Private ShadowClan You've got more troubles than minutes in the year || Fleakit & Sealpaw

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When were we ever alone?
Shadowclan Kit
Played by
Pheo & Hawk | phoenixwashere
{$title} Stoatkit intercepts Fleakit and Sealpaw after fleeing from the boarder scuffle with Thunderclan; emotional support Stoat GO!!!!
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit wasn't oblivious; she'd noticed how much quieter the camp had become as everyone else milled about their days. Sablestar up in his den, Cicadabuzz somewhere fiddling with herbs, everyone too busy with their own business. But Stoatkit wasn't blind to Jade leading a group of cats out of the camp, mostly apprentices, she wouldn't have thought too much about it if it weren't for the sheer size of the party; she wasn't sure what they were up to. A patrol didn't need to be that big, especially not with that many apprentices, right? That didn't seem safe. But Stoatkit had been taught to keep out of adult matters, and as much as it infuriated her, she had no say; she still had more than a moon left in the nursery, after all. So she sat and watched, as always, from the nursery entrance.

Her attention perked, though, seeing Mirepurr approach camp alone. They were one of the cats to leave with the group, but no one followed in tow. She watched, worried; Mirepurr didn't seem hurt at all, but... Her stomach dropped after seeing Sablestar intercept Mirepurr in camp. The two were clearly talking, and the leader strode out of the camp with a cold look on his face. Stoatkit couldn't help but grow nervous at this; something was happening, and she was fearful of what it might be. She'd only heard about the big battle of the colony from second-hand stories, fear like a lump of mud caught in her throat. 'Maybe Fleakit knows something....' She wondered to herself, Fleakit was.... A lot, but even though she'd probably spin the scenario worse, she'd have some company at least.

Though... Where was Fleakit?...

The camp was peaceful. Far too peaceful. Stoatkit knew Fleakit well, and a sickening realisation hit her that whatever that so-called patrol was, Fleakit had followed suit. The kit stood up suddenly; she looked around the nursery to confirm that all the other kits were curled up with their caretakers or bumbling about playing. Her dearest friend was nowhere to be seen. Stoatkit left the nursery, eyes flitting around, trying desperately to look for her friend, hoping truly that just for once, Fleakit didn't leave camp. She had a truly awful feeling, maybe paranoia, perhaps just being protective, but Stoatkit felt a terror thump in her chest at the possibility.

  • ooc - @F l e a p a w @Sealpaw ooooo time to be silly with it :3
  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.

She felt like her lungs were going to burst out of her chest but still she didn't slow until Sealpaw was stumbling down the incline into camp, breathing ragged around Fleakit's frame as she looked around camp to spy Stoatkit looking frantic. She was rarely seen without Fleakit nearby, she recalled. They had to be friends and surely she was worried about Fleakit's sudden disappearance. Moving towards Stoatkit the tabby finally placed the cinnamon-furred terror on the ground.

"Are-" She sucked in another breath. "Are you ok? Gravel...Gravelpath was really squishing you..."

With ears flat against her skull Sealpaw waited for the inevitable insults that would fly her way. She could already imagine what Fleakit was going to say. That she was a coward. That she should have stayed and fought. That Fleakit herself was so much braver than she could ever be... She already knew that. Stars, she knew.

"...I'm sorry."

What was she even apologizing for? For being herself?


  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
  • Sad
Reactions: F l e a p a w


tw - profanity.

Fleakit was silent most of the way back—minus a few rage-induced swats at her kidnapper. She let her anger simmer beneath her pelt, conserving her energy as she recovered from their brush with danger. As the adrenaline wore off, she noticed her aches more—the soreness in her hind leg, the stingy scrapes on her muzzle. Beads of blood formed at the surface, but since scabbed over—her first real battle wound.

As they entered camp, she dangled like a fresh catch in Sealpaw's jaws. Her fur was damp with saliva, greasy brown fur ruffled more than usual from the fight. Yet her eyes remained wide open, flickering sparks. When her clanmate finally set her down, she whipped around, stumbling slightly, not expecting the sharp pain that shot up her leg. Still it didn't deter her long. She came flying toward Sealpaw—not with harsh words, but with claws. An explosion of energy propelled her forward, fur fluffed out as she sought an outlet for her mounting frustrations.

"Don't EVER touch me again! Wet sopping hairball for brains, TRAITOR!" She roared, flinging spit and sparks in the apprentice's direction. A gust of wind seemed to fuel her, spreading the flames of her fury far and wide. "I should've let that warrior tear you to little pieces! Knew you was soft but nah you're just plain pathetic." Next time she wouldn't stick her nose in it. Not that she actually did any of it for Sealpaw. After that stunt they pulled, giving up a hard-earned catch to those ThunderRATS? Sealpaw might as well crawl to them right now and beg to be one of theirs.

