TW: Sensitive Content Private Territory you got me spinning in your atmosphere [Thunderflash]

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


i aim low, i aim true, and the grounds where i go
He / Him
Thunderclan Warrior
Played by



OOC- @THUNDERFLASH feel free to have your boy follow him out of camp so Ghost can goad him into sparring. Also, light Trigger warning for possessive feelings/charged emotions, etc. Just two totally platonic clanmates sparring out in the woods :)

Sometimes, Ghosts mind liked to work against him. It wasn't anything new. He'd been battling his demons long before joining the colony. Emotions, however, were something he was still struggling with. He was out of practice and a piss-poor example of proper mental health, and that wasn't likely to change overnight. Try as he might to appear otherwise, he was still just a mortal tom with a mortal heart, and it was hard to keep himself numb in a place like Thunderclan.

Hard not to feel.

Most of the time, Ghost kept a handle on his shit. He didn't let it overwhelm him or drive him to act impulsively. Steady and sure as always.

But sometimes, things didn't go away.

Sometimes, they stuck around and circled him like sharks beneath the waves, bumping and nipping and reminding him that they were there even if he didn't understand what had drawn them.

"Please do tell Thunder. After all, he does intrigue me. I should spend some more time with him."

He didn't notice the low rumble of irritation coming from him as padded out of camp toward an isolated little clearing, needing space to do whatever it was he needed in order to settle himself. Something violent, more than likely, and he didn't want anyone caught in the crosshairs. Night was starting to come on anyway, so he figured he wouldn't be missed too badly. Most cats were still in camp, sharing tongues.


Thunderflash leaping at Owlbark, scuffling with the tom in camp-

Ghost hastened his strides, agitated but unable to fully understand why it was affecting him so strongly. For days now he'd been trying to ignore the itch beneath his skin whenever those memories felt the need to remind him they existed. Restless with the kind of energy that said 'do something' but unable to act because just what the fuck was he expected to do? It was none of his damn business if Thunderflash spent his time with that chatty Copper cat or if he wanted to spar with Owlbark. Didn't concern Ghost in the least.

Now if only he could get the rest of his brain to comprehend that, he'd be just golden.

As he arrived in the clearing, he already knew what he'd spending the next several hours doing- training, until he was so exhausted his brain was too tired to bother him with anything else.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


He's out of breath, but there's no way he's letting this big bastard get away from him.

The spar with Owlbark had gone well enough- no opened wounds, no sore pride, just a good workout. He had said his piece to Owlbark, a grin on his face, but blue eyes had strayed just enough to see a ghostly white mask disappearing into the shadows. Really, he saw his stripes disappearing out of the gorse tunnel. He had noticed him watching before the departure, but not even a tease or a critique before he leaves? Thunderflash excuses himself from the conversation that had sparked following the spar, making some excuse- making dirt or whatever- before he too is slipping out of the gorse tunnel.

His side aches from where it had stretched uncomfortably, his eyes forward and a frown on his mouth. Ghoststrike had only sped up in the distance. He's sure that the other knows he's here- unless he doesn't, what a concept- but the way he isn't bothering to hide his tracks tells Thunderflash one of two things. The first, of course, is that he wanted to be found. To which, Thunderflash calls bullshit on that idea. If Ghoststrike wanted to be found, he would have waited for Thunderflash to come find him after the spar, or hell, even come approach the spar himself. The second is that he's not of right or sound mind, which is more likely, but Thunderflash has no idea what could have shaken him so badly.

A frown is plastered to his maw as he catches up, stepping into the clearing. Baby blue eyes glittered, almost in challenge, at Ghoststrike. "Wha', are y' late t' a hot date or somethin', sir?" The last part is a chipped challenge, more of a taunt then a respectful phrase. His tail twitched, ears pressing forward as he tried to search for reason out of dark brown eyes. "Ran out there like yer ass was on fire." He is teasing here, but the inflection in his tone could easily tell Ghoststrike that he was perturbed by the lack of anytihng.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



The way his head snapped toward Thunder was likely indication enough that he had not, in fact, known he was being trailed. Much less by the cat who had him so out of sorts to begin with. A rookie mistake that he'd berate himself for later, but for now his expression was quick to slip into a mask of indifference. Whatever restlessness he was feeling, whatever strange emotions were surfacing in him, he wouldn't allow it to become a weakness others could see-- even if Thunder seemed particular good at spotting them.

