{$title} Stoatkit intercepts Fleakit and Sealpaw after fleeing from the boarder scuffle with Thunderclan; emotional support Stoat GO!!!!
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦
Stoatkit wasn't oblivious; she'd noticed how much quieter the camp had become as everyone else milled about their days. Sablestar up in his den, Cicadabuzz somewhere fiddling with herbs, everyone too busy with their own business. But Stoatkit wasn't blind to Jade leading a group of cats out of the camp, mostly apprentices, she wouldn't have thought too much about it if it weren't for the sheer size of the party; she wasn't sure what they were up to. A patrol didn't need to be that big, especially not with that many apprentices, right? That didn't seem safe. But Stoatkit had been taught to keep out of adult matters, and as much as it infuriated her, she had no say; she still had more than a moon left in the nursery, after all. So she sat and watched, as always, from the nursery entrance.
Her attention perked, though, seeing Mirepurr approach camp alone. They were one of the cats to leave with the group, but no one followed in tow. She watched, worried; Mirepurr didn't seem hurt at all, but... Her stomach dropped after seeing Sablestar intercept Mirepurr in camp. The two were clearly talking, and the leader strode out of the camp with a cold look on his face. Stoatkit couldn't help but grow nervous at this; something was happening, and she was fearful of what it might be. She'd only heard about the big battle of the colony from second-hand stories, fear like a lump of mud caught in her throat. 'Maybe Fleakit knows something....' She wondered to herself, Fleakit was.... A lot, but even though she'd probably spin the scenario worse, she'd have some company at least.
Though... Where was Fleakit?...
The camp was peaceful. Far too peaceful. Stoatkit knew Fleakit well, and a sickening realisation hit her that whatever that so-called patrol was, Fleakit had followed suit. The kit stood up suddenly; she looked around the nursery to confirm that all the other kits were curled up with their caretakers or bumbling about playing. Her dearest friend was nowhere to be seen. Stoatkit left the nursery, eyes flitting around, trying desperately to look for her friend, hoping truly that just for once, Fleakit didn't leave camp. She had a truly awful feeling, maybe paranoia, perhaps just being protective, but Stoatkit felt a terror thump in her chest at the possibility.
- ooc - @F l e a p a w @Sealpaw ooooo time to be silly with it :3
✦—Shadowclan kit
✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.