Open Camp WHY HERE? WHY NOW? [ kit intro ]

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


i'm afraid i don't know

Nightkit's eyes were boring into Shadowclan camp. Some of the other kits were playing, but here she sat, eyes squinted against the sunlight and judgmental vision upon warriors and apprentices she hadn't seen before. Her mother wasn't far from her flank, hovering close and keeping a watchful eye- much like how Nightkit was upon camp. She had plenty of thoughts in her head but very little to speak upon, golden eyes wide and forward, inked pelt fluffed up against the cold. Speaking of- a tiny noise left her as she pushed to her paws, toddling back to her mother and sitting, pressing her side against Ember.

Ears wiggled and twitched as she settled back down. If anyone was to approach, her vision wouldn't turn away to hide, no. Nightkit's piercing golden eyes lifted to the stranger, studying them with intent, a deep lack of shyness written upon her. Vision only strayed to look for her sister, Lightkit's form tumbling nearby, surely.

  • "speech"
    // @ember @lightkit but no need to wait!!
  • 93327230_NKy40Yd5oV5BZNF.png
  • NIGHTKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, one moon.
    a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    ember xx frond | sister to lightkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
its dead! poke it with a stick.

There wasn't much to do cooped up in this dump. Sure, it was more spacious than the mill, but it was still a far cry from scratchy trees and twinkly things. Flea really liked her twinkly things. Say what you want about two-legs, they knew how to have fun. Not that Flea couldn't make her own trouble.

Lately, she'd taken to keeping an eye on the other kits. There weren't a whole lot of them, and most were younger. Some of them reminded her of her own siblings, so she was already a little attached. These brats weren't exactly the sharpest rocks in the pile, after all. Someone had to make sure they kept all their extrem—extraemities? Yeah, like legs and stuff.

A few of them had seen their share of hardship, but the rest were pretty soft. She didn't want them getting hurt. Besides, someone had to show them the best spots to catch frogs.

Right now, the runts were busy making their own mischief. She watched them tumble and scrape their paws, too big to jump into the fuss—at least for now. Kits her age were supposed to do other stuff anyway, like catch frogs and practice beating up enemies.

Then Flea noticed one of them was missing. She scanned the camp until her sights settled on a small tortoiseshell kit glued to her mother's fur. Jeez. And Flea thought she was supposed to be the outsider.

Round and stocky, she pulled herself to her paws and teetered over, her voice ringing out without much care for who heard. Blood or not, these kits were her responsibility now. "Hey, kid. Your legs broken or somethin'?" She sniffed, letting herself be studied. This kit had a bit of an attitude—good.

"Ain't you bored, small spark? Not gonna learn much attached to your ma's hip."
  • ooc - - -
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:

Deathberrykit didn't mind Lightkit and Nightkit; their mother could be a sour sort, but so could hers. Not to mention they often served as friends to herself and her own littermates (wherever they may be at the moment.) Deathberrykit is never sure who starts warrior-watching first, between herself and the tortoiseshell molly, but she's learned over the last moon that they're both pretty good at it. Perhaps too good, if she can manage to sneak into Cicadabuzz's den again.

Her gaze tilts towards Fleakit as the older molly speaks, her own ears craning back as she moves to test her own tongue in response. "What is there... to learn?" She asks, and though her expression doesn't change, she is impatient while she waits for an answer.

Eyes turned to the figure that approached. Bigger then her- almost an... apprentice? That was a big word, she thinks softly, but continues to stare at the kit that approached. Her body language was sharp, and tongue sharper, so while Nightkit gazed at Fleakit, she left her flank open for the prodding of words. Yet the phrases themselves weren't unkind. Nightkit hadn't heard many stories of older siblings, but if someone were to describe that to her, perhaps Fleakit would fit that description. Hey kid, your legs broken or something?

Nightkit's vision tipped down to her legs, which were clearly unharmed, before pushing her gaze back towards Fleakit. "No." She responds, voice almost dry, but it's just the odd cadence she wore. Emotion didn't worm into the kit's voice often, even though she asked a time or two for some things, her mother never let her whine. No, that would be unseemly. Her ears perked gently at the second statement, and while Deathberrykit chimed in, she thought to herself on a pawful of things.

The first was Deathberrykit herself. A 'friend', of sorts, if Nightkit had those. She wasn't so sure she did yet, but she thinks that Deathberrykit would be the closest in similarity to her. Watching over doing, learning before acting. The second was much of what Deathberrykit asked about, and then what Fleakit had asked. When she speaks again, it is after careful consideration. "Bored? No. I watch first." She says- she doesn't know the words for study quite yet, because that's the best it could be compared to. "I learn plenty.. from here." She says, a paw lifting to pat at her own cheek, expectant eyes shining at Fleakit.

  • "speech"
  • NIGHTKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, one moon.
    a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    ember xx frond | sister to lightkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
its dead! poke it with a stick.

Another teeny voice piped up, and Fleakit tilted her ear to listen. She about snapped her neck from shock cause like what? What is there to learn? Was this kit serious? Then again, was she that surprised these kits' parents weren't teaching them anything useful about the world? Soft bunch, they were, and it was gonna get 'em killed.

"You have to be pullin' my tail." Fleakit shot a look back at Deathberrykit, her face scrunched up like she'd just licked something sour. There was a serious lack of personality comin' from these two weirdos. Did their mama eat somethin' funky when she was cookin' 'em?

Shit, they were gonna be a lot of work.

Took Nightkit long enough to speak. Fleakit was willing to wait—at least for them. Didn't mean she was gonna go easy on 'em though. She didn't change for anyone. Her way of speaking was as rough as ever, just like Pa always told her. He said it made her sound tough, just like him. "Your ma sat on your head when you came out, didn't she." Fleakit said with a heavy sigh, shaking her head.

"Hate to break it to you, spark, but you can't learn nothin' by just sittin' there. It don't stick unless you actually DO the thing."

"There's lots of stuff you can't get from just watchin'—like fightin', huntin', catchin' frogs, and then takin' said frogs and puttin' 'em somewhere fun like..." She cast a quick glance at the kits' mother and lowered her voice to a whisper. "...certain cats' nests."

Fleakit couldn't hold her snicker, straightening up with a toothy smirk. "There's more out there than just the inside of this stupid nursery, yknow." Whether they liked it or not, she was determined to give them a taste of actual living. Otherwise, they were gonna end up down some crows gullet. There was no place for the weak out here or anywhere.

  • ooc - - -
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:
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——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit did as she often had since all these new cats showed up in her home; she watched. Her father pushed her to talk with the other kits, but she'd rather keep an eye on them instead. She wasn't all too sure about them. Still, it'd been some time since they'd settled here, and it was rather hard to gauge what they were like without closer inspection. Her tail flicked, watching the oversized cinnamon kit - 'Fleakit, was it?' she paused to consider - approach another perched beside her mother; names were still something she was trying to remember, after all.

She couldn't tell what Fleakit was talking about, obviously, but her expression and body language caught Stoatkit's eye, something of mischief perhaps? The tail flicking and what she could only assume was laughter made her more than curious about the goings on. The nursery was mostly peaceful, with the occasional head popping in with food or looking to talk with the adults. She wasn't a fan of those visits; the sudden appearance of new faces with no forewarning always set Stoatkit into a frightened state, but to say the same old wasn't bogging her down was an understatement.

So despite all her warning signs, with a quick glance back at Timberfrost - who was turned away, asleep or distracted, she wasn't too sure - she stood up and padded closer to the conversations. Despite her non-existent hearing, she'd learned her own ways to go about conversations, including lip reading, though that required cats to not mumble or whisper, and to her chagrin, the others kept whispering, turning as they spoke. Whispering was for cats with something to hide, which meant she just had to know now.

