"Come on," Thistlekit whispers as they glance over their shoulder at Heartkit and Hopekit. The two nursery mates are pretty much joined at the hip, which is fine by the blue rosetted kitten. The more the merrier in their opinion! They would need all the help they can get in taking down a warrior.
In play, in play. Thistlekit knew better than to actually harm a clanmate — such an idea made their tummy hurt and heart feel sad.
But the call to pounce, to playfully attack, was much too strong to ignore. Leafkit and Rattlekit had endured the most of it, but after some time the same games felt boring. Thistlekit needed more. A challenge! Which is what they set out to do now, bringing their friends along with them.
Wide paws crunch softly as Thistlekit creeps out of the nursery and belly crawls towards the center of camp. There, in an inviting ray of sunshine, lay Dewshine. Thistlekit recognizes the warrior and flicks his tail towards Heartkit and Hopekit as if to say, 'that one.' Dewshine would be the lucky (unlucky?) soul to test Thistlekit's skills.
With a couple snakelike steps closer, and a wiggle of their haunch, Thistlekit bunches their hind leg muscles and…
Up from the ground they bound and with a warrior cry (a kitten squeak more like) they land on Dewshine's back, hugging all four limbs on to stay aloft while nipping sharp kitten teeth at the warrior's scruff.
// @Heartkit @hopekit @Dewshine
but no need to wait :]