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This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!
After so long without the light inside of her, the one that seemed to go out some while ago, all the brown furred cat ever did now was lie around. Cookie had seemed to forget that she was still a mother, the grief of her lost child causing her to neglect the one she had. She lounged half in, half out of a hollow at the bottom of a tree, soft moss spilling out that she laid on top of. Her green eyes were unfocused, staring out at nothing into the middle distance. Sometimes that light almost came back, when she'd look at her daughter, her kit, the little four moon old she still had, a reminder that she was still in there. But most of the time she seemed like a dull husk, like a bit of fresh kill that was just waiting to be eaten. It didn't seem to concern her that she didn't know where her daughter was at the moment, who could be on the other side of the forest or just around the big rock. She also didn't seem to remember the last time she ate, nor did she care. She laid, unmoving, the only sign she was still even alive the occasional tired blink.
but you'll always be mine
"W... Wanna see what I found today?" Lemon shyly crept up toward the brown molly from the perch of a gnarled root, looking down at Cookie with a lilt of her head. All the angry bickering and loud disputes hadn't hit close enough to bother the kit just yet. The adults may bemoan of their losses in prey, but her mother was kind and generous to give her whatever prey she came across. Hunger had not truly greeted Lemon's belly aside from moments of feeling snakish.
"I saw it when I was playin' with Smudge earlier and um. It made me think of you!" Just a small hint, to lure her mothers interest!
i imagine you're still out there
The loss of a child is not one that Serpent has experienced yet. And with every fiber of her being, she will never, lest hellfire burn the ground beneath their paws and floods wash them away first. Her stomach is round with possibility but she does not consider it so, not even when she looks on to the morose Cookie and her hopeful, little kitten. Tragedy will not even think to touch her, as privileged as she is.
Still, remnants of hurt thunder in her chest as she overhears Lemon try to garner her mother's attention. Serpent, still round with kittens herself, attempts to wind around the trunk of the tree to better peer at the interaction. Her ears flick back as she tries to impart a, "Oh, sounds mighty interesting," to the duo. She hopes to inspire some reaction out of the mother, at least for the sake of her child. Serpent has experienced parental loss and watching this as it is... is somehow more painful.
"Any idea what it could be, Cookie?" she prods the brown furred molly with a white tipped paw, head tilted.