only cat in the household– or at the very least, that he'd been allowed to go outside like so many of the other kittypets in the neighborhood. Unfortunately he hadn't, and so despite his willingness to engage with others, he was very inexperienced and usually ended up coming off as awkward and flustered.

It probably would have been smartest to just keep his mouth shut until they got to the flowers and then leave, but…

"Do you… know a cat named Flowercloud?" he asked, tone soft enough to be considered timid before he realized just how random that question would sound if Lionfire didn't know the shecat, which left him quickly scrambling to explain. "I-I just– you guys have really similar names, a-and you kind of smell the same! She said she lived with a big group so I thought m-maybe you might belong to that group too? he asked, chancing a glance toward them.

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes