Open Camp WIND, WIND GO AWAY // nursery shenanigans

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


filled with riches and wonders
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Lightkit was tucked safely into her nest, nose pressed deep under her paw. Dim light pressed its way into the nursery and a cold wind howled against it. Her green eyes were peering over the clump of moss lining her nest at her denmates. She did not like most of them. They were loud, rude, and uncouth. None of them had any dignity. Nightkit was her only hope of civilized conversation, but she didn't talk much. Now, she was cooped up inside the nursery while the wind outside threatened to lift it from the ground. The queens had said the wind could blow them away, so now they were stuck here until the wind storm passed them.

The tiny torbie made a harumph noise and flopped over the edge of the nest dramatically. "I'm booooored! I wanna play a game! Does anyone know a fun game to play?" As much as she found her denmates rude, they did make for exciting entertainment sometimes.

  • ooc: -

    Kit of ShadowClan
    bubbly, outgoing, romantic
    manipulative, judgmental, flippant
    open to peaceful and friendly powerplay
  • toyhouse
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

The pressure from the wind howling just outside the nursery walls sent a shiver down Stoatkit's spine; while she'd never had to deal with the sound of a billowing storm, it hurt her ears with the pressure of the changing weather. Though perhaps the shiver was from her tiny body dithering with the whistling wind as she clung to her bedding, grumbling a little. She always welcomed rain more than enjoying the influx of mud and grime and dirt - much to her father's chagrin - but the wind? Well she was simply too small to weather that storm, the last time she was caught in the winds her fur was tousled every which way and she clung to Timberfrost like she might be blown away with what was left of the leaves.

Just peering over her bedding, she watched the other kits; a pale torbie, one of the smaller, wormier little things in the nursery, flopped out the side of her bed. Was she... speaking? 'That's... new? I thought those two couldn't speak yet?' Her face scrunched a little, gaze going to the other kit of the litter, still curled up; she never seemed to do much. But seeing her sibling amble around a little and talk - even if Stoatkit couldn't hear what it was - she could vaguely make out some kind of lament in kind. Was she bored? She was small, really, really small, Stoatkit hadn't realised how much she'd grown herself since the clan settled here too, but there was some kind of obligation she felt to reach out to the smaller kit. "Not sure moss ball gonna work..." She muttered, standing from her nest, quietly approaching the other. "Might get blown right outta our paws..."

Stoatkit stared down at the other kit, lightkit, she really was small next to her, not by much, Stoatkit was somewhat of smaller kitten too. But even then, if she reached out and placed a paw beside Lightkit's face, she'd seemed to dwarf her. Of course, she didn't. That'd be rude. Only Timberfrost, Fleakit and Sablestar had to deal with that! Though it did give her an idea. "We could pretend to be warriors." She suggested out loud before her nose crinkled slightly. "Or you might be too little." Stoatkit noted, matter-of-factly.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.