This was proving to be harder than Wolf initially anticipated. To the point where he would have been forcing back a laugh if he'd been the one watching this disaster unfold. Unfortunately, he wasn't, and so instead he found himself growing annoyed at the amount of time he'd wasted. Nests. They looked simple enough; some moss and soft bits clumped together all nice and neat– but apparently, if you'd gone more than two years without ever having made one, it was deceptively complicated.
Wolf groaned in defeat as his fourth attempt at making one fell apart halfway through, knowing when to accept that he'd been bested. He was made for a lot of things, but weaving nests wasn't one of them. At least, not the kind these colony cats were so good at making. And he was pretty sure his fellow denmates could tell that as well judging by how he'd stabbed himself twice on thorns he'd failed to notice, shredded most of the moss by mistake, and had covered half of the den in what could loosely be described as 'moss confetti'.
Great first night in their shared space.
Wolf had finally decided to move into what was being referred to as 'the warriors den', which was basically one of the hollowed out spaces beneath a shrub in camp. It was warmer among all the other bodies, and aside from that, the mottle tomcat didn't feel a need to keep himself isolated. The only issue was that he couldn't get his nest to look as nice as theirs. As a nomad he was used to either making due with what he had, or just scraping some soft bits into a pile that usually only lasted a single night– which was fine considering he was used to moving around a lot anyways. But now that he was trying to make something more permanent his paws seemed to be failing him. It was frustrating only because the tom had been excited to enjoy something he could keep as 'his'. He'd even kept the blood-red feathers of the cardinal he'd caught the day Smogmaw fell into that hole piled neatly beside him, waiting to decorate the nest he couldn't seem to build.
"I don't get how you guys are getting yours to stay together like that. Fuck it– I'll give the next bird I catch to whoever can help me fix it."
OOC- he rolled a nat 1 for nest making.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars