Backwritten A BROKEN HEART = [ vigil ]

This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.



// please note: this is a backwritten vigil thread for coffeestar, on the night of the meeting following this thread!

The last of the cheers are still ringing for those newly apprenticed. A breath leaves Batwing as he stretches his body, standing from the meeting. His head was still spinning with the thoughts. The entirety of the Sun Guard, demoted. Flowercloud as their deputy. The journey, still to continue, despite Lostmoon's status. A frown briefly crossed his normally joyful expression, stepping towards the center of their makeshift camp, where just hours before, Coffeestar's decorated body had lain. There were still discarded petals that he carefully stepped about.

Softened green eyes scanned those petals, and after tucking himself into a spot, he wrapped his tail around him, eyes moving half-lidded. He was taking up post for vigil, for even if he hadn't been one of Coffeestar's Sun Guard's, or her deputy for that matter, she had still been their leader. All lives deserved respect in death, right? A breath left him, the cool air swirling about him and kicking up some of the flower petals. Rest well, Coffeestar. I'll try my best to keep them safe in your absence. A quiet promise to a life, a soul, already passed on.

It was going to be a long night, he knew. It was already chilly, then early next morning... Another breath left him, ears lowering as he tucked his paws closer, thinking hard about the journey ahead.

  • "speech"
    // ping list: @flowercloud @Mousefang
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  • BATWING AFAB he/him, WARRIOR of SKYCLAN, twenty-seven moons.
    A tall, agile, blue and black pelted tom with bright green eyes. Extremely talented at climbing and cracking jokes when most needed.
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"Oh, I almost forgot these." It only took a few short strides to reach Coffeestar's decorated form after Hawkstar concluded what may be the last SkyClan meeting. From his twoleg's garden he had brought the petals of a sweet-smelling flower, plucked before leafbare could take it's hold. Pale pink azaleas had dotted the garden last spring, and he remembered Coffeestar once remarking how she enjoyed to brush her pelt against them when passing by.

"They bloomed again, just for you... I hope they have all the azalea you want in StarClan." He hoped that was how it worked, in the end. That she had her own little haven alongside her ancestors, enjoying the eternity of leisure ahead of her. His eyes turned up to Batwing after placing the petals carefully across her side, saddling beside the tabby with a heavy exhale.

"It still feels like... it doesn't make sense. She felt like she was supposed to be forever."
there was no other leader like coffeestar. literally, because coffeestar was the only leader swallowpaw knew. she was a bright, hopeful leader in a struggling time for skyclan. it feels wrong, gross, almost to leave her body behind. "maybe we can build her a nice grave when we get to the new lands." she suggests, blinking over to the two warriors. swallowpaw isn't supposed to sit vigil, but she'll keep them company until she's whisked away.


the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
Another figure approached shortly after checkin' in on his kiddos and grandchildren, havin' sent Zukopaw to the apprentice den to sleep for the journey ahead, He dipped a weary helm to the three. He took refuge beneath the yawnin' stars stretched across the darkenin' sky, silent as he stared at Coffeestar's cold form decorated with flowers.

A final restin' place for SkyClan, yet a new beginnin' as one leader dies, and another takes their place. A never-ending cycle of death and rebirth. Of agony and hope. Duskpool cracked a weary smile, hidden beneath scarred obsidian fur.

Hear that Coffeestar? Seems like we've got a little hope. He mused to the deceased leader, once part of the sun guards, but now a normal warrior. A vast relief on the old man's shoulders, but he'd never stop protectin' his clanmates; with rumblin' commands in the heart of chaos when they need a firm voice to soothe frayed nerves and calm palpitatin' hearts. He would be whatever his clan required him to be: a relying clanmate, a father figure, a mentor, or a grandfather. Duskpool would welcome them with warm arms.

That was his job. And Duskpool will honor this until his last breath fightin' to keep his clanmates and kin safe from all that wished harm. His thoughts, though fleetin', strayed to Crowsight before Hawkstar's return and inevitable meetin'. He breathed tiredly, sittin' amongst his clanmates, head bowed, listenin' to the gentle thrum of his clanmate's voices. "Not a bad idea, kiddo." He mused monotonously, molten copper drifting to Swallowpaw.

However, a thought remained — shouldn't the old stay with the old? Coffeestar was their end, but Hawkstar was their future. A morbid, sickenin' thought that drew a weary smile to the warrior's face, tiltin' his head to stare at the azaleas Fujimoto brought from the upwalkers, sweet-smellin' and nauseatin' to the old warrior, but a kind gesture.

We're strong. We'll get through whatever the journey tosses our way