Currently, he wasn't sure which feeling was stronger; the traitorous, hopeful leap of his heart, or his desire to be swallowed whole by the ground and pulled into an early grave, but he was quick to bury both of them behind that aloof exterior.

"Didn't think I needed a reason to come and go."

Dark eyes pinned them to the spot, but it wasn't reason Thunder would find swirling within them. Just a storm of conflict and something else– something darker and primal.

"Besides, I could ask you the same thing." he reasoned boredly, turning away to pad farther into the clearing, but at a pace that could easily be matched. " Weren't you just rollin' around with Owlbark a few minutes ago? Sure made it out here fast for a cat that was otherwise preoccupied."

Almost as if Ghost hadn't been the only one with a fire lit under their ass. Thunder could have stayed. Could have talked about weak points with his sparring partner or received praise from those who'd gathered around to watch, but instead, he was here. Chasing after Ghost– why? Because he'd left 'too quickly'?

No other cat had seen a reason to follow.

"Lookin' for something, Pup?"

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


He caught it- a glimmer of surprise in those deep browns. It almost made him grin, but no, he was still heated from him running away like that. Ears turned and pressed against his head now from where they had been confidently pressed forward. The implication, not outwardly denied however, that he did have a hot date to see made his heart-strings tug, but he works that into his chest, hiding the disappointment at the thought away as swiftly at it had arose. Ghoststrike wasn't his. He didn't need a reason to come and go, so Thunderflash flags for a moment, the frown on his face turning into a confused one.

Thunderflash didn't really need to come running after him, yet, he did. He was desperate to hear feedback. To hear him, to see him, after a long day of not seeing or hearing him. Which was so strange and funny, considering that Ghoststrike had hovered until he was okay on his own, and even then.. he was never far. Drawn together, a magnetic pair, them. He hadn't moved since Ghoststrike looked at him and- of course he knew better. Thunderflash cursed his eagerness inwardly, finally following as Ghoststrike moved deeper into the clearing. "We finished. Y' didn't stay long enough t' realize tha'." Thunderflash says, trying to brush it off. "'sides, I can see them later, if they really want t' talk abou' i'." He says.

Lookin' for something, Pup?

The tom does his best not to get a headrush hearing that. Blue eyes strayed away, trying to center himself before he spoke, 'less there was a wobble in his voice or- or anything else. He swallows against a dry throat, then- "A-aye, wanted t' get yer opinion on th' fight. Anythin' I could improve on?" Thunderflash asks, baby blues straying back to the dark-striped tom, blinking up at him.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Ghost didn't have an explanation for what he was feeling. He didn't think it'd change much even if he did. Whatever it was, it felt raw. Too close to the surface for him to ignore Nothing as bad as the day of the battle where reality had bled with the memories of his past, but..

There was no denying that Ghost felt wrong. Like whatever he was experiencing was too big to be contained beneath his skin and fur, wanting an outlet. Pent up in ways he didn't fully understand. That was why he was out here to begin with, trying to tame that restless feeling before it got him in trouble.

Because something about that damn tom was just different. It wasn't something the towering shadow could put into words, but it was something that was becoming more difficult to deny. At every turn Thunderflash was standing there with his stupid hair and that naive grin, happy to dig away at the walls Ghost was determined to keep up, as if they weren't coated in broken glass and thorns sharp enough to shred even the most determined paws.

But he kept coming back. And Ghost kept letting him.

Kept standing there, watching them dig. Unsure of which would be worse– for them to finally succeed, or to never break through at all.

"Was late for training." was the only explanation he offered for his quick exit, still not willing to relent any part of the truth. How could he, without sounding completely mad? Copperstorm and Owlbark hadn't crossed any lines– and yet something in Ghosts brain seemed to severely disagree.

