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This thread takes place in StarClan.


And Yet Our Hope Remains
{$title} Pike is visited by a cat from Starclan in order to lay the groundwork to revive Riverclan

Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
Seabriar had felt the change, the proverbial ripple in the water, that signaled the beginning of what he had been hoping for since he came back into existence. Star speckled paws moved on impulse, kicking up stardust as he picked up speed until he was practically flying across the endless flower field that was StarClan's domain. Seabriar only slowed as another cat began to come into view, one lacking the stars twinkling in their pelt. Someone alive.

Ocean blue eyes studied the other for a moment before a low rumble of a purr left him. So this was the cat chosen to inherit RiverClan's legacy. "Greetings, Pike. My name is Seabriar, and StarClan has been waiting for someone like you to revive and lead Riverclan as Pikestar." The tom began, eyes shining. "Fear not, for I have come to share what you need to know. There is not much time to answer your questions but rest assured you will come to understand in time."

He wondered what the other must be thinking, falling asleep only to wake in a dream and be greeted by a star-pelted cat that knew him by name. Seabriar stepped closer to the young tom, reaching to touch noses. "You will gather the cats of your colony and travel inland to RiverClan's ancestral home, away from the dangers of the sea and to the bounty of the forest's rivers." Excitement nearly got the better of him to continue before Seabriar held his tongue. Surely Pike was already overwhelmed with information? The boy should be allowed to speak.
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The first thing that registers when he rises to the paws is a sense of weightlessness. It is unlike anything he's ever felt in his dreams before. Not to mention the scene before him was new. Is someone else here too? He knows not where to go, but lets his heart guide him. A field of flowers? It had been some time since he'd been surrounded by so many flowers. The last time he got to was when his twoleg was still very much among the living. A wave of sadness envelopes him before he shakes his head to rid himself of somber memories. When he looks up he sees another cat, but one covered in stars. Surely, he had to be losing his mind. There was no way someone could have stars in their pelt. Well... This is a dream, so starry pelts make sense? Following in the same steps as Seabriar he studies the starclanner. Trying to figure out if this is someone he had met in his life before. However, he draws a blank of who this could be or if his mind decided to create some new cat. or maybe this strange cat was a combination of those he knew in life. He isn't quite sure to be honest, yet there is something stirring in his gut the longer he studies the starry warrior.

As soon as his own name leaves the maw of the pale gray tom, his eyes widen in alarm. "W-wh-Wha?! How'd you know my name?!" Apparently his dream decided to tell him that this weird cat with his even more puzzling words is not something to fear. Frankly, he has a hard time believing it considering this dream cat from his imagination feels a little too real. What shatters the notion that this cat could be something other than a figment of his imagination is the fact that they so confidently proclaim that he is to be leader. Him? Pike? A leader. There was no way any cat other than a figment of imagination believed that I think I'm understanding that I am actually losing it.

Unfortunately, he is unable to make this remark when the pale gray warrior gets a little too close for his liking. Instinctively, the silver tom took a step back, then another. However, for every pawstep he took backwards, Seabriar had taken forward. The moment their noses touched, his fur began to stand on end while green eyes sealed shut. Why does it feel so real?! A typical dream of his that included others would never involve touching them. He isn't quite sure why he can have adventures with the likes of Brine where they find treasure after fighting the most deadly of monsters, sit with Haze and gamble over fish scales, be teased by others for getting yet another crab stuck on him, and listen to others chat about family while they ate together... But he can never touch them and they dared never to touch him. If he tried to recall a possible moment in which he felt something, he would come up empty pawed.

Anyhow, at the mention of travel and taking cats from his colony causes the tom to snap his eyes open once more. Are... Are we a colony? I never really thought about that... WAIT. Getting off topic here. Once again, Seabriar brings up Riverclan as if he even knows what that is. There is simply too much new information that he isn't even given enough time to take it in fully. What he does know is that some strange starry pelted cat named Seabriar, That's a weird name, knows his name for some reason and told him that he's been waiting for somecat like him. Are you sure?! Me? If he could he would have grabbed Seabriar's face and tilted to all of the other cats in the colony? Shipyard? Group? And pointed out cats such as Smoke, Python, Peachy, Willow, Bay, Blaze, and Cinnamon. I'D THINK THEY'RE MORE LEADER WORTHY FOR... Ravine... No, it's Riverclan.... Riverclam hehe, clam.

