Camp words words words [🦅] milkheart

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.
She / They
SkyClan Leader
Played by

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious
Tagging person here

Hawkstar had not thought herself the type to want for more children. She was not maternal by her own metrics... her bossiness, her stubbornness, her pride, they were all better suited towards mentorship or tactical work or leading. Caring for kits had always been an after thought for her (so much so that she had spent many a-night pondering over whether or not her own flesh-and-blood children would've benefited more if they had been given to another queen to raise); in short: Hawkstar was awkward when it came to this .... stuff.

But somehow.... for some reason.... she had claimed Falconkit and Downykit as her own. They had struck a chord in the leader's shriveled husk of a heart, their little paws strumming against her heartstrings in some foreign, asinine way that she would have quelled... if she did not recognize the feeling from when she gave birth to her little Star...

motherhood, the raggedy beast, had reared its ugly head to claim her again.

The nursery was a crude thing at the moment, thrown together out of necessity rather than care. Hawkstar made a mental note to assign a team to fix it up, make it better, before she cleared her throat in an awkward greeting to the available caregiver. "Milkheart." she offered him a curt nod, trying not to think about the last time she had truly spoken with the tom (maybe the words "you are an ungrateful, lazy, useless flea-laiden milksop" had been tossed around... she couldn't remember the details at the moment), her one good eye flicking almost nervously expectantly about the makeshift space. "Downykit and Falconkit... how are they settling in?'"


I like it better when the sun shines,
Give me those good times, then I'll be alright


MILKHEART, He/Him / 30 moons / Skyclan Caregiver
Seal Sepia tom with high white, has scruffy tipped ears, a long fluffy cream-white tail and amber-caramel eyes
Former mate of DUCHESS, Father of CREAMKIT and two others
Radiates Dad Energytm, good with kits, warm and amicable (totally doesn't look like a hot chocolate, except he does)
Tagging [@]

Making his rounds in the camp after a brief patrol alongside some others, Milkheart had returned to his duties in looking after the youth of Skyclan. If he was told who he would become when he was as young as those he had now been taking care of, he would have been so immensely confused! He wasn't always so robust and confident in his talents. No, he was often a skittish little stumbler. However, it was his caring nature that allowed Milkheart to blossom into the cat he was today. Now, he could look back on his youth and laugh about it, nobody had everything figured out when they were that young— if anything, most cats were still trying!

Ever since he was a Den Dad, Milkheart's own fatherhood came quite naturally to him, there was nothing in him that gave him second thoughts about who he was in this regard. He strolled his way over to the nursery, keeping watch over the kits as he began to fix the place up a little. It was still unfinished, not anywhere near satisfactory to Milkheart's standards but it would work just fine for now until it could be properly constructed. "Mmh. I'll need some help with this one later... I also need to find where I can get some better materials." He mused to himself before he heard his name be called as none other than Hawkstar had approached. "Oh, Hawkstar, hello!" He gave her a small smile and a polite nod, oblivious to his leader trying not to think about the last time she had said anything mean or cruel to him— he himself had long since forgiven her for it, there was little to gain from hanging onto such things anyway.

Milkheart tilted his head slightly, curious as to what Hawkstar wanted to speak to him about. He had expected to talk about how to make a better nursery, but he was (even more) pleasantly surprised about what Hawkstar had asked him. "Oh!" His face lit up like the night sky full of glittering stars. There wasn't a single solitary chance in hell that Milkheart was going to miss out on proudly speaking about the kits that he was often caring for. Milkheart could barely contain his inherent giddiness but he decided to dial it back as much as his soul would allow for Hawkstar's sake given recent events. "Well, you'll be pleased to know that Downykit is keeping to the nursery," Milkheart gestured inward toward where Downykit currently was. "Her injuries seem to be healing quite well, Tigerfoot and Swallowpaw made sure of it. She is, however, so immensely curious about her surroundings all the same. She's got a right quick pair of eyes, that one." Falconkit on the other hand was a little less calm from what Milkheart had observed. "Falconkit is... well, a bit nervous, I think she wants to prove herself but she's comparing herself to us older cats, feeling like she has to match up to us. She's been trying to help make nests, and I've heard she's gone as far as trying to volunteer for hunting patrols and some of the others have had to turn her down and reassure her." Milkheart's ears drooped a little as he frowned. "To be honest, I'm a bit worried about her. Sure, maybe her heart is in the right place because she wants to be helpful, but I feel as though she might be judging herself too harshly when she still has a lot to learn." It kind of reminded Milkheart of himself when he was Falconkit's age...

I tell you what— you better not be bringing bad vibes,
Leave your troubles behind, then I'll be alright