'Bein' too protective'. he chastised himself, because that was the closest to the truth that he could get with words. A product of his inexperience. The only other cat he'd ever felt strongly defensive of had been dead for a long while now, and while it wasn't an identical feeling, it had enough similarities at it's foundation for him to lump them together.

It helped him overlook the very real sense of satisfaction that crept up on him when heard how easily the chocolate tabby had dismissed Owlbark after the spar. The spark of victory that came with hearing they wanted Ghosts opinion, instead.

Finally, he came to a proper stop, turning to regard the other. Blue eyes were already looking up at him expectantly, and he allowed himself to linger in them for just a moment longer before he moved to circle them.


"Your form wasn't bad, all things considered. The wounds have healed nicely. " He wouldn't lie about their performance. It had fallen short of perfect-- Thunderflash was still feeling his side and sharpening his technique, but it wasn't horrible. He had good instincts in a fight, just lack refinement. And on a professional level- warrior to Sun Guard– that's where he should have left it.

But Ghost was still feeling wrong, and there had never been much professionalism between them anyways.

"Hard to say for sure what needs improving, though, when your opponent wasn't at his best." He'd seen the way the older cats leg had buckled on him, not from sheer force of Thunders attack, but because Owl hadn't been in top shape to begin with. "Could just be you got lucky."

And while he didn't say it like a challenge, he knew how Thunder would see it. How eager he'd be to prove the masked feline wrong.

Ghost was selfishly banking on it.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


He had stopped when Ghost did- letting the other draw closer. Bright eyes blinked away him, head briefly turning to watch Ghoststrike walk around him. He had enough trust in the other to know that he, of all people, would not kill him. Ghoststrike had ripped out his fur to keep him alive, after all, and that brought confidence. Ears perked gently as he came back around in front of him, though at his words, his vision dropped down to his side. "Aye, tha' i' has. Only took me long 'nough t' finally sit still." He hummed, almost amused at the thought. Though Serpentberry was a scary woman, she had earned all the marks in his book. Saved his life, after all.

Thunderflash's eyes lifted back towards Ghoststrike, however. Those words were meant to goad, and though Thunderflash knew that- could almost see the smugness in his vision, the way that Ghoststrike's vision was lingering on him- there was this urge... "Lucky?" He says. "He's go' a year or two of experience on me." Thunderflash says. This road goes two ways. He thinks, his own smug satisfaction creeping into his expression, though it was far more obvious on him then it was Ghoststrike. "Why, y' think y' can do better, Ghostie? Throw me around proper?" Thunderflash asks, his eyes glittering.

Take the bait. Take it.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclan storm guard, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



If gut feelings were anything to go by, then this was probably a bad idea. Whatever it was the masked tom was feeling, it wasn't a kind or gentle thing. It coursed beneath his skin like a river, swift and violent, entirely enthralled with the idea of being the one in Owlbarks place. It should have been Ghost, anyway.

"Care to find out?" he offered, voice low as something darker crept into his tone. His own brand of recklessness.

Because Ghost never pushed, and he rarely offered out of a sheer want to do so. It was always a tactical move; a way to make someone better or to sharpen his own skills. A necessity of survival.

Right now though, tactics and skill levels weren't exactly on his mind. If they had been, then Ghost would have pointed out how jumping into another spar while they were tired and sore from the last was counter-intuitive if the point was for him to judge Thunders performance. But logic was taking a backseat to impulse, and at the moment there was nothing more Ghost wanted to do than lunge.

To shove and bite and claw.

To prove he was the better choice.

'To train with.' he tacked on, because that's what this was about; who was the better sparring partner.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


Ghoststrike was waiting for him to make the first move. He'd have to think about that later- that the tom didn't instantly leap at him and tear his throat out, that it could be seen as permission, or a test. No, he couldn't think about that right now. The only thing in his mind was how easily his voice made his mind swim and eyes grow half-lidded. Like a snake, wearing down it's prey. Not that he think he minded at all. Thunderflash could be buried by him, two feet down, and still be happy that he was being given what we wanted.

... Wanted?

Thunderflash leaps at Ghoststrike, aiming to slam into him and tussle him to the ground. A pin attempt, one that was sorely tired but filled with this permissive energy, clawless and grappling and wrestling more then sparring. His side ached, his head hurt, and yet, all he wanted to do was this. To get beneath Ghoststrike's skin, to make him snap, to draw out emotion that he couldn't, wouldn't, give to another. The thought comes in the middle of the haze of adrenaline and excitement- yes, he wanted Ghoststrike. Not how he wanted him. If he wanted to have Ghoststrike's claws in his throat, or in his nest- That's as far as he got before the other was retaliating, though.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclan storm guard, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Ghost was good at a lot of things. Fighting was no exception to that. Steady nerves, quick reflexes, and a hell of a lot of practice had certainly paid off for him in the long run.

So he could have tried to move when he finally saw stillness settle over the younger tom– when he clocked the exact moment they decided they were going to move toward him. Maybe Ghost would dodge in time. Maybe he wouldn't. His odds were good with how much energy Thunder had expended over the last few hours, but…

When blue eyes finally sprang at him, he didn't even try to move.

Instead, he reared to meet their grapple halfway as adrenaline surged through him almost lazy in his attempt to bowl them over and onto their side. It was nothing like a real fight– wasn't even worth being called a spar. Thunder was sluggish, worn out ,and sore from all the activity earlier, but Ghost found himself unable to criticize them for it when his own paws seemed eager to match them in this impromptu wrestling match. Like a pair of unpracticed kits rough-housing just for the fun of it.

A new kind of proximity that somehow brought the same rush of staring down a dog without the sickening aftermath of having to count how many bodies your patrol had lost.

And wasn't it a cruel joke that this caricature of violence was among the more intimate moments of his life? He couldn't remember the last time he'd let another cat lunge for him like that without expecting the sting of claws to carve another scar into him. Or when the lingering warmth of another body against his own hadn't left him itching to move away or put his fangs in someones throat.

But Thunders fur was soft and pleasant, even though it was still ruffled from earlier. And he carried a scent that Ghost had reluctantly come to associate with something good– something kinder. Reminding him of prey dropped outside his nest when he was too injured to get it himself. Of unwanted company and endless chatter that he'd find himself revisiting on nights when sleep didn't come for him.

Of a promise, that nothing was owed.


future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


They both knew that Ghoststrike could have easily avoided him. The rush was sloppy work at best, his energy waning in all regards of the word. Ghost was- as ever- still put together, calm, collected, fueled. Not taken down by some lasting pain in his side, easily still nimble on his feet. Yet it felt right, the way that Ghoststrike moved to match his posture, chests and heads clashing briefly before the larger turns him onto his side, a rush of breath leaving him from the impact. The emptiness in his brain that followed the impact was welcome. To stop thinking about the blood across the border, the kind he intended to spill, to silence the churning of thoughts in all regards to the way camp functioned.

Blue eyes opened, and though it had been seconds, it felt like minutes. A welcome respite into the void of his mind. The grin that slung onto his face was fueled by pure instinct and nothing else, eyes opening wide and bright as they focused on Ghoststrike. "Tha' all y' go', Ghostie?" He utters, pushing to his paws in a sluggish explosion of power, aiming to knock his head into the other's chest, to push, to shove, to throw backwards. He knows it isn't likely to land, knows that Ghost could push them both over in instants, and part of Thunderflash thinks he might just let him do that.

Let him in, he thinks, just like earlier. He's repeating those thoughts in his head, the darkened black fur in his nest not only the fibers left from when Ghoststrike ripped it free from his own skin to save Thunderflash's, but real, whole, their source laying next to him- sleepy brown eyes blinking at him in this vision. Thunderflash thinks he could almost see it, but Ghoststrike isn't easy. He isn't like any other mollie he could have landed. Hell, Thunderflash doesn't even know how he got from wishing that Ghoststrike would carve a hole in his chest and settle there, to sharing sleepy mornings.

He doesn't regret it, not thinking like that, but shame settles in his mind anyways.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclan storm guard, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.