She was just about able to catch the last of what Fleakit had to say, something outside the nursery... It'd been a good long time since her father had let her outside. 'He worries too much... I can stand up for myself.' she pondered, certain of it, and she wanted to prove that. She understood why the other whispered, so she interjected the conversation, keeping her voice as much of a whisper as she could without hearing herself, "You said you're going outside the nursery..." Stoatkit spoke slowly, unsure of herself for a moment, but determination got the better of her, "I wanna come with you.". Her eyes glittered; she had to prove herself to her father somehow.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
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The warm-furred child doesn't understand the appeal of just watching the warriors outside the nursery; whether she is watching them or not, she is not interacting with them, so her attention is hardly needed. It struck her as much more fun to pursue her own activity independent of the influence of warriors unconcerned with herself. However, if her siblings and their like-aged denmates enjoyed it, Mistletoekit would hardly begrudge them - it didn't interfere with her wants, after all. This obviously is not a sentiment shared by Fleakit.

"Learn manners, too?" She asks, her tone a genuine inquiry, her head tilted as though the answer will be clearer at this new angle. For all her limited understanding of the world - and it is limited, being only a moon old - Fleakit's conduct seems incongruous with what Cherry has imparted on the children as being polite. Maybe the other kitten just hadn't gotten around to learning it yet, with everything else she does outside the nursery. Mistletoekit does wonder if there are more bugs outside the nursery walls, able to skitter and thrive without the attentive gaze of care givers to scare them off, but the thought is fleeting. The nursery has everything that she wants from it: food, comfort, ample places to sleep, her family. There's no reason for her to seek beyond its confines just yet.

A pressure in her pursed lips squirms side to side, warming up to speak, and words come forth they do not spill so much as seep. "You have fun outside," she says slowly, looking between Fleakit and Stoatkit, who appear adequately matched in their desire to leave. Her attention then turns to those her age - Deathberrykit, whose intent she can't quite glean, and Nightkit, whose quiet observation had somehow amassed this conversation. They would both stay inside with her, she assumed. "And we have fun here. Thank you."
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Nightkit thinks this is the first time she experiences irritation. The first thing that comes out of Fleakit's mouth, after Nightkit's response, is that her mother sat on her head. Pale eyes flash with something unreadable, and ears flatten against her skull. She is by all means smaller, and younger, and this Nightkit knows. There is no point starting an argument, or trading sharp responses. Her eyes narrow a hint at Fleakit as the older speaks and continues. Despite the way she feels, she knows that Fleakit is right. She must do. She cannot laze and wait. Yet, observation before doing is still valuable. She does not try to argue this point. Fleakit almost tries to coerce her into doing more 'fun' things, as she refers to it, like putting prey in her mothers nest.

A snort leaves her, ears relaxing and gaze visibly moving back to neutral. Others come to Fleakit, despite the older's focus on her, egging her for going outside, or bidding her to leave. A look is given to Mistletoekit, a soft blink of appreciation leaving her, even if she does not have the words for it. And, with no verbal response to Fleakit, she returns to staring up at the older.

  • "speech"
  • NIGHTKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, one moon.
    a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    ember xx frond | sister to lightkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Like
Reactions: Pepperpaw

The seal point's gentle voice carried with it a tone of patient guidance, as if she were speaking from experience. " Flea, please. That's not a nice way to talk to young kits. As the older kit, you should be showing a better example. " Her eyes softened as she leaned in, offering a quick, affectionate rasp over Fleakit's ear, the sort of gesture that was both reprimanding and caring.

She then shifted her attention to Stoatkit, giving a gentle bop to the other's side, a playful yet maternal touch. " Ask your father first if you are allowed outside, sweetheart. You don't want to get in trouble! " she advised, her voice soft but firm. Her knowing look conveyed a depth of understanding, a reminder of the rules they'd all learned growing up.

Her gaze turned back to Fleakit, though her words still carried warmth. She was wise enough to know that the young kit had a lot of growing up to do, and sometimes, even the smallest of kits could show more wisdom than expected. " I brought you guys a mossball. " she purred, rolling it forward with care. The motion was casual, but it offered a sense of peace, offering a small moment of joy amidst the chaos.