Cause she sure as shit wasn't Shadowclan.

"Fucking coward! Running with your tail between your legs like a dog." Every hint of weakness an opening. Each whisker of space Sealpaw gave up, was met with a hard push to claim it for herself. Fleakit's tail lashed violently behind her. Her claws were unsheathed, still clinging to tufts of fur. Fleakit didn't even notice Stoatkit's presence nor did she care who saw. She'd been brewing something nasty for Sealpaw the whole way back. What Jade did would look like a friendly head bump when she was through.

  • ooc: —— please forgive me sealpaw. I'm so sorry :(
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:

That Fleapaw would be angry at being dragged away from the fight was something the tabby had been prepared for; what she hadn't been prepared for was the younger kit launching herself at Sealpaw and she stumbled back in shock, still trying to catch her breath as Fleakit matched her step for frantic step. Was she really so angry that she couldn't see that even with numbers on their side, Fleakit could have easily been killed by one of the other warriors? Gravelpath had pinned her down so easily... Frighteningly so. All the snappy remarks and goading in the world wouldn't have gotten them off of Fleakit if no one had intervened.

She didn't particularly like Fleakit, not really, but the idea of her or anyone dying when it all could have been avoided made her stomach churn and threaten to empty. The very thought brought Sealpaw back to that cold, bloody night where Marbleshine had gone with her to search for Leopard during Shadowclan's retreat only to find the molly's body cooling and throat mangled beyond recognition and... and.... She was going to be sick.

"How am I a traitor?" Why did her voice always have to shake at every confrontation? Why couldn't she keep it together for five minutes at least? Why was everyone so insistent on fighting first before talking it out? "If anyone there wanted to they could have killed you. I didn't want that to happen to you..."

'I should've let that warrior tear you to little pieces!'

It stung. More than the slap from Jadethorn and Fleakit hadn't even actually hit her. "You don't mean that-" She had been backing up so quickly to avoid Fleakit that she hadn't noticed the tree root behind her, barely above the muddy ground but still it had been enough to trip her up and the molly fell backwards on her rear with a grunt. "I don't think you're that cruel..."

At least, Sealpaw hoped that she wasn't.


  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
Last edited:
  • Sad
Reactions: F l e a p a w
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

A shaky breath of relief slipped from Stoatkit's throat seeing Sealpaw and Fleakit, though her nervous pacing was likely correct as Sealpaw came barrelling in from outside of camp with Fleakit writhing as she dangled from the scruff held between Sealpaw's jaws. She looked to Sealpaw as she placed Fleakit down, 'Gravelpath? Who's that?...' She wondered, unfamiliar with the name. "Are you both okay? What happe-" The kit asked, confused and worried for her friends, only to watch Fleakit veer around and swipe at Sealpaw with a rage in her face she'd never seen before.

It was a blur of claws and teeth, and she could see Fleakit yowling at Sealpaw. She couldn't tell what her friend was saying and could barely lipread what Sealpaw was pleading back amidst the smaller of the two lashing out at her. "Traitor." "Killed you." "Cruel.". What once was Stoatkit's panic and terror for her friend being missing was now watching her lash out at another clanmate, and she had no idea what was happening. A mixture of terror and frustration bubbled in the chest of the kit. Sealpaw wasn't fighting back, and there was barely anyone around to help, so instead, Stoatkit gulped and leapt forward, grabbing Fleakit by the scruff again and pulling her backwards away from Sealpaw with all her might.

Her friend fell to the floor with a thud, and she stood between the two of them, shaking. She looked for a moment to Sealpaw, who was shaking themself and near enough on the brink of tears and then towards Fleakit, who seethed in a rage Stoatkit had never witnessed before. She tried to steady herself but to little use. "Instead of trying to kill each other, will one of you-" She hissed at them both, frustration teetering onto something else. "-tell me what the fuck happened?" She'd been terrified not moments before and now had to mediate a fight that she had no idea what had started it all off.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
Last edited:


tw - profanity.

"I don't think you're that cruel..."


The rage in her eyes frothed with a new emotion. Disgust. Sealpaw's voice grated on her already frayed nerves like claws scraping against stone. The way they looked at her made Fleakit want to hurl.

It was like looking into a mirror and she wanted so badly to shatter it into a billion pieces. Sealpaw didn't know her, not even a little.

