You were merely receding away [Moth]


Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen

MOTH Colony Cat

Moth joined the colony as an adult, alongside his sister, Rat. He was raised as a part of a nomadic group of cats, but due to circumstances surrounding his birth and the events afterwards, he and Rat were considered 'cursed' kittens and left to fend for themselves fairly young. Despite this, Moth is still desperate for the love and affection from the mother that left him behind, and holds onto hope that she will someday realize her mistakes and come back to the forest to take her with him. (she won't)

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  • MOTH
    ↪ Named for his coat, which resembles a woolybear - a type of moth caterpillar.
    Age: 18 Moons
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Gay?? idk he's a cat


    A small, scrawny tuxedo tom, with white markings on two of his paws, his chin, and the tip of his tail. He has white flecks across his coat caused by fevercoat and brown patches along his back and tail, caused by sun bleaching. His coat is thin and unkempt.

  • High-strung — Cowardly — Impressionable

    Although he lacks most of the physical scars that his sister has, he still bears long-lasting damage from his kithood. He can be kinda volatile - lashing out at others at times of stress. Despite this, he's still a complete pushover, and tends to backpedal and cower away as soon as he's called out on being a bit of an ass.

    Even though he was abandoned, he still remains a devout mama's boy - he's convinced that, if he stays in the forest where they were left, his mother will realize how wrong she was to leave him, and return to take him back. As a kit, he was desperate for any scrap of affection from her and, even as an now he's a total suck-up whenever people are nice to him.

    His relationship with his sister is strained, with him occasionally blaming her for them leaving their former colony.

  • Generation 1 — Family Tree
    Son of ??? & ???
    ↪ Littermate to RAT

    Mate to N/A

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If you're going away, please don't come back here now
__The first 'theme song' i chose for Moth, and the song his first account aesthetic was based off of. The song itself its a lot lighter and bubblier and tone than I'd usually choose for him, but in the end, it's a song about being mad somebody is growing apart from you. That's something Moth has done an awful lot in his life - to his mother, to Haunt, to Serpent and the rest of the cats he left in Thunderclan. Besides, I think the slightly more childish tone fits him. He's just a pathetic little kid, after all. please don't laugh at his song.
Whiny, whiny, whiny, cowardly turtle
__ Another 'song for sad wet fucks'. Moth has a tendency to just lay down and let life happen to him - and it's a habit he's only just starting to grow out of. I chose the 'key ingredient' version for this cuz it sounds more dramatic, but i suppose the original works just fine.
Irksome bitches never lie - and therefore I never lie!
__I have a worm in my brain that makes me not want to add songs to these playlists if they've already been used in a semi-known WC project. For somereason, I think, 'oh no, they're all gonna know I found this song through the Hollyleaf amv!' as if half the people on this site didn't also find the song through the same amv.

Anyways. The cursed kits could be considered a 'sin triangle' of their own, couldn't they?
FIND YOUR FLAME~Kellin Quinn,Tyler Smyth & SEGA sound team
'Cuz in the end, it's your and your friends. You'll find your flame!
__This song feels like it's cheering Moth on - go on buddy! find your passion! FIND YOUR FLAME!

I was considering putting 'Live and Learn' on here too, but i'm not sure he's cool enough to warrant it, lmao. I kinda prefer the Victor McKnight cover of this song, but it felt weird to put a cover on the playlist.
Depends on the day, the extent of all my worthless rage
__This one's aspirational. Maybe, one day, Moth will get over himself and make up with Haunt. Or maybe he won't and he'll stay bitter his whole miserable life! many such cases
Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen, oh we're still so young, desperate for attention!
__Moth has begun to find his new purpouse in life through Sable - he wants to help him gain power, he wants to see Shadowclan succeed, but MORE THAN ANYTHING. He just wants Sable to pay attention to him.
Get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate
__Yeah I know it's on every character playlist. no i don't care. it suits him.
Every minute of every hour, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more
__By all accounts, Moth's mother was pretty terrible to him. She resented all of her kits, and did the bare minimum to keep them alive for the most part. But for Moth, who was used to the sharp words and hateful glares of the other cats, his mother's indifference was like a beacon of love. Me misses her terribly - but the version of her he misses never really existed.