PAFP when the light falters // seal

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in the dark there's always a light
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{$title} A conversation between Seal and Marble first, but open for more at a later point!

Marbleshine had been busy around camp, her steps light and chipper, a warm smile never far from her face. Though a flicker of nervousness had lingered in her chest, knowing that Sealpaw had gone out on patrol with quite a few others, she reassured herself. Sealpaw was in good paws. There was no need to worry. So, instead of fretting, Marbleshine had thrown herself into keeping busy. She had entertained the kits for a while, checked over the nests to see if any needed fresh moss, and made herself useful wherever she could. Eventually, though, she had allowed herself a small moment of rest.

And before she knew it… a small rest had turned into something longer than she intended.

Blinking sleep from her blue eyes, she was jolted awake by a familiar scent drawing near. Sealpaw. Oh, Stars... She had completely forgotten to meet her at the camp's edge! Scrambling to her paws, her flustered expression betrayed her guilt as she hurriedly cleared her throat. " Seal! " she called warmly, stepping out of the warrior's den, only to collide headfirst with Sealpaw, who had been sprinting straight toward her. " Oommff...! " Marbleshine stumbled slightly, quickly steadying herself. " Hey there…! How-- how did it go? Did you catch anything? "

Her words tumbled out with their usual warmth, but the smile on her face wavered as she caught sight of Sealpaw's expression. Something was wrong.



Sealpaw wasn't really sure where her paws were taking her at first until Marbleshine's voice called her name and she slammed face first into the molly's chest without a word. Her face stung where Fleakit's claws had raked across her eyebrow barely missing her eye. She hadn't realized it was bleeding until she pulled away from Marbleshine to spy red faintly staining otherwise pristine pale fur and she looked up with watering eyes. 'Don't cry, don't cry. You ALWAYS do this, grown ups don't cry stop that. It's JUST a little cut.'

"Bad." Keep it together. "I caught a mouse and I tried to give it to Thunder but he said to keep it and then Jade got mad and hit me for it andand-" The words tumbled out so fast she wasn't sure if Marble would actually catch what she was saying but if she slowed down or stopped she was absolutely going to start crying. "Then Thunder attacked Sablestar and I took Fleakit and ran back to camp but she got mad at me too and-" A shuddering, heaving breath was taken before she finally dissolved into a sob.


Could she even do anything right..? With a small whimper Sealpaw pressed her face into Marbleshine's chest again, wanting nothing more than to hide away.


  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
  • Sad
Reactions: F l e a p a w

" Oh, my dear... my sweet thing... " Marbleshine gasped, her voice trembling in horror when she noticed the blood on Sealpaw's face. What had happened? Who had done this? Her eyes widened, and she immediately began gently dabbing at the blood, her movements soft and careful. Sealpaw managed to choke out that the patrol had gone wrong. Then, through held-back tears, she spoke of Thunder... Oh, no. They had encountered cats from the other side. Marbleshine inwardly flinched at the thought, swallowing hard before giving Sealpaw a faint, reassuring smile. She had tried her best to be kind to Thunder, offering prey and-- Wait.

Wait. What?

Sealpaw had tried to be kind, and... Jadethorn had HIT her for it? Blinking in confusion, Marbleshine paused, her heart aching. She frowned deeply, trying to make sense of what she was hearing. Sealpaw was so sweet, so full of kindness... How could anyone hit her for something like that? Marbleshine looked again at the blood on Sealpaw's face. Then, Thunder had tried to attack Sable, and Sealpaw had safely taken Flea home... She forgot her mouse. " Oh, sweetheart, oh lovely little one... " Marbleshine's voice softened, her concern still evident. She couldn't hide the knot of anger growing in her chest, though she couldn't quite place it. Was... was she angry? At Jadethorn? She let the feeling simmer for a moment, but her focus shifted back to Sealpaw. " It's okay, darling. It's okay. I'm so proud of you for catching that mouse! "

Her purr came out louder now, the warmth in her voice returning. She gently stroked Sealpaw's head with a paw, her touch comforting. " You did nothing wrong. You were brave, and you were kind, offering that mouse to Thunder. Very brave. " she whispered softly. Marbleshine paused, her thoughts swirling, and her gaze turned icy for a moment. Her claws subtly flexed in the dirt as she stared into the distance. " Did... did she cause that bleeding too? " Her voice came out low, an edge of fury creeping into it. If Jadethorn was behind this... Marbleshine was determined to give her a piece of her mind. She was about to anyway, for even beginning to HIT this child!