Sealpaw stumbled, tripping over a root like a damn idiot. Fleakit saw her chance, closing the gap before the tabby could get away. Then she struck, landing a hard, unrestrained swipe just above Sealpaw's eye. Her claws made contact, catching on flesh. Flecks of red well from the mark she made. Fleakit liked how it felt. Standing over someone weaker than herself—watching them cower instead of throwing her aside like a pest. Is this what it's like to be strong?

"You didn't learn nothin', did you? Let me spell it out for you." She let out a long, low hiss, blowing hot, sour breath into the apprentice's face. "Giving up our prey like that, to the same cats who insulted us!? Who attacked Sablestar!" Fleakit stared into those wide, trembling blue eyes and saw a reflection of what she used to be—sniffling, hungry, weak. Huddled in a cold, dark place, wishing her Ma were there to make it all okay again.

Wishing for good where there wasn't any, was a waste of breath.

"They ain't your friends anymore. You're not gonna hold tails and skip into the sunset with little flowers in your fur! I learned the hard way and you're gonna too." There was a bit of honest advice in that. Flea didn't know what went down with Thunderclan, but she did know what it was like to be caught between two worlds. You couldn't have your kibble and wet stuffs too. In the end Flea chose her family, but she still lost them. "Thems dreams. That shit doesn't actually exist, so either you get that through your skull, or something reaaaal bads gonna happen to you. Got it?"

Just as she was about to drive it home, maybe smack Sealpaw a couple more times just for good measure, a small set of jaws yanked her scruff. "ACK—" She was real fuckin tired of being grabbed that way.

A gargled snarl tore from her throat. She twisted around, ready to set her claws to whoever had the guts to get in the middle of her business. Before they could make contact, she jerked back hard, claws retreating into their sockets. All at once the fire in her eyes receded into smoldering embers.

The ruddy kit fell back onto her rump, goggling at a white pelt. Stoat? If there was one cat in the whole clan she didn't want to hurt, it was her best friend. But why was she so mad?

She stooped slightly, ears pinning. "Well, that traitor… she… she" Fleakit huffed, lazily scraping the mud with her paw. "I got to go on a hunting patrol and there was some Thunderclanners and that—" Flea jutted her chin sharply in Sealpaw's direction. "—rat tried to give our prey to them! And then they attacked us—and that frog belly freakin grabbed me and tailed it! I was fighting this warrior and I was bout to get em! Sablestar was there, Jade too, we were gonna win!" Her fur fluffed up as she talked about it, frustration bubbling under her pelt.

  • ooc: —— This is a cannon event, I cannot interfere. PREPLANNED. This is Savvy's fault.
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

A tightness curled about Stoatkit's chest, wide eyes flickering between Fleakit and Sealpaw. She desperately wanted to comfort Sealpaw and get a better sense of what was happening - but Fleakit was in a state of fury, and she wouldn't be surprised if she did something rash that would land her in a whole world of trouble. The kit watched her friend talk- or well, ramble, she didn't need to hear to see the anger flicker behind the others eyes with every word. 'Seal... Gave up prey?' Her gaze flickered again to the apprentice; there had to be a good reason for their actions, right? Sealpaw was a very soft yet kind-hearted cat, but she wasn't a fool. It felt like Stoatkit was missing something from all of this, and she'd need to reach out to Sealpaw when Fleakit wasn't on the brink of gutting her.

"Sealpaw I..." she spoke slowly, trying to decide what to say not to give Fleakit more of a chance to blow up the scenario than it already was, before sighing, resigned. "I'll talk to you later." She announced, stern like she might have been upset on Fleakit's behalf, but what the other couldn't see was the apologetic expression on her face as she spoke, softness in her eyes as she mouthed a 'Sorry.' to Sealpaw. She hoped it was evidenced enough Stoatkit was desperately trying to diffuse the situation. Nothing would be worked out if she was trying to juggle a volatile kit and an apprentice who seemed on the brink of tears. Her heart ached for her apprentice friend, but few were willing to face Fleakit's wrath, and Sealpaw had many cats to turn to for the moment, she just hoped they'd be okay.

