PAFP Prompt Territory ShadowClan ☽ What goes bump in the night... ✧ Late night (baby) patrol ☾

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This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


When were we ever alone?
Shadowclan Kit
Played by
Pheo & Hawk | phoenixwashere
{$title} This thread is specifically for kits/apps to join except those who are pinged later in the thread - please don't join with warrior aged cats!
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

The last almost moon had begun to grate on Stoatkit; she was meant to be excited! She'd be apprenticed soon, getting the chance to prove herself. But the events around camp and the territory had been keeping her awake. Even their eyes clamped shut, their face clamped beneath her paws like it'd help her sleep. Try as she might, the flicker of bones crossed her vision, the skull bubbling beneath the water's surface, like her father himself drowned the life from the poor soul. Fleapaw's jaws clamped on the dead hawk, like she'd brought the thing down singlehandedly, the skeleton of some long-dead apprentice at her own feet like she bore the blood of that poor soul. Tears pricked at her eyes, her stomach turning, feeling like there were eyes trained on her.

It was no use; she couldn't sleep at this rate. With everything happening, she desperately needed confirmation there wasn't anything evil or nasty out there. For a moment, she glanced to her father, sleeping peacefully. 'Should I wake him up?...' She asked herself. He promised to always keep her safe, and she trusted that. But she didn't know how much he'd believe her worry if he'd let her go outside herself to just check. She couldn't believe it without seeing it herself. Instead, her eyes flickered to Monster, curled up far from her. Her tail flicked as another wave of nausea washed over her. 'What if he tried to follow me and I don't know....' Monsterkit had the same... Tenacity as Fleapaw, if she didn't bring him purposefully, he might wake up and follow anyway, and she couldn't risk her kin being hurt. But just the two of them? No, that wouldn't be safe either; there was only one cat she could trust to keep them safe, the bravest cat she knew.

Eyes flickering to Timberfrost and Monsterkit again, she nudged the kitten tenderly at the side. She whispered, as best she could, just beside Monster's face "Monster... I'll be back; wait outside the nursery for me, okay?". She cringed, seeing Timberfrost stir for just a moment, but ever since they'd joined Shadowclan, he'd slept a lot more easily at night. He wasn't the only one looking after her, and she was almost ready to look after herself anyway! If the other kitten wasn't awake enough to hear her, she could return easily. But for now, she had someone else to go grab.

With quiet paws, she slinked out of the nursery, peeking around for any cats who may intercept her, though while she was stark white against the dark pocosin, the night gave her some semblance of cover. Skittering across camp, she quickly came upon the apprentice's den, she'd looked inside a couple times before when Fleapaw wanted to show off her new nest triumphantly, and some day soon she'd get to join! And lo and behold, the very cat she was seeking was right where she needed her. Padding over, wary not to wake the other apprentices, she gently pressed her nose again into Fleapaw's side, trying to stir her awake.

  • Prompt: The night has left your character feeling uncomfortably restless, so they take a few laps around camp to tire out. They start to feel drowsy until they notice several pairs of glowing eyes from the pines peering down at them. they just as quickly disappear (wiggled a little so they're outside the camp!! You'll see why :p )
    also please don't post until @DessertDingo @Scarlet / @Monstergaze @F l e a p a w have!!!
  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️

MONSTERKIT, 2 Moons // ShadowClan Kit // He/Him // #ff5700
A solid black tom with red rusting and piercing copper coloured eyes.
No thoughts, head empty. For now.

The young tom had been twitching slightly where he lay curled up in the nest, dreaming again no doubt. The twitching was never enough to wake any other cat but it was enough to be noticeable if any cat watched him long enough. Thankfully he'd be pulled out of his nightmares when a gentle whisper caught his ear and a paw nudged his side softly. Monsterkit would sleepily blink his eyes open and lifted his head up slowly to catch a glimpse of Stoatkit-- She whispered something about that she'd come back and for him to wait outside the nursery for her. The kit would give a soft squeak of a yawn as he slowly stretched his little legs out but he would give a sleepy little nod in answer as well, keeping his voice low "Ooookay, we going on adventure?" He almost added an 'again' at the end there but remembered Fleapaw had told him to keep their night adventure a secret.

