ShadowClan YOU WORSHIP A SECRET = [ nightkit / updated 12/31/24 ]


i'm afraid i don't know

(Pronouns here and in other spots will be she/her, as it is descriptive of her before her transition.)
Paladin is a taller-standing kit- she will be born large, Dappled blacks are interrupted with ticked orange. Her fur will be difficult to groom at a young aged, thick and easily tangled, but with a steady diet of fresh prey, it becomes easier to manage. Crimson will quickly acquire muscle mass, the bigger out of the litter, and thanks to both parents it seems to come genetically easy.

Crimson's body shape will be standing tall, even amongst her kin, with handsome and sharp features making it clear where her heritage lays- but she carries herself like a prideful warrior with her head held high. Deserving of her station, or something like that, is why she does so- prideful steps and an attempt at being graceful will follow her through kithood.

Perhaps the most curious thing about Crimson when you first look at her is the shape of her first and foremost- through much of kithood, it will be unkempt, but heading into apprenticeship and the rest of her life will it be cared for- is the tufting of hair along the spine of her head, heading down the back of her neck that blends into the short mane. It looks akin to the pluming upon a medieval helmet, or roaching on a horse's mane.

Her body is a blend of dark and light, seemingly at war in a number of ways. Night takes the most of her body, the inky dark unrusting in sunlight and sure to be hot during greenleaf. Orange covers half of her face, almost as if paper had been ripped away to reveal a painting beneath- ticked tabby patterns swirl over the left half of her face. The only other spot this is obvious on is her tail, as if Starclan had writ themselves that she should be Shadowclan dominated, over Thunderclan's 'light'.

KIT - STRICT, SERIOUS, LISTENER, FORMATION OF OATH, INTENTIONAL. It will be clear from a young age that Crimson is not all play before apprenticeship. It seems from the moment that she can listen and move, she's drawn more to teachings of Starclan, of talon and fang, watching apprentices spar in camp, and hearing tales from the eldest of their warriors- she's on the slower side, not all rambunctious and movement, but find joy in figuring out why a cat did something- she finds joy in the why and how, rather then the what.

Despite this, at a young age, she'll want to be near her parents as much as she can- almost... crestfallen, if they go back to work and she is delegated to another caregiver's attention. Crimson will start to form their oath here. She believes that if she can demonstrate greatness, following the code and her oath to a T, she'll become the prize kit. This isn't to say she's competitive for the attention, but rather just recognition of her to-be-talents.

APPRENTICE - STRICT, SERIOUS, FOLLOWER, LISTENER, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST, VOLATILE. Much is the same as she becomes an apprentice- a lack of her 'sire'-esque attention means she leans into what she knows. A code, a moral compass, of things to do- and in order to protect the sick and weak, she must become strong, right? She follows orders, listens more then she speaks. Her 'blade', so to speak, is put to metal, training-focused and intent on learning all she can. She frowns upon other apprentice's antics, will tattle on others, finding their lack of faith and attention in their training disheartening.

To tack onto this, given the strained relationship between her parents, she may become more volatile as she progresses. This leads into 'THAT NOT OF A PALADIN' nicely, starting to give an edge to her agitation, to her feelings of frustrations.