Stoatkit turned again to Fleakit, expression an indescribable mixture of pain and concern. "I get why you're mad Flea." Her heart thudded hard in her chest as she made sure to stand firmly between Flea and Seal, back turned to the older cat, she trusted them to make a good decision while Stoatkit tried to redirect her best friends attention to her instead. "And uh- I'm sorry for dragging you like that. But can we talk about this? Me and you? We're not gonna get anywhere clawing at clanmates." She cringed; she worried that Sealpaw might be hurt now. She said it aloud. Stoatkit wished she could check on Sealpaw properly herself, but guilt of her own writhed in her chest, and she needed to choose one friend over another to help in that moment. "But are you okay? You said another clan attacked you, I didn't even know there were other clans..." She breathed, the knot in her stomach contorting. She knew other cats from the colony, but she'd never considered they'd stayed in the area, too. Her eyes flickered again to Sealpaw, she;d have to thank them later for helping save Fleakit, even if she was being indignant about it now.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️

Oh. Fleakit WAS that cruel after all. She'd barely had time to attempt to get upright from tripping when the cinnamon menace had acted, Sealpaw recoiling with barely a sound at the swipe, blinking away tears. The pain had barely registered for the shock of it. Fleakit had been loud and unruly since being found by the clan, sure, but she'd never expected her to attack anyone else. The tabby curled in on herself, desperately looking anywhere other than at Fleakit and Stoatkit for someone to break this up. It seemed that all of the adults were too engrossed in their own duties to pay attention to what amounted to an apprentice having an argument with a couple of kits.

'I'll talk to you later.' Sealpaw looked up sharply at the other, mouth agape with indignation. Why was she taking HER side? Hadn't she just seen Fleakit scratch her? Sealpaw hesitantly reached up to touch the cut with the back of a paw, frown deepening at the faint red showing against grey fur.

"Fine," She sniffed, rising to her paws now to step around the two. Oh, she wished she could stop sniveling at everything like some newborn kit. "Next time you're in trouble I guess I won't help. Maybe I should have just let Gravelpath keep you pinned down since that's what you wanted. Or maybe Sablestar should've thought a bit more before deciding to use you as a shield before he was attacked."

Turning on a dime the apprentice stalked away, pace gradually quickening to get as far away from the nursery as she could without actually running through camp towards the warrior's den. Towards Marbleshine.


  • ooc: and Sealpaw's outtie- continued here tho!
  • Sealpaw
    — Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
  • Like
Reactions: Scarlet


tw - profanity.

Fleakit's tail thumped against the mud, irritation bubbling beneath the surface, making her restless. She flicked her ears at Stoatkit's words, but her focus was still half on Sealpaw's shriveled body. None of that annoyance is directed at her friend. Flea doesn't think she ever could be mad at Stoat… not really.

Dull amber eyes sweep back. She forces herself to take a breath, resting her attention solely on Stoatkit. Some of the tension in her spine loosened—not all of it—but enough to keep her mind from drifting. She blinks at her friend. "Hmph. I think I we got somewhere. Bet she won't be touchin' me again." Fleakit huffed but didn't argue it further. Claws were good for plenty, and some cats deserved them. That was just the way things were. That was something she had to learn. Maybe Stoatkit needed time to understand that too.

Besides, her point got across. Flea could tell just by looking at the pile of wet leaflitter still sittin on their rear. Fleakit gives Stoatkit a toothy smile, hoping to put her friend's worries to rest. Last thing she wants is to be hastled into going to see Cicadabuzz. "Couple of scrapes, but that ain't nothin' I'm not used to, promise." The ache in her limbs was nothing she couldn't shake off. The soreness was proof that she had been there—had fought. Even if it was brief.

Her nose twitched as she thought back to the fight. "Called themselves ThunderClan. Seemed real mad about something too," The bad blood between the two clans ran deep. Fleakit didn't know the whole story, but she was curious about a lot of things. "One of 'em accused Sablestar of killing some cat. He was reaaal pissed about it. He attacked us first." Her whiskers twitched, barely smothering a smirk. "Hard ta believe Sable coulda killed some cat, huh?" Fleakit didn't think he was cool like that. If it was true, maybe she could find a little more respect for the ShadowClan leader.

Her ears twitched as Sealpaw muttered something else, and just like that, the fire in her gut reignited.

The moment the apprentice turned away, Flea was on her paws, muscles coiled tight, ready to chase them down and make her regret it. "Yeah?! Say that to my face, see what happens!" She snarls, "Go cry to someone who cares you damn traitor!" She peers around Stoatkit, bouncing on her paws, glaring daggers into the back of Sealpaw's head. The kit grits her teeth, huffing hard through her nose. Lucky for them, Stoatkit was there. So she would let Sealpaw go. Knowing Sealpaw, she was prolly gonna go whine about it.

  • ooc: —— This is a cannon event, I cannot interfere. PREPLANNED. This is Savvy's fault.
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user