{$title} This thread is specifically for kits/apps to join except those who are pinged later in the thread - please don't join with warrior aged cats!
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦
The last almost moon had begun to grate on Stoatkit; she was meant to be excited! She'd be apprenticed soon, getting the chance to prove herself. But the events around camp and the territory had been keeping her awake. Even their eyes clamped shut, their face clamped beneath her paws like it'd help her sleep. Try as she might, the flicker of bones crossed her vision, the skull bubbling beneath the water's surface, like her father himself drowned the life from the poor soul. Fleapaw's jaws clamped on the dead hawk, like she'd brought the thing down singlehandedly, the skeleton of some long-dead apprentice at her own feet like she bore the blood of that poor soul. Tears pricked at her eyes, her stomach turning, feeling like there were eyes trained on her.
It was no use; she couldn't sleep at this rate. With everything happening, she desperately needed confirmation there wasn't anything evil or nasty out there. For a moment, she glanced to her father, sleeping peacefully. 'Should I wake him up?...' She asked herself. He promised to always keep her safe, and she trusted that. But she didn't know how much he'd believe her worry if he'd let her go outside herself to just check. She couldn't believe it without seeing it herself. Instead, her eyes flickered to Monster, curled up far from her. Her tail flicked as another wave of nausea washed over her. 'What if he tried to follow me and I don't know....' Monsterkit had the same... Tenacity as Fleapaw, if she didn't bring him purposefully, he might wake up and follow anyway, and she couldn't risk her kin being hurt. But just the two of them? No, that wouldn't be safe either; there was only one cat she could trust to keep them safe, the bravest cat she knew.
Eyes flickering to Timberfrost and Monsterkit again, she nudged the kitten tenderly at the side. She whispered, as best she could, just beside Monster's face "Monster... I'll be back; wait outside the nursery for me, okay?". She cringed, seeing Timberfrost stir for just a moment, but ever since they'd joined Shadowclan, he'd slept a lot more easily at night. He wasn't the only one looking after her, and she was almost ready to look after herself anyway! If the other kitten wasn't awake enough to hear her, she could return easily. But for now, she had someone else to go grab.
With quiet paws, she slinked out of the nursery, peeking around for any cats who may intercept her, though while she was stark white against the dark pocosin, the night gave her some semblance of cover. Skittering across camp, she quickly came upon the apprentice's den, she'd looked inside a couple times before when Fleapaw wanted to show off her new nest triumphantly, and some day soon she'd get to join! And lo and behold, the very cat she was seeking was right where she needed her. Padding over, wary not to wake the other apprentices, she gently pressed her nose again into Fleapaw's side, trying to stir her awake.
Prompt: The night has left your character feeling uncomfortably restless, so they take a few laps around camp to tire out. They start to feel drowsy until they notice several pairs of glowing eyes from the pines peering down at them. they just as quickly disappear (wiggled a little so they're outside the camp!! You'll see why :p )
also please don't post until @DessertDingo @Scarlet / @Monstergaze @F l e a p a w have!!! -
✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
⤷ Written by Phoenix