indent The little tomcat leaps from the bushes, into the fray of battle. His diminutive size allows him to slip easily between scuffles as he searches for a target. 'This shouldn't be too hard... i just need to rough someone up enough to get them out of the fight. Sable is counting on me!' Despite his peptalk, he still can't bring himself to engage with anyone. Every potential opponent is another excuse - he'd get himself killed if he fought that cat, he doesn't want to fight anyone under 12 moons, that cat is barely doing anything, so it's not worth fighting them anyways.
indent 'Get your head in the game, Moth! What will Sable think if he sees you running about doing nothing?'
indent Moth shakes himself out of his reverie, and tries to hone in on a target. Lucky for him, he's not the only one looking for a match up. Kehai is also stalking the battlefield, waiting for someone to fight with. His bright green eyes meet Moth's duller gold, and Moth knows he can't back down anymore. He would have preferred to fight against anyone else, really. Most cats here are bigger than Moth, but Kehai towers over him. Adding onto the size advantage, he knows the sort of cat Kehai is. He's not the sort to hesitate in battle, and has far more experience than Moth does. He had his work cut out for him, here.
indent Moth quickly moves to flank Kehai, approaching from his side instead of head on. He does his best to move quickly, and throw himself at the other tom's flank and latch on before he can react.
[ @keahi ]