Perhaps it's for the best that Seabriar has not been given the gift of reading his mind. Or maybe it would have been a blessing considering they could have decided it all was just a joke and move on to the next cat. Silence has passed between them for quite some time before it registers that he is supposed to say something. And of course he would respond in the most profound way ever to exist.
He doesn't allow Seabriar to respond before chuckling,
"OOOOhhhh... I get it, this is just some strange dream. Yeah, that's right... There's no way you'd know my name if I didn't dream you up! But Seabriar.... Why'd I come up with a strange name like that? And Yesh, Pikestar? That's an even weirder name."

This is going swimmingly. Or not based on the expression that Seabriar casts in his direction when he finishes rambling. Why do I feel like I'm being hunted? The harsh gaze from the starclanner causes his frame to tremble, as if he were a leaf holding on for dear life as the wind howled.
"U-UHM! I-i-i mean- yes? Yes! I'll gather the cats and travel inland? where... to the forest rivers? For bounty! A-a-and, uh lead them as Pike...Star...."
This is all just a bad dream Pike. Just make the scary guy happy and he'll go away. And then, when you wake up, you can pretend this never happened. Just make the scary guy happy. Hopefully, we won't dream up the scary guy again. But, really? Seabriar? Why'd I come up with that?
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Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
It's to be expected, he supposes. Had he not been in Riverclan all his life Seabriar was sure he'd have reacted in much the same way. The frown appears on his maw despite himself and he gives a shake of his head before chuckling at the silver tom stumbling over his words. There was no animosity here, as frustrating as this exchange was building up to be.

"Yes, inland... Past twolegplace is the forest, there is a river there that surrounds an island. It was where your ancient ancestors lived in life, and where you will rebuild a new life for yourselves." He repeats with a slow nod, smiling as if encouraging a kit. "You will need to pick a deputy, a second in command, to act when you cannot. Someone you trust to lead in your stead, and..." His expression softened to one of almost regret. Had Starclan awoken sooner perhaps the disaster with the shelter collapsing need not have taken its toll...

"You will also need a healer, a medicine cat, to tend to your recently wounded and speak more easily with us. Starclan will pick a cat among your number in the coming days and said medicine cat will approach you."

Seabriar paused, letting out a hum as he thought. There were two more important things to relay- perhaps it would serve to convince RiverClan's chosen that this was all real after all. "...The adults of Riverclan will be known as warriors and take on a suffix like myself, it will be up to you name them. Those under 12 moons old will carry "-paw" and be known as apprentices until they have proven themselves as warriors. Kittens under 6 moons will carry "-kit" until the time they are old enough to become apprentices themselves. Additionally-" Seabriar paused one last time to let his words sink in. He did not have much time left to relay what was needed so he would have to hope Pike would take what he said to heart.

"After you and yours have arrived in your new camp, you, Pike, will need to go north to a place known as Highstones. In the very heart of its cave is the Moonstone. You need only touch your nose to it claim Starclan's gift. Nine lives with which to lead your clan, as Pikestar."
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Oh. Soo you're not going to kill me. Unfortunately, his body has not yet caught up with that fact and refuses to cease its trembling. Uncooperative body aside, the next set of words makes the most sense out of everything else the starry cat has said. Considering he was brought up as a kittypet, he knew what a twoleg place was. The name was a bit strange, considering he'd describe it more like housefolk den, but he'd heard cats a great deal of time refer as housefolk as two legs. It wasn't the most clever name, but it was clear enough to give an idea of what a twoleg possibly could be based on name alone. A river was some body of water that he could remember from his time adventuring with his twoleg. The difference between ocean, lake, river, and stream was just the size of it in his eyes. Otherwise, they were all bodies of water. Well... Not really, the water in the shipyard is super gross. As for an island? He has no clue what an island technically is, but he hazards a guess that it's a strip of land.

It's as if Seabriar is genuinely being heard, considering there's a faint nod from the living cat before him. Someone I trust to lead? He thinks of all those within the Shipyard and immediately a great number of cats come to mind. Each has something different to offer. The question of whether or not he would get along with each of them doesn't cross his mind. It is not from the foolish belief that he will get along with everyone swimmingly or that it all work out, but the lack of thought in regards to himself comes from the belief of who and what would be best for his friends. He himself is spineless, so someone with spine takes priority in deciding who would be second in command and lead in his stead when he can't. However, he can't decide so easily in this moment who should be his deputy as Seabriar instructs that he should have. Maybe in time he'll know the answer. For now, it's just something to keep in mind of.

