PAFP RiverClan Your new home || Den Building

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Medicine Cat
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JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

What a big day today had been! The journey to the groups new home had been made and thankfully everyone seemed to have made it there safely. Jingle had been towards the back of the group for most of the trek and occasionally checked on those still sore from the shelter collapse, hopefully there would be plenty of cobwebs around here in their new home. Maybe he ought to occupy himself with finding spots where they were plentiful? Though Pike had mentioned too about wanting cats to help Peachy with making dens. Having dens ready would be the best thing for all the cats who were still recovering as then they'd be able to get a proper rest! Not to mention all of those who were tired from the journey to their new home as well. Jingle still had some spark left in him after the trek so it was best to use it to help out as much as possible.

He would do his best to backtrack where he had last seen the ocean blue eyed molly, though he also found himself a bit distracted with thoughts of all of what Pike had said to the group as a whole. It was a lot to take in! Jingle hadn't really known what to say for the most part though he did hope the journey to the stones mentioned was a safe one for the other toms. What to think of it all was even more perplexing though. He wasn't sure what to believe but also didn't think the other cat would lie either, especially not to a group of cats who had already been through a lot the past few days. Shaking his head to try and re-focus himself Jingle tried to instead hone in on things he did know and understand, like den building!

Remembering a certain rock Peachy had introduced the group too when they first arrived just earlier, 'Lookout Rock' she had called it, Jingle would pad his way over to it before carefully making his way up it to get a better look at their new home-- And to hopefully also have better luck at finding the red-furred cat! "Peachy? I'd like to help with making dens, if that's alright with you"

OOC: This thread is set around the time of the cats arrival to Riverclan territory! Just shortly after "NEW HORIZONS" Pike would not yet be back from his journey to Highstones / This would be at best just shortly after he's left to go there!

Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

After the few days she spent with only Downy as a companion, despite enjoying her company throughout the whole ordeal, it was great to have so many of her friends back in her vicinity. While it wasn't lonely because of the other she-cat's presence, the quiet was just...different. Plenty of other cats would have enjoyed the peace – to be able to sleep away the day, or even enjoy a hobby without being bothered by unwanted visitors or rambunctious kits – but Peachy was not like the others. She reveled in the sounds of play, and the warmth that came with so many pelts moving in unison to accomplish a goal, whether it be kitsitting, hunting, or, as many were doing now, building dens.

The bright-eyed molly trotted about the small island camp, watching as everyone worked diligently on learning how to bend and cross the reeds of their streams into more sturdy walls. Every now and then, she stopped by someone having trouble, giving a quick show of her technique to see if it might help, while also offering words of encouragement before pointing out her multiple failures that lead to her getting it down. "Practice makes perfect, after all~" Finishing off with another volunteer, her ears flicked and perked at the sound of her name being called, her gaze turning towards the rock she had proposed the name of.

Ocean blue find the telltale shine of metal against blue and white fur, and Peachy couldn't help the smile that graced her features. So concerned in making sure her participants weren't having a rough time, she didn't even notice someone had been looking for her! And how could she not hear the tom during his search. 'Silly me, getting distracted so easily.' Giving her head a shake, the molly pushed herself onto her hind legs, stretching herself high as she waved her (slightly swollen) paw in the air. "Over here, Jingle-mingle!" The nickname produced a soft giggle in the back of her throat, the first of many that she would inevitably use among her friends. "Of course you can help, we could use all the paws we can spare~"

Dropping back down to all fours, with a slight wince as she haphazardly put to much weight onto her lame wrist, Peachy moved to collect a few reeds from the pile she had near her as Jingle made his way over. "I can show you how I do it, unless you want to find your own way, which is also fine! I love learning new ways to do things~" She nudged the small pile she made for him in front of his paws before she settled down on her haunches. Without thought, she shook her bad paw, hoping the movement would dissipated the ache before it was placed (more gently then before) back down.
  • ooc
    —— xxx!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachy She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
    ❀ 36 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
  • Love
Reactions: Jinglemoon

JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

Thankfully the Lookout Rock really did live up to its proposed name! With its help he was able to locate Peachy in no time with her waving a paw to him to signal for him to come over. The blue tabby's eyes squinted slightly at the waved paw though as he jumped down from the stones and carefully weaved his way over to the molly-- She had been working on building the dens for a lot longer then most any other cat here now but had she been looking after herself too while doing so? He couldn't help but to chuckle at the nickname she used for him though and would prance over the rest of the way, making his bells jingle all the way!

