A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious
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Hawkstar had not thought herself the type to want for more children. She was not maternal by her own metrics... her bossiness, her stubbornness, her pride, they were all better suited towards mentorship or tactical work or leading. Caring for kits had always been an after thought for her (so much so that she had spent many a-night pondering over whether or not her own flesh-and-blood children would've benefited more if they had been given to another queen to raise); in short: Hawkstar was awkward when it came to this .... stuff.
But somehow.... for some reason.... she had claimed Falconkit and Downykit as her own. They had struck a chord in the leader's shriveled husk of a heart, their little paws strumming against her heartstrings in some foreign, asinine way that she would have quelled... if she did not recognize the feeling from when she gave birth to her little Star...
motherhood, the raggedy beast, had reared its ugly head to claim her again.
The nursery was a crude thing at the moment, thrown together out of necessity rather than care. Hawkstar made a mental note to assign a team to fix it up, make it better, before she cleared her throat in an awkward greeting to the available caregiver. "Milkheart." she offered him a curt nod, trying not to think about the last time she had truly spoken with the tom (maybe the words "you are an ungrateful, lazy, useless flea-laiden milksop" had been tossed around... she couldn't remember the details at the moment), her one good eye flicking almostnervously expectantly about the makeshift space. "Downykit and Falconkit... how are they settling in?'"
But somehow.... for some reason.... she had claimed Falconkit and Downykit as her own. They had struck a chord in the leader's shriveled husk of a heart, their little paws strumming against her heartstrings in some foreign, asinine way that she would have quelled... if she did not recognize the feeling from when she gave birth to her little Star...
motherhood, the raggedy beast, had reared its ugly head to claim her again.
The nursery was a crude thing at the moment, thrown together out of necessity rather than care. Hawkstar made a mental note to assign a team to fix it up, make it better, before she cleared her throat in an awkward greeting to the available caregiver. "Milkheart." she offered him a curt nod, trying not to think about the last time she had truly spoken with the tom (maybe the words "you are an ungrateful, lazy, useless flea-laiden milksop" had been tossed around... she couldn't remember the details at the moment), her one good eye flicking almost