She is alone for she dares all who is holy and not to test her will and face death whilst doing it.
Serpentberry, a wife who lost her husband, a mother with no partner to raise her kits with, a medicine cat, who's newest whims are to heal and guide. Serpentberry she is now, but Serpent, forevermore, the snake in the weeds, slithering along to dive her fangs into anything warm and fresh. She nearly dares a lonely soul to cross her path just so that she may have some sort of vengeance - so that her claws could be so bloody. Maybe then he would find her again, nudge her to the path of forgiveness that he would've drove her towards in life.
On this bloodied grass, do you see me? Her gaze tilts up. The stars glower at her, her face wet with tears, her body still soft from birth. Will you stop me? If death chases, will you save me? If I asked, could I join you, instead?
No answer. And she knows better; for she is meant to thrive. She is meant to persevere for the sake of her Clanmates, new is the word on her tongue. She came here, abandoned the warmth of her nest to find their one shared store. To saddle leaves with marigold and tansy, dock and poppy. Whatever she can carry, she will, and to drag it home with the might of a thousand warriors. To save them, to protect them. It is her duty, her new will.
There are fresh scents amidst the clearing. Blood and bodies still litter and she flinches at the stillness of Flint, who's body she had seen fallen firsthand. Her own milk scent is strong, but that of another's... is stronger. Green viperlike eyes catch to the movement near her former stores, cats leaving the clearing. One pulls from the den - a round face with sliver-thin eyes. Their teeth clench around a meak, shadow-hued kitten, a star shot through its body. Its small, like hers. Cicada's kits... were the born the same night? Is it their blood she is meant to spill in this petulant trudge for revenge? With their innocent child here, mindless to the world, shivering in the cold?
"Cicada..." She says their name, and her voice... breaks. She does not long to be held by them, but rather to be held at all. In the world that has burst open with new opportunity, all she sees is one lost; a friend given helplessly to the void. They aim to leave the opposite side of the clearing. They aim to leave her. A tear crests her cheek and she shakes her head.
"You're with them?" she asks. It is not accusatory, a level of tone she's learned from them. A deep breath, and she musters a half laugh. "Good. They'll need someone skilled. As soon as I get my claws out there again, you'll have enough work to keep yourself distracted." Morose and pitiful, her threat lays clear to their Clanmates but not them.