" And--! " Her voice brightened, a glimmer of excitement lighting up her eyes as she revealed the small collection of feathers she had gathered. " A few of those for your nests! " she added, presenting the feathers with a flourish as though she were offering a small treasure. It was a gift, an offering of kindness and care for the kits in a world that was still so new to them.


its dead! poke it with a stick.

tw - language

She couldn't believe these kits. They'd rather crawl up their ma's behinds than have fun with her?

At least there was one she might be able to convince. Fleakit's turned toward Stoatkit with a toothy smirk. The quietest of the bunch. She didn't expect that. "That's the stuff, Stoat!" Better to encourage that sort of spunk, seemed no one else in this dump had any.

Then there was Mistletoekit with that snooty i'm-better-than-you attitude. She was gonna be reaaaaal unbearable when she growed up. Fleakit let out a loud snort. Cheeky, hairball. She aggressively ruffled the smaller kit's head with a dirty paw, just like Pa woulda. "Manners smaners, runt. They just somethin' the adults made up to control us."

And then came nosy ass Marbleshine. Couldn't she have a moment to herself without some cat sticking their nose in her business?

"How'd your head get stuffed full of so many daisies, Marbleshine? What? You gonna ask a dog permission to fight back when it chews your stupid face off?" Freakin' dumbass. If you didn't take, then you got taken from. If you didn't fight, then you died. Fleakit didn't know about Marbleshine, but she sure as hell wasn't gonna roll over and let someone else use her as a stepping stone.

She was gonna be the strongest fighter these Clans had ever seen. No one was gonna keep her from that, not even some stupid made-up rules.

Fleakit rolled her eyes and huffed. She couldn't force them to move—wouldn't. If they wanted to sit there and be weak and dumb, that was their choice. Guess she'd just have to keep an eye on em.

Mossballs and feathers? Really? Not even some bones or sticks or frogs—like actual fun stuff. She looked deadpan at the warrior before turning away. "No one wants that dumb stuff, Marbleshine."

Then she smacked a moss ball aside, stomping toward the way out. "Go on, grow weak and fat so I gotta save your butts one day—Come with me or don't." Fleakit glanced back at Stoatkit before disappearing through the brambles.
  • ooc - - -
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    - speech thought
    - physical powerplay permitted (smol bean)

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit watched the much smaller kits reply or just seemingly ignore Fleakit, much to her confusion. She hadn't quite gotten her head around the difference between being so small to a kit who was nearly old enough to be apprenticed, so she found no one else joining them on their outing a shame, for the fear in her tiny chest she had something to prove. She smiled back at Fleakit; the other was far rowdier than her, but it felt nice to be seen. Though as she went to speak again, she hadn't realised Mableshine was addressing the pair, what was intended to be a playful bop to her side the little thing, her fur sticking up as if she was at all capable of being a threat. "I'll be fine." Stoatkit hissed, now on the defensive, peeking back at Timberfrost, still asleep in their nest. "You aren't my mother, I don't have to listen to you."

The unintentional and touching a nerve with the kit only seemed to fuel her determination more. Her tail whipped, dusting the nursery floor, waiting for fleakit. She wasn't paying much attention otherwise until she glanced at Stoatkit leaving the nursery through the brambles. She stood, ready to follow suit, though, for a moment, she hesitated. While still on edge, she glanced back at her father. She pawed the ground for a second, her eyes caught by the array of feathers Marbleshine had placed out for the kits that she tried to ignore. With a hum, ears pinned back slightly, she approached the feathers and glanced up at Marbleshine sheepishly. "I'm sorry for getting mad. And I'm sorry if Fleakit was mean." She looked down, pawing at the feathers as she glanced at the tinier kits, who curled up comfortably to sleep rather than explore with them. "I'll be okay, though; I've been out there before. Father won't be mad at me, frogs are his favourite, I wanna catch him one!". Stoatkit smiled before picking up a mouthful of feathers and trotting to her and Timberfrost's nest, tucking the feathers in her father's pelt. She rubbed her face affectionately against his sleeping side, purring."I'll be back soon."

Without another word, she quickly trotted out of the nursery, following Fleakit before the other started getting antsy, her little heart racing with excitement and fear. She made sure to slip out fast before someone could stop her and not to lose track of the other kit.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.