As Stoatkit slinked back out of the nursery Monsterkit would give a little shake of his pelt to become loose of any scraps in his fur, looking to Timberfrost for a few moments he wanted to brush up against the tom to show him his thanks for always looking after him and that he'd be back to the nest soon-- But he could tell Stoatkit hadn't wanted to wake the older cat and doing so might just do that. Maybe he could do so once they returned? His copper gaze lingered on the other cat for a few moments longer, wondering why Flea and Stoat didn't involve him in these nightly wanders too before eventually clambering on out of the nest and waddling over to the entrance to the nursery to wait where Stoatkit had asked him to-- He was grateful he was included! Maybe the other two just thought Timberfrost needed the rest more?

Monsterkit would plop himself down at the nursery entrance and give another soft yawn, drawing a little paw over his eyes in an attempt to try and wake himself up a little more as he waited, he was sure Stoatkit wouldn't take long but he would wait there all night if she needed him to.

Fleapaw grumbled as something cold and damp poked into her fur. She curled tighter into herself and wrinkled her nose, arching away from it. When it came again, more persistently, she swiped lazily at it.


Her dreams were nothin but cold, and dark. She couldn't remember what happened or where she was, but the scent of rot clung to her nostrils even as she began to stir from it.

Fleapaw blinked up blearily at a soft shape, her eyes dull with sleep. Kinda felt like she was still dreaming. "What—?" Her voice crackled sharp. Fleapaw's ears flicked, mind groggy as she rolled over with a scowl, ready to give whoever it was a piece of her mind.

It took a second for everything to clear up. The moment it did, she realized the shape she saw was Stoat. But something wasn't right, the apprentice den was dark. The pale light trickling through cracks in the brambles was from moonlight, not the sun. "What's goin' on, Stoat?" She stretches out her limbs with a squeaky grunt before blinking up at her friend

Less than anything we dream on
- Undersized cinnamon solid with folded ears. She's thin but stubby with very messy fur.
"SPEECH" - crimson | 'THOUGHTS/EMPHASIS' - crimson
Fleapaw values family the most with survival at a close second. In conversations, she is blunt, fun-loving, and clever. She is guided by her desires which often leads her astray. Despite her abrasive personality, she cares deeply for those she loves and will do anything to protect them. Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and has minimalistic, if any, morals. She does not care for the warrior code and its restraints. Neither does she believe in StarClan. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, and ending up on the streets have deeply affected her view of the world.


We'll continue to be disappointments
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit tried to keep he voice gentle, wary of waking up the other apprentices, but it was hard to hide the waver in her voice. "I... I need your help." She swallowed hard, trying to hide her nervousness, her eyes flicking around the den. Everyone was still asleep, but it didn't help her being worried. "I keep seeing awful things in my sleep. I keep thinking there's something out there." Stoatkit's tail flicked, motioning outside.

She picked at her paws, mindlessly clawing and picking at herself, trying not to think too long or hard about her nightmares. "I don't think anyone else would believe me. Let alone come with me to check." Something felt like it caught in her throat, a lump clinging to every breath. As she tried to continue, she felt her stomach churning, unsure of herself. "You... You don't have to come. I know this sounds stupid I- I'll be outside, I'll wait for a little bit if you wanna come but I know it sounds dumb." Stoatkit's ears pinned back a little; what certainty she had that Fleapaw may have come with her suddenly disintegrated. She didn't give Fleapaw a chance to reply before she stood and left the apprentice's den, if Fleapaw wanted to come with in the end they could talk outside.

Though she took a deep breath, desperate to maintain her face as she saw a little brown lump of fur in the clearing, she couldn't help but smile. She padded over to Monsterkit and gently nuzzled at the top of his head. "Just gotta wait for Fleapaw if she wants to come or not, then all three of us can have a little adventure together. You excited Monster?" She purred; she could see how sleepy the tiny thing was; if he got too tired, it wouldn't be too hard for her to carry him back. She didn't wanna go too far from camp, but with Fleapaw in tow, she wasn't about to hold her breath for it.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️
  • Love
Reactions: Monsterkit


How does it feel to reach the line that no-one ever dared to cross

Tickpaw had settled into the nest he'd claimed for as long as possible, which, realistically, meant until the inevitable stirring began. The shifting and turning, the faces he couldn't push away. The lifeless eyes that had been staring at him, the scent of rot that entered his senses, the way a stiff body had been pressed to his nose and-- He had fled from the warmth of his nest, ready to stretch his legs and hopefully let the nightmare simmer down to nothing but... A bad dream...