  • Evil
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The entire point of the patrol crossing the thunderpath had been to bring back prey and Sealpaw hadn't even managed to do that right. Catching the stupid mouse didn't matter if she didn't bring it back. Maybe someone would find it and bring it back after the fight if it wasn't entirely forgotten about in the meantime.

And then there was how Thunder had reacted, an expression she'd never seen on his face before and a whispered warning for her ears only before he had launched himself at Sablestar. Watch your back... Marbleshine said she was brave for offering the mouse to the tom but she most certainly didn't feel brave about it. Everyone was mad at her for it, Jadethorn, Fleakit; Gravelpath had even said the fight was all her fault... Stoatkit had been frustrated too when she returned with Fleakit.

"I don't feel very brave..." If she could press herself any harder against the molly's fur she imagined she'd be buried completely. Her hiccuping and crying began to slow to the occasional sniffle and finally she pulled away from Marbleshine. An apologetic look was given at the blood now staining her... adoptive mother's? Marbleshine's fur before shaking her head vigorously at the question.

"N-no... Fleakit did that..." Sealpaw admitted, suddenly interested in the way the mud squished between her paws as she shuffled in place. "It stung a little, but I'm ok..."

Oh, now Marble was angry... Maybe she shouldn't have said anything. 'Note to self: Next time put on a brave face, get it together. Act like it doesn't bother you as much as it does or everyone will be upset.'


  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
  • Evil
Reactions: F l e a p a w

Marbleshine was a cat of kindness, it was evident in everything she did. She abhorred violence, believing that patience and understanding could mend most things. Communication was key, that was what she believed! Not everyone shared that sentiment, of course, and she was still young, still learning, but she tried her best. Adopting Sealpaw as her own hadn't been in her plans, but the little one had needed someone. And Marbleshine had loved her too much to ever leave her behind. But if she was being honest with herself...

This Clan was testing her.

Her ears flicked as she studied Sealpaw, whose shoulders were hunched in quiet dejection. Oh, how brave she was, bravery and kindness should always be rewarded, not punished. A cat like her shouldn't have to shrink away, shouldn't have to feel small for doing what was right. " Tell you what... " Marbleshine murmured, voice warm. " Tomorrow, just the two of us will go hunting. How does that sound? " She smiled, hoping to lift Sealpaw's spirits. " And if we happen to see Thunder again… we'll be polite, treat each other with kindness. The way things should be. Decency. "

Sealpaw's posture looked so apologetic, causing Marbleshine's face to soften for a moment. If she was worried about the blood, she shouldn't be. Before the little one could speak, Marbleshine let out a light, tinkling laugh and shook her head. " No need to look so worried, dear one. " she reassured, gently rasping her tongue over Sealpaw's head. " I can wash it, don't fret-- "

Then Sealpaw mentioned Fleakit. Wait. Fleakit did that?

Marbleshine blinked, her smile faltering as confusion flitted across her face. Slowly, her hackles lifted, just slightly. So now even kits were getting tangled up in this mess? She knew Flamerunner was fond of the little spitfire, but this... this wouldn't do. Violence shouldn't be the answer. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Fleakit shouldn't have hurt Sealpaw like that. " I'm glad you're okay, Sealpaw... " she murmured at last, pressing a quick, reassuring lick between the young cat's ears. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the returning patrol.

Jadethorn, carrying a mouse.

Marbleshine hesitated, tail tip flicking as she considered her next move. Jadethorn was her friend, surely, surely, she'd listen to reason. She just needed to understand what she had done, that it was wrong, and then she'd apologize. Right? With one last affectionate nuzzle to Sealpaw, Marbleshine took a steadying breath, squared her shoulders, and padded toward Jadethorn with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

" Jadethorn! Hi~! " Her voice was light, airy, but there was an edge beneath it. " Could we talk? I heard you slapped Sealpaw. "


  • Love
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