She shivers; the cold air lends itself to a chill of its own, however the young girl finds a new freeze to fear. Between her teeth clicks a yellow-orange stone, nearly transluscent, worn by the ocean's waves. She worked hard to retrieve this little treasure of the sea, however unfortunately the tide did rake at her paws. The bulk of her body is still dry, luckily, but as she trails away from the shore, she shakes her paws uselessly to try and rid them of the wet.
I'll get used to it. I'll be okay.
It's repeated in her mind as she trots further and further inland, following her path back to the rest of the shipyard cats. The sun, although high in the sky, warms her enough for her to nearly forget about her ailment. Lily peaks through the throngs of cats, all before she notices the one she was searching for.
"Hey - hi!" she squeaks around the smooth seaglass, trotting towards Clay with a grin on her face. "I - er, I heard 'bout ya. You're new here, yeah?" She's already a part of the biggest family upon the shore - with cats like Willow and Smoke and Lichen, and kits Bee, Duck, Cicada, and so many others... Oh, a piece of Lily feels jealous. A piece that sours almost immediately, and the quiet voice in her mind bites at her for thinking so ruefully. She swallows, "I'm Lily. I also... I'm also new here. Not as new - um..." she prattles on, unsure, before finally passing the seaglass to the other.
"This is for you! My Mama says that - that the ocean makes them so pretty, and gives them to the shore as a present. So - so, I wanted, y'know..." she shuffles her paws, her plumed tail folding around the anxious effort, "Well... It's for you... if you want it! Hey - wow, look at that!" Perhaps its her own nerves shaking her, pressing her to not make eye-contact with the other, but she finally does with Clay, and her own gaze shines with a revelation. "It's almost the same - your eyes! They're... like the stone. Like - Like! The ocean made it for you." You belong here. Again, that sprout of envy in her chest. She's spoken too much, she knows. She smiles still, uninhibited by the trembling sense of destiny in her chest - the fear that this all isn't meant for her.
She shivers, and sneezes, and looks away. "Sorry," she apologizes, though it fits for many reasons. "I'm cold, is all."