Yawning away the last remnants of sleep, he peered down the entrance of the nursery, eyes flicking toward Monsterkit. The little kit had been left alone for a brief moment... And he was certain where Monsterkit was, either Stoatkit or Fleapaw were nearby.

Not that Stoatkit knew he was here. He blamed his restless paws. Sleep didn't come easy. Nightmares, as usual. Ones he'd rather forget.

" Stoat goin' on an adventure? " he finally rumbled, his voice low and teasing as he smirked at Monsterkit, moving a bit closer to the entrance of the nursery. His ears twitched, perking slightly. " Guess I'll tag along. Since she's probably dragging my sister into it, huh? " His voice remained hushed as he dipped his head slightly toward the younger kit.

He didn't know Monsterkit well. Not yet. But he knew Stoatkit and Fleapaw were… fond of him.

He shook the thought away as movement caught his attention. Stoatkit had tumbled out of the apprentice den again. Tick remained still, watching for a moment before clearing his throat. His orange eyes, bright against the night's shadows, settled on her.

" Hey. You okay with me joining, Stoat? "

═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════
  • Love
Reactions: F l e a p a w

ERROR 404!
Oops... Sleep Not Found

Hushpaw was already struggling to fall asleep as it was– having Stoatkit sneaking in to wake up Fleapaw definitely wasn't helping. He was just about to roll over and try burying his head into the moss lining of his nest when he happened to overhear what the younger cat was saying.

"I keep seeing awful things in my sleep. I keep thinking there's something out there."

Chills swept through Hushpaws body, not just because what she was saying was creepy, but because it was all too relatable to his own problems.

Horrifying dreams. Unreasonable paranoias. Things he knew weren't true but felt terrified against all the same. And now, Stoatkit wanted to go looking for it– whatever it was?

As they slipped back out of the den, leaving Fleapaw to follow if they so chose to, Hushpaw lifted his head and peared over at his now-awake peer. "Y-you don't think there's actually anything out there, do you?" he asked, a little accusatory, as if he was surprised Fleapaw would buy into such a stupid idea. "Like, d-dream stuff?" he clarified, because obviously there was stuff out there, just.. Not whatever weird things Stoatkit was dreaming up.

shadowclan apprentice - male - a small, black and white kit with spiky fur and green eyes

The shake in Stoatkit's voice sobers her up quick. Fleapaw sat up, face suddenly a whole lot more serious. Would've been easy to turn her away, like the adults did—to wave off her worries and call it a figment of her imagination. But Stoatkit was her friend. So if something was scaring Stoatkit, real or not, she'd give it a taste of her claws.

Before she could offer her support, the white kit had already bolted back outside. Tch. Flea exhaled sharply through her nose and hauled herself upright, stretching out her stiff joints.

Movement in the dark catches her eye. A familiar black-and-white pelt—Hushpaw. At his question, she shrugs. "Nah." Plenty cats seemed to think something was up. Plenty of odd things happened in ShadowClan—there were times she'd felt eyes burning on her back. And then there was that time with the frost… But did she think it was a curse or ghosts? Not really.

She smirked at Hushpaw, flicking his ear with her tail as she skulked past the brambles. "Lil' adventure never hurt, though."

Shadows shifted outside the den, and more than two pairs of eyes gleamed in the dim moonlight. Hushpaw—Monsterkit—Tick?

Fleapaw blinked. Wasn't expecting to find her brother, but maybe she should've. Monsterkit was a given. If he wasn't glued to Timber, he was with them. She saunters over and ruffles Monster's head with a tired smile. "Ain't you tired little buddy?" If he wasn't tired now, he was gonna be in the mornin' that was for sure.

Her eyes drifted, finally landing on Stoatkit. She rolled her shoulder and then tilts her head slightly. Flea keeps her voice low, hoping not to disturb any of the less fun members of their clan. "I'm here. Where we goin?"

Less than anything we dream on
- Undersized cinnamon solid with folded ears. She's thin but stubby with very messy fur.
"SPEECH" - crimson | 'THOUGHTS/EMPHASIS' - crimson
Fleapaw values family the most with survival at a close second. In conversations, she is blunt, fun-loving, and clever. She is guided by her desires which often leads her astray. Despite her abrasive personality, she cares deeply for those she loves and will do anything to protect them. Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and has minimalistic, if any, morals. She does not care for the warrior code and its restraints. Neither does she believe in StarClan. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, and ending up on the streets have deeply affected her view of the world.


We'll continue to be disappointments