When the mention of those who are wounded in the shipyard, he can't help but wince. Many of them had gotten injured in one way. Some more fortunate than others. What he recalled when seeing Adder bloodied and with flesh exposed was a feeling of helplessness. He couldn't do anything for the older tom. Everyone felt helpless and fearful seeing their friends trapped beneath the debris, bloodied, or dead. No one knew exactly how to help. All they could do was hope their friends would be alright. But that didn't mean they weren't haunted by what transpired when the shed collapsed. Especially knowing that they could not even recover Dewdrop's unmoving lifeless body from the rubble. We need a medicine cat. If something like that happens again and- no don't think about it. Everyone is alive. But what if? NO! They're here. That's what matters. But... How would I know? Oh. So they'll come to me? Starclan? THERE'S ANOTHER WEIRD NAME?! How many clan things are there?! Wait, this means there's more weird names. Great. Why'd they have to come up with those names?

The next bit of information comes off more as an order rather than a request. Adults being called warriors is strange, because they've never had that term before when they were in the Shipyard. The only ranks they had within the group were adults, adults with kits, kits, and younger cats. It was a system that worked. UHhhmmm. Alright, if that's what you want? I guess that's not too hard. Just telling all the adults, hey you're warriors now. Hold up. What's a suffix? I HAVE TO NAME THEM?!! The silver tom's mouth drops. He's never ever had to name anyone before. Did he name his fish scales that were now lost under the debris, yes. However, naming your own fish scales and bones was a completely different ball game. After all, fish scales can't hiss at being given a bad name.

It is to his great fortune that he only has to name the adults? Warriors? And not the apprentices or kits. Why paw? We all have paws. That just seems silly. A young grey and white cat comes to mind. Sharkpaw. Yeah no, that doesn't make any sense... Shark's don't have paws I don't think? And again, everyone has paws. Now kits? Why are calling them somethingkit when we know that they're kittens. Is it really that hard to tell? I mean, we've all been able to take a good look and go, yeah this is a kitten. They're... So small. Y'know? Arguably it is amusing that he has so many gripes with the naming conventions. However, he is not told as to why these naming conventions existed. It is just something he is supposed to do. How the others would take it is another problem entirely and if they voiced any complaints he's going to curse Seabriar from the depths of his mind. What was wrong with the names they had now?

One would think the last bit of information would raise multiple questions considering no cat has nine lives. There has always been just one. It is impossible for someone to have nine lives, especially from touching a stone. At this point every cat should have touched their noses against stone to have these supposed nine lives. However, Pike has more pressing matters to bring up.

"What's a suffix?"

The silence that fills the space between them is comically damming.

"And how am I supposed to know who is a apprentice right now? It's not like I know how old they are. Some of them don't even have parents that I can ask. Do I just guess? Why do they even need to have paw in their name? It seems kinda, I dunno, silly. Don't get me started on kits. Did the ancient cats not know what a kitten looked like or something? Or did they just have bad memory? I, uhm, mean, kittens are like super small. I-it's kind of obvious they're not adult warrior cats. Pikestar is weird enough,"
the silver tom grumbles.

Someday there will be a time when everyone could look back on this moment and laugh, but that day was clearly not today.
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Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
'What's a suffix?'

There's the faintest flick of a shredded ear from Seabriar in irritation. 'Starclan chose this cat... The stars know what they're doing...' Dear Starclan please be right about this cat.

He takes a breath he doesn't need, exhaling it in a sigh. "...Think of it as a second part to your name. I was born as Seakit in life, and when I was big and strong enough to learn how to hunt for myself I was named Seapaw. When I became a warrior I became Seabriar and carried that name with me until I died."

There's a change in the air, an invisible breeze kicking up stardust around the two toms and Seabriar frowns. Whether Pike knew it or not he was beginning to stir awake. Their time was up. "It will make sense in practice, given time." He meows, searching the young tom's face. "You're waking up, Pike. Take what I've said to heart please. Travel inland and establish yourselves as Riverclan. I'll see you again at Highstones, have faith, Starclan is watching over you."
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