It took her hours to clean the medicine den. HOURS. She had scrubbed the floors, reorganized the stupid herb piles, and wiped mud from every crevice. By the time she was done, she could still smell the damn plants clinging to her fur.
As for her croak warriors, they were gone. When Cicada wasn't looking she snatched them up and flung them outside. Fleapaw didn't know whether they made it or became lunch for her clanmates. Couldn't tell if their corpses were among the ones in the prey pile, one dead frog looked like the next—and she was fine with that. Fleapaw didn't want to know.
So, yeah. Mission Croak Warrior was a total flop. She wasn't about to risk another incident and get her head chewed off—maybe literally—by their medicine cat. Fleapaw considered herself lucky enough to be alive.
Now, to make things worse, she had a huge debt to pay off. Not just the deal she made to save Tick's life—no, that was already weighing on her shoulders. She had to replace all the stupid herbs that got destroyed. Just thinking about it made her want to scream.
And of course, Cicadabuzz—unhelpful, cryptic, bug-eyed bastard that they were—offered no guidance on what she actually needed to replace. Didn't even bother telling her what to look for.
So, she was to figure it out on her own. But at the very least, she wasn't alone.
It was a new cold cloudy day. At the camp entrance, Fleapaw paused, her usual scowl softening slightly as she turned toward her brother. "I know I already asked," She said, brows furrowing with concern, "But you sure you're good for it? If you don't feel good, it's okay. I can take care of this on my own."
Flea already burdened him enough. He didn't owe her anything ever, not after what she left him to live through. That wasn't to say she wasn't happy to have him with her, but still, she worried that he might not be fit enough to handle the trip. When they found him, he looked bad. Tick looked better now but... Even as they stood there, she could imagine how skeletal he had looked and smell the death that had radiated off him.
Sometimes, finding him like that, even followed Fleapaw into her dreams.
- ooc: — Friends and family of Fleapaw are welcome to join her before they leave camp. Just be sure to poke me first.
FLEAPAW she/her | shadowclanner | 6 moons
→ former mill kit and kittypet
→ some physical powerplay permitted
→ speech thought/emphasis attacking