all you have is your
In the aftermath the shed looks like a corpse, its skeletal wooden frame hanging over it like ribs framing the earth, the shimmer of sheet metal tarnished and bent strewn around it like many bones - it is a massive dead thing near the shore, a beached whale left to be picked clean and gawked at by passerby. Smoke wonders if the ice in his veins will ever defrost and let him feel warmth again but since that night he has been unable to tear his lone gaze from the crumbling rot of old wood and scent of copper brine; he sees those shimmering orange eyes meeting his in the darkness when he blinks his eyes and it unsettles him still. To know you were going to die, to see death before you in the form of a dark cat with spotted stars on his pelt, a constellation in the night sky; what were her last thoughts, he wonders-her last memory. Did she think of her kit in comfort knowing she was saved, did she remember the day a snowball of curled fur came to be, nestled at her side - did she find it ironic to be the cold body on the ground needing warmth and comfort as a newborn kit would only to receive none. Logically he knows he did what he could, there was no saving her beneath the weight of the collapsed ceiling pillar, no cat alive would condemn him for leaving the molly behind and grabbing only her kit - so why then did the guilt gnaw so violently inside him. Smoke always thought himself a reasonable cat, unyielding to the facts and quick to push aside idealistic drivel, but he can not shake the shroud over him now that whispers he could've done more.FIRE
"I'm sorry." And it's unclear if he's speaking to the white kitten standing next to him or the body beneath the debris of what was once their home for so long. They couldn't even dig her out for a proper burial, no one had the strength to waste, there was hardly enough food to keep them going for their journey into the forest; following Pike, of all cats, to something better. Hopefully. He muses how odd it is such a quivering mess of a cat spoke with such confidence on a solution to their problem so suddenly, part of him shares the same worry Bay did that the tom had hidden this safe place from them but why share it now? It was confusing. Smoke shook his head and sighed, picking up the wilted flower he had found at the edge of the woods and stepped forward to place it on the pile of lumber, the remnants of home and a poor excuse for a tombstone. The flower might've been beautiful once, but in this cold it stood now change - the once bright vibrancy of its orange petals all but faded to brown.
"You're not mine." He said gruffly, shaking his head, "I'm not your parent and I'd never replace her, but I'll take care of you."
─ & the place you need to reach.
- Ooc- @Shimmer
— Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
— He/Him
— Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.