WARRIOR - SERIOUS, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST?, LOSS OF PATH. As she becomes a warrior, she will also become a he, 'TRANSITION' in plots begins to happen. A loss of identity will also stack with 'THAT NOT OF A PALADIN,' and he loses his ways. I'm leaving much of this up to ear still, due to not having cemented plots, but a lot of it will incur a major personality change- however, Crimson won't lose his skills or talents, and may still be revered for inheriting his sire's battle and ground strength.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // LOSS OF ANY FAMILY - It may just destroy her.
  • FEAR // LOSS OF MORAL COMPASS - This is tied into a lot of plots, but the reasoning will mean a loss of the rules she's lived her entire life by.
  • FEAR // HEIGHTS - Why? I just thought it'd be funny for Crimson to be afraid of heights. It'll lend to a lack of strength climbing, but strengthen her ground-work in turn.
  • INSPRIATION // HER CLAN - Born from great strife, and being fed and told that Shadowclan was in the right from the start will lead her down the road of very solid belief in them.
  • INSPRIATION // HER OWN STRENGTHS - As she comes into apprenticeship, she'll realize she has advantages- taller, stronger. Ahead of the curve in terms of her mental age. She will play to these strengths, and it may make her a hint cocky, tango-ing with 'PALADIN' in terms of being humble through the oath.
  • PALADIN // Oath / Moral code / Devotion to Starclan and Shadowclan / General application of 'WRATH' and 'JUSTICE'.
  • VISUALS OF ARMOR // Much of what will be in her pinterest will be armored or masked individuals, a callback to their hidden plot and who they'll turn into.
  • CURSES - THE CRANE WIVES // 'There's still cobwebs in the corners, and the backyard's full of bones,'
  • ARSONIST'S LULLABYE - HOZIER // 'I learned the voices died with me / Don't you ever, tame your demon, but always keep 'em on a leash' A head-nod to their virtue of justice keeping their sin of wrath on a leash.
  • WHEEL OF TIME - BLIND GUARDIAN // 'Twice I'll be marked and, Twice I shall die,' Once for a life as a paladin, once for life as a thiscomeslater
  • THE GOD I DESERVE - LIGHT THE TORCH // 'We are forsaken, Can you hear me? I've been calling' Loss of Starclan's touch after breaking their Oath.
  • 'PALADIN' // As a paladin archetype character, she will have a moral code she applies to herself, her actions, and her words. This will be better detailed in her tags, but it is essentially, 'Never kill another cat ; Do no undue harm ; Help all those you can ; Place all faith in Starclan ; Do not turn your back on those in need.' It is good to note here that she WILL be a devote Starclan-follower... for now.
  • SIN OF WRATH // The sin of wrath is something that Paladin will carry with them in their soul. This has a specific plot that will end in a major change of archetype, where their oath will be broken. They are wrathful to those who deserve, in fights with enemies.
  • VIRTUE OF JUSTICE // The virtue of justice balances out with the sin of wrath, and keeps Crimson from doing undue harm- there will be instances of her pulling away from torturing or killing enemies because of this virtue. This will be lost when their oath is broken.
  • THAT NOT OF A PALADIN // This is what comes after their oath being broken. There will be a major personality shift, one where their identity will be lost and require a total rebuild. I am toying with the idea of bringing the Dark Forest into the means of the fall, but we'll see how that pans out/who's available to a long-run plot there. (This also depends on where the site is with all of that as well!)
  • TRANSITION // Laced in with all of these issues will be a transition from cisgender to transgender- she will become he, and I intend to play this out with this character. She/her in her kithood/apprenticeship, figuring out she as he later in apprenticeship into warriorhood. 'Starclan created me as a she-cat... why do I feel wrong about that? Shouldn't they know best?
  • NAMES // In regards to naming, having an opposing name to her sibling is a fun concept, or one that pairs with the sibling! This doesn't have to happen if chosen otherwise.
  • SIBLING RELATIONSHIP // I plan to interweave the 'PALADIN' in with the other character's archetype- a knight, they would butt heads with. A poet, they'd seem at odds with but is actually close to them. A prince or princess, they'd be destined to protect, and so on and so forth.
  • LINKS // toyhouse ; playlist ; pinterest
Here I'll denote most of her moral code. It's subject to change as time goes on before she swears her oath.​
  • ONE // Respect legitimate authority and elders.
  • TWO // Act with honor. (Not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth.)
  • THREE // Help those in need.
  • FOUR // Punish those who harm of threaten innocents.
  • FIVE // Never kill.
  • SIX // Stay true to Starclan, and believe in them. Never stray.


[center][fancypost=57%; margin:auto; text-align:right; font-family: Righteous; background-image:url(; background-size:cover; background-position:center; border:4px solid #779A94; padding-right:4px; ][size=21px][glow=#38423E][outline=#38423E][color=#DDDBAE]LEFT ME BLEEDING IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN[/color][/outline][/glow][/size]

[size=15px][color=#779A94][url=][glow=#38423E][outline=#38423E][color=#DDDBAE]TAGS[/color][/outline][/glow][/url] | [glow=#38423E][outline=#38423E][color=#DDDBAE]1 MOON[/color][/outline][/glow] | [glow=#38423E][outline=#38423E][color=#DDDBAE]SHADOWCLAN KIT[/color][/outline][/glow][/color][/size]


text here

  • "speech"
  • NIGHTKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, one moon.
    a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    ember xx frond | sister to lightkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[fancypost=60%; margin:auto; text-align:justify; font-family: arial;] 
text here

[/fancypost][fancypost=68%; margin:auto; text-align:justify; font-family: arial;][tabs][tab=____________________ REMOVE YOUR NAME][color=#DDDBAE][b]"speech"[/b][/color]
[tab=MAKE YOUR PROMISES ____________________][size=5][url=][color=#DDDBAE][b]NIGHTKIT[/b][/color][/url][/size][color=#779A94][i] she/her, kit of shadowclan, three moons.[/i][/color]
[color=#779A94]☆[/color] a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
[color=#779A94]☆[/color] mentored by who / mentoring no one
[color=#779A94]☆[/color] embersnarl xx palefern | sister to lightkit
[color=#779A94]☆[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
[color=#779A94]☆[/color] penned by dallas ↛  dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots. [/tab][/tabs][/fancypost]
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