Open Camp we’re going on a bear hunt | “sneak attack”

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn
they / them

"Come on," Thistlekit whispers as they glance over their shoulder at Heartkit and Hopekit. The two nursery mates are pretty much joined at the hip, which is fine by the blue rosetted kitten. The more the merrier in their opinion! They would need all the help they can get in taking down a warrior.

In play, in play. Thistlekit knew better than to actually harm a clanmate — such an idea made their tummy hurt and heart feel sad.

But the call to pounce, to playfully attack, was much too strong to ignore. Leafkit and Rattlekit had endured the most of it, but after some time the same games felt boring. Thistlekit needed more. A challenge! Which is what they set out to do now, bringing their friends along with them.

Wide paws crunch softly as Thistlekit creeps out of the nursery and belly crawls towards the center of camp. There, in an inviting ray of sunshine, lay Dewshine. Thistlekit recognizes the warrior and flicks his tail towards Heartkit and Hopekit as if to say, 'that one.' Dewshine would be the lucky (unlucky?) soul to test Thistlekit's skills.

With a couple snakelike steps closer, and a wiggle of their haunch, Thistlekit bunches their hind leg muscles and…


Up from the ground they bound and with a warrior cry (a kitten squeak more like) they land on Dewshine's back, hugging all four limbs on to stay aloft while nipping sharp kitten teeth at the warrior's scruff.

// @Heartkit @hopekit @Dewshine
but no need to wait :]
Heartkit wobbled after Thistlekit on legs that seemed to have a mind of their own, her small frame teetering with each step as she adjusted to the funny little things. Thistlekit was older, a fact that both awed and inspired her, but that didn't stop Heartkit from tagging along in the games he often led. Despite her curious nature and boundless enthusiasm she kept close to her brother though, always eager, always determined. Maybe that's why they named her Heartkit.

" I'm coming..! Are you behind me, Hopekit? " she called breathlessly, her voice a soft, excited chirp as she peeked back. With a playful wiggle of her hindquarters, she caught sight of her brother and brightened. " There you are..! " she added with a happy mew, giving a tiny, celebratory hop forward.

The hop almost sent her sprawling, her paws tangling beneath her, but she managed to steady herself, her fur fluffing with mild embarrassment. She shot a sheepish glance over her shoulder before refocusing on Thistlekit, belly lowering to the ground as she followed his lead. Her wide eyes sparkled with anticipation as she crept closer to their target: Dewshine. Oh, she liked the other cat... She was kind!

Heartkit's fur brushed the ground as she crawled forward, nodding excitedly at Thistlekit's plan. Oh, this was fun! She scrambled closer, though her movements were anything but graceful, quiet as a mouse? Not quite. Her tiny paws shuffled noisily against the ground, but her spirit was unwavering. Surely Dewshine didn't hear that, right?

" W-wait for me! Aahh, ThunderClan attack! " she squeaked, her voice breaking in her attempt to sound bold and fierce. With all the courage her tiny heart could muster, she leaped at Dewshine, claws barely gripping onto the older cat's back end. Her eyes went wide as she realized she was slipping, her grip far from firm.

" Aaah..! " she cried, her squeaky voice filled with a mix of determination and panic as she clung on for dear life. Oh no! She hoped Hopekit would have better luck than her!! Or at least come to her rescue!

Here I am, so young and strong——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— Right here in the place where I belong


Brightpetal's mouse was left half-eaten at their paws as they heard a caterwaul from across the camp, eyes shooting forward to witness a kitten (or three) leap atop Dewshine. Thistlekit landed the first blow, delivering a 'nasty killing bite' that left the orange cat faux wincing on the warrior's behalf. Then, Heartkit followed up with a technique he'd never seen before, a deadly attack on the haunches of a creature that was bound to do... something! As if apart of the game, Brightpetal stood up, a massive grin upon his muzzle.

"Oh no... I never noticed the badger that snuck into camp!" He declared, pointing with an outstretched tail towards Dewshine. "Go on kits, show it not to mess with ThunderClan!" Not that they needed encouragement, but it wouldn't hurt either.

⋆˚✧˖° Come On, Come On, We Can Go Away
Dewshine is in that blissful in between of awake and asleep, the white noise of the camp her lullaby as she begins to drift off in the late afternoon sun. She's so close to sleep that the telltale signs of kitten paws barely register until its too late. What she supposed would constitute a kitten call to arms is what startles her awake first and foremost, needle-sharp teeth has her shooting to her feet next as another pair of kitten claws clings to her flank. Harsh words settle in her throat, ready to scold the kits for disturbing her post hunting nap before Brightpetal's voice rings out encouraging the kits to fight the 'badger' in the camp and she finds she can't bring herself to ruin the game. Even if it interrupted a nap.

"Raaaaah..! Beat me if you can little warriors or I'll eat you and your clan..!" With a half laugh-half growl Dewshine rears up on her hind legs, letting the kits dangle from her fur before attempting to shake them off all in the name of the game. Not too hard to send them tumbling immediately, but not so gentle that the three would have no trouble staying attached to grey fur.

  • Dewshine
    ✦—Future ThunderClan Warrior
    ✦—Silver She Cat W/ Orange Eyes And Dark Stripe Along Her Tail