the body aches against its losses... both of the flesh and of the heart. too many nights had passed with not a glimpse of half her litter and no sign that they might be safe other than the blind faith she held for Sablestar. he could be good... he had been to her once. still, the cuts and nicks of the forest's many bites are just as arduous to endure when every tiny movement meant stirring them to glittering pain. a tongue could only pass over them in desperate hope of easing it, of stitching them closed with saliva and an eagerness not to hurt anymore.
vacating the leaf-strewn entrance of her den, Juniperstar can take solace in the united efforts of her clan... how they work in interlocking bonds that fill the gaps of heartaches, of unforeseen challenge. she lifts her voice to gather their attention, to lance herself through them like the sun does burn the skin to remind anyone that it still brightly shines even through the cover of the canopies- a begging insistence. do not forget me.
"We have some apprentices that need... watching over," they are not so small that they are burdens, begging for milk and moss balls... but if the recent throng of rats roaming their territory like a pack of wolves is any indication, it isn't safe for anyone to be alone, much less their youth. "Sunpaw... I'm going to ask Dustrunner to oversee your training..." aqua eyes slide towards the ashy-furred warrior with a quiver of her whiskers. she hadn't consulted him on his preparedness but... she had absolute faith. "Ghoststrike..." like Thunderflash he had found himself pressing his luck. choosing to nip at sore wounds rather than act to fix them... his voice had become a grating irritant rather than something worth listening for. maybe being forced into some sort of responsibility would see him take some initiative beyond his sulking. "You're in charge of Cinderpaw."
if he objects, she doesn't seem interested in hearing it, launching headfirst into the next assignment, "And Hazelheart, if you wouldn't mind taking care of Grizzlypaw." a chipper tom who'd be little headache to her.
her tail swishes low to the ground, sweeping at the dust like it might unveil some sort of relief or reward for their hard work, for their adapting despite all odds. the best they can look towards is the filling of the fresh-kill pile as the spring thaws their woes away. if Sablestar had just waited... had just waited for this exact moment and let Thornstar try...
"Please do what you can to hunt as much as possible- the nursery is not as roomy as it once was so we need to keep our most vulnerable fed. There should be plenty to go around in this pleasant weather so... let me know if you have any issues." there is one last matter she supposes, "If you wander towards those warm stones towards where the sun sets, keep an eye out for a new clan that calls themself RiverClan... They seem friendly but had to be reminded not to trespass when they introduced themselves."
vacating the leaf-strewn entrance of her den, Juniperstar can take solace in the united efforts of her clan... how they work in interlocking bonds that fill the gaps of heartaches, of unforeseen challenge. she lifts her voice to gather their attention, to lance herself through them like the sun does burn the skin to remind anyone that it still brightly shines even through the cover of the canopies- a begging insistence. do not forget me.
"We have some apprentices that need... watching over," they are not so small that they are burdens, begging for milk and moss balls... but if the recent throng of rats roaming their territory like a pack of wolves is any indication, it isn't safe for anyone to be alone, much less their youth. "Sunpaw... I'm going to ask Dustrunner to oversee your training..." aqua eyes slide towards the ashy-furred warrior with a quiver of her whiskers. she hadn't consulted him on his preparedness but... she had absolute faith. "Ghoststrike..." like Thunderflash he had found himself pressing his luck. choosing to nip at sore wounds rather than act to fix them... his voice had become a grating irritant rather than something worth listening for. maybe being forced into some sort of responsibility would see him take some initiative beyond his sulking. "You're in charge of Cinderpaw."
if he objects, she doesn't seem interested in hearing it, launching headfirst into the next assignment, "And Hazelheart, if you wouldn't mind taking care of Grizzlypaw." a chipper tom who'd be little headache to her.
her tail swishes low to the ground, sweeping at the dust like it might unveil some sort of relief or reward for their hard work, for their adapting despite all odds. the best they can look towards is the filling of the fresh-kill pile as the spring thaws their woes away. if Sablestar had just waited... had just waited for this exact moment and let Thornstar try...
"Please do what you can to hunt as much as possible- the nursery is not as roomy as it once was so we need to keep our most vulnerable fed. There should be plenty to go around in this pleasant weather so... let me know if you have any issues." there is one last matter she supposes, "If you wander towards those warm stones towards where the sun sets, keep an eye out for a new clan that calls themself RiverClan... They seem friendly but had to be reminded not to trespass when they introduced themselves."
new pairings!
@Dustrunner & @SUNPAW
@GHOSTSTRIKE & @Cinderpaw
@hazelheart & @grizzlypaw : ̗̀➛
sorry for my absence i've been swamped irl between actual plans, life events and general seasonal mental health struggles. much love to u all and u can expect thunderclan's first event hosted sometime in the near future :3c after windclan is established... -
leader of thunderclan
nine lives remainignore me