// TW JUST IN CASE !!! for bad stinky mom moment
Heather had pulled her daughters aside away from the absurd conversation, her gaze firmly looking at each of her daughters. " We're staying here, the rest of them can do as they please." It was a call, a decision made that should not be questioned. The three daughters seemed to agree with her mother...all except from Rose who was still uncertain. In one way it was scary to think about leaving this place and move somewhere else when this beach was all she had ever known. On the other side of things the majority of the group had already decided to leave, Leech and Wave included. So if she stayed behind here with mother wouldn't that mean she might never see Leech or Wave again?. Leech who was her dear friend, and Wave who had rescued her. There was no doubt that she now felt in debt to that molly, that she had still not gotten a chance to properly thank her for saving them. The thought of never seeing either again made her feel...sad, and it would also mean she would feel even more lonely then before.
" You want to leave with them?. I just told you we are staying here and you wanna run of with them, to leave us your family behind. " Rose felt herself shrink as her mothers words was heavy and angry, oh how disappointed she looked. Rose couldn't bring herself to look her mother in the eye.
Rose just shook her head, unable to help the crushing feeling of guilt that weighted down on her after mother having just expressed these words. Was she really doing the right thing here?.Mother sad not bad, she loved her and her sisters.... was she only being ungrateful right now?.
Mothers words were like a stab to her heart. It was the worst possible thing anyone could say to thier child, to disown them....Rose lifted up a paw to grap her chest in pain, as she quietly started to sob. This...was not what she had wanted!. Rose had wanted to leave with them, for all of them to go together!. Why couldn't her mom understand that...why did it had to come to this. Rose was crushed because she loved her mother still but she was suffering because...her words really hurt.
Maybe she shouldn't leave after all....if that meant losing her mothers love.
// please wait for @Wave @Peachy and @willow to post first thanks!
Heather had pulled her daughters aside away from the absurd conversation, her gaze firmly looking at each of her daughters. " We're staying here, the rest of them can do as they please." It was a call, a decision made that should not be questioned. The three daughters seemed to agree with her mother...all except from Rose who was still uncertain. In one way it was scary to think about leaving this place and move somewhere else when this beach was all she had ever known. On the other side of things the majority of the group had already decided to leave, Leech and Wave included. So if she stayed behind here with mother wouldn't that mean she might never see Leech or Wave again?. Leech who was her dear friend, and Wave who had rescued her. There was no doubt that she now felt in debt to that molly, that she had still not gotten a chance to properly thank her for saving them. The thought of never seeing either again made her feel...sad, and it would also mean she would feel even more lonely then before.
" No..."
Came her refuse, soft and quiet, lacking the courage to really carry the message out with confidence. Heather's whiskers twitched and as her gaze fell on the cinnamon daughter, the pupils started to grow small. " What did you say?." her voice was chilling, sending a shiver down Rose spine. The tree daughters were staring too, all eyes was on her now. The kit swollowed nervousely because she knew question her mother was never a good idea, to speak up against her. But, she couldn't just stay quiet, not this time....Rose had decided that she did not in fact wish to stay... " I...i want to le-leave with them...i th-think we should..."
She tried to reason with mom, to make them understand....they should all leave together and not stay here where no future would be for them. Food was in fact an issue. " You want to leave with them?. I just told you we are staying here and you wanna run of with them, to leave us your family behind. " Rose felt herself shrink as her mothers words was heavy and angry, oh how disappointed she looked. Rose couldn't bring herself to look her mother in the eye.
" No...that's n-not what i...."
she mumbled unable to speak full sentences, to - " For stars sake Rose, speak properly!, how many times do i need to tell you to stop stuttering already!. I can barely understand a word you say!." The mother snapt, impatiently. " So-sorry..."
Rose felt like crying as the tears started to blurry her vision. Heather glared at her daughter before shaking her head. " After all my hardwork of raising you this is the gratitude i get from you. Have i been a bad mother to you Rose?, is that why you wanna leave me, your sisters behind?!." Rose just shook her head, unable to help the crushing feeling of guilt that weighted down on her after mother having just expressed these words. Was she really doing the right thing here?.Mother sad not bad, she loved her and her sisters.... was she only being ungrateful right now?.
" N-No mom, i ! - "
Heather cut her straight of with a hiss, being the third time now her mother had not allowed Rose to finish what she had been trying to say. " Forget it!. I don't wanna hear your excuses, i know that you goes around whispering behind my back of how bad i am to you!." She huffed as she turned her side to her own child, chin lifted high as she cast a cold side-glare at her own daughter. " If you wanna leave i'm not gonna stop you. But if you turn your back at me just know the moment you do - you're no longer my daugther!. " And that was final. Mothers words were like a stab to her heart. It was the worst possible thing anyone could say to thier child, to disown them....Rose lifted up a paw to grap her chest in pain, as she quietly started to sob. This...was not what she had wanted!. Rose had wanted to leave with them, for all of them to go together!. Why couldn't her mom understand that...why did it had to come to this. Rose was crushed because she loved her mother still but she was suffering because...her words really hurt.
Maybe she shouldn't leave after all....if that meant losing her mothers love.
// please wait for @Wave @Peachy and @willow to post first thanks!