JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.
What a big day today had been! The journey to the groups new home had been made and thankfully everyone seemed to have made it there safely. Jingle had been towards the back of the group for most of the trek and occasionally checked on those still sore from the shelter collapse, hopefully there would be plenty of cobwebs around here in their new home. Maybe he ought to occupy himself with finding spots where they were plentiful? Though Pike had mentioned too about wanting cats to help Peachy with making dens. Having dens ready would be the best thing for all the cats who were still recovering as then they'd be able to get a proper rest! Not to mention all of those who were tired from the journey to their new home as well. Jingle still had some spark left in him after the trek so it was best to use it to help out as much as possible.
He would do his best to backtrack where he had last seen the ocean blue eyed molly, though he also found himself a bit distracted with thoughts of all of what Pike had said to the group as a whole. It was a lot to take in! Jingle hadn't really known what to say for the most part though he did hope the journey to the stones mentioned was a safe one for the other toms. What to think of it all was even more perplexing though. He wasn't sure what to believe but also didn't think the other cat would lie either, especially not to a group of cats who had already been through a lot the past few days. Shaking his head to try and re-focus himself Jingle tried to instead hone in on things he did know and understand, like den building!
Remembering a certain rock Peachy had introduced the group too when they first arrived just earlier, 'Lookout Rock' she had called it, Jingle would pad his way over to it before carefully making his way up it to get a better look at their new home-- And to hopefully also have better luck at finding the red-furred cat! "Peachy? I'd like to help with making dens, if that's alright with you"
He would do his best to backtrack where he had last seen the ocean blue eyed molly, though he also found himself a bit distracted with thoughts of all of what Pike had said to the group as a whole. It was a lot to take in! Jingle hadn't really known what to say for the most part though he did hope the journey to the stones mentioned was a safe one for the other toms. What to think of it all was even more perplexing though. He wasn't sure what to believe but also didn't think the other cat would lie either, especially not to a group of cats who had already been through a lot the past few days. Shaking his head to try and re-focus himself Jingle tried to instead hone in on things he did know and understand, like den building!
Remembering a certain rock Peachy had introduced the group too when they first arrived just earlier, 'Lookout Rock' she had called it, Jingle would pad his way over to it before carefully making his way up it to get a better look at their new home-- And to hopefully also have better luck at finding the red-furred cat! "Peachy? I'd like to help with making dens, if that's alright with you"
@PeachyOOC: This thread is set around the time of the cats arrival to Riverclan territory! Just shortly after "NEW HORIZONS" Pike would not yet be back from his journey to Highstones / This would be at best just shortly after he's left to go there!