As usual, Merry lounged comfortably in the hay loft, sleeping off a good morning of mousing and checking over the barn. Half buried in a comfortable hole in the hay he'd dug out, it was cosy amidst the chill, and he was more than content. It seemed like it'd be a peaceful rest until a pained and repeated yowl and scratching of someone scrambling up the loft startled him awake; his eyes shot open, heart racing as he realised it was the tiny voice of a kit crying out about a dog. Jumping to his feet, he looked around and noticed the tiny smoke-coloured kit cowering and panting on the ladder.
"Hey, hey lil buddy it's okay..." He comforted gently, bowing his head down, grabbing the kit by the scruff and lifting her up to the actual loft floor, placing her down and gently licking the top of her head, trying to comfort her; but quickly the bitter, coppery smell of blood wafted into his nose, cringing as he bent down to take a closer look at Scamp. He noticed the blood trickling down her mouth, humming sorrowfully for the kid.
"Now that's gotta hurt... Don't you worry you're lil head now I'll help with that nasty mutt an' I'll get Sparrow to give you a paw with that bleedin'. You stay up here 'til I come give the all clear, you hear now?" He spoke softly, making sure the kitten knew the severity of the situation.
With a shuddering sigh, he walked from the kitten at a brisk pace; he could hear the commotion of yowling, hissing and barking from outside, putting a sickly feeling in his stomach.
"Goldy's gonna have my head on a stick for gettin' in on this fight but I ain't lettin' my folk get hurt." His walk turned to a run, calling out for those who can't fight to hide, telling the kit and apprentices especially to go up the loft if they can. Before leaving the barn, he stumbled into Sparrow, who seemed to have just stirred awake from his own nap with that telltale yellow furball of a friend they kept around.
"Now there ya are! Get up that loft with some cobwebs. There's a lil fella bleedin' something nasty. Maybe any other of yer fancy plants too, gonna be some blood for sure, and I'm not sure who's it's gonna be yet." Merry huffed, gently pressing his head against his smaller friend,
"An' before you start yer grumbling I'll try an' come back in one piece.". He called out, running past Sparrow, flicking his tail.
As Merry finally broke free of the barn, the fight was more than in the swing of it.
'That's a helluva lotta blood...' He cringed as the smell wafted over him, seeing the beast staring down Dusty as the much older Cowboy launched into the fight.
'How that old feller got it in him still, I ain't got a clue, but I ain't gonna let him fight this thing on him lonesome.' Following suit, Merry raced to the fence, jumping up the fence, having to take a moment to ready himself, for how he prided himself in fighting, climbing never came naturally. Stalking along the side of the fence, following the beast as Cowboy clawed at its face, blindly stumbling towards Dusty,
Merry's ears pinned back as he pushed himself from the fence and unsheathed his claws and latched onto the dog's upper hind leg. He let out a low growl as he made sure to rake his claws deep into the mutt's flesh, determined not to let go until it tried to run. That thing would have a hell of a time trying to launch another attack if it was tackled by multiple cats. He just hoped Swift and Buck would catch on soon and pile onto the thing, the cats out numbered this beast and it was their best shot to protecting the barn.
ooc - @Sparrowpaw pspspspsp
✦—Barncat -> Future Skyclan Cat
✦—A skinny, tortoiseshell cat with bright green eyes and pelt speckled with hay.