"Peachy-beachy!" He'd mew in an attempt to playfully return the nickname, giving a polite dip of his head in greeting after having reached her. While it hadn't been as obvious that something was wrong when the molly had waved her paw, what was more obvious was when she winced after landing back down onto all fours. Jingle would do his best to pay attention as she nudged a small pile of materials to his paws and explained that she could show him how to do it or he could learn his own way-- Except it was clear his attention wasn't on the reed pile he'd been given, it was on Peachy and the paw she gave a shake before trying to place it back down again. "You're hurting?" He'd mew with a concerned twitch of his whiskers. He knew he should have been paying more attention to the den building-- And he would! Just as soon as he'd gotten a chance to help her first.

"I'd love to see how you do it- But before you do that, Peachy I'd like to have a look at that paw first if you don't mind? It's bothering you isn't it?" The last thing he wanted was for any cat trying to help to be suffering as they did so and he hoped Peachy's pain wasn't something she'd been keeping to herself for too long. Maybe he couldn't help with the pain much but he'd rather at least try and help then to just let Peachy keep pushing through the hurt! "Can you tell me when you first started to notice it was hurting?

  • Hehe
Reactions: TARU
i will find your scent again if i sleep in infinite space
To think she was finally here arrived to thier new home. It was quite different from the skipyard, alot less space to walk around on since there was no beach to take a stroll on. Would there even be any shells to pick here?. Rose only knew the skipyard. That had been the place she had been born, where she had lived, her whole world. Now it had expanded and to think how big the world was beyond that beach. Never had she been able to imagine it. But the unkown also brought in uncertanity. Back at the shipyard Rose had known how far she could go before it would become to dangerous. She had known every place to visit and where to find the most beautiful shells and stones. That was not the case now. It was scary to be in such an unfamiliar place like this. It was a possibility that there would be no shells or stones to pick here and bring into the new nest that yet had been build.

Rose took everything in this island had to offer which was not much yet but the potential was there all thanks to Peachy and Downy who had tried thier best to build dens for them all. It was a long way to get there still but it was a start. Jingle was quick to call out to the hardworking molly to offer assistance in her work, and Rose decided she too wished to help somehow. Peachy most be tired after all hardwork, and it would be a good distraction as well. Better to be useful than useless. Rose approached the two her smile softly pressed across her maw.
" Can i h-help too?. "
There might not be much she could do, never having build a den before but she could at least help to gather material for them.

But something seemed to be wrong with Peachy's paw, and Jingle was quick to notice and bring it up to attention persistent in the way of wishing to take a look at it. Rose looked with awe over how observant the blue tom had been, something that Rose might have completely overlooked.
" Uhm, a-are you okay Peachy?. It's o-okay if you need to rest..."
She looked at the older molly with worry for her well being. No need to overwork yourself....she had already done so much for them all. Peachy should really rest if her paw was not overstrain it.

flowered hope from this abyss
  • Love
Reactions: Jinglemoon


Just close your eyes, the sun is going down... You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Spooky felt exposed.

Every odd glance sent his way made his fur prickle, his paws shift restlessly. Oh, oh, he should have been braver sooner! Before they left, before the shelter collapsed, before everything changed. Now, here he was, laid bare, surrounded by cats who barely knew him. Nobody knew him. Aside from his name, of course… but a name wasn't much, was it? What could he possibly do to feel… better? To do better? Maybe… maybe talk? But that was so scary! Everyone looked so big, so capable, like they had everything figured out. And he didn't. Not at all!

So he teetered around anxiously, eyes darting from cat to cat, watching. The one called Peachy was working on dens... Dens! That was important, right? He could... He could maybe help with that! Oh, oh, the one called Jingle was offering help, too. They could probably use more help. Right? His paws kneaded at the ground, his stomach twisting itself into knots. He stared at the two, gawking with wide eyes, only to jerk his head aside as another voice piped up, softer, smaller. Rose. He knew her. She was kind. Her family, though… not so much. Old family, he supposed. They had stayed behind. She hadn't.

His breath hitched. His eyes nearly bulged as he whipped his head back toward Jingle and Peachy, catching snippets of their conversation, Peachy was hurt? Oh... oh, drats! He took a sharp breath. Then, before he could talk himself out of it, before his legs could lock up in fear, he fumbled forward, nearly tripping over his own paws. " I can... I can... I can help too…! " The words spilled out in a frantic, breathless rush, his fur standing on end, his whole body wound tight like a spring. He looked as if he might bolt at any second.

But he didn't.

Because this was so scary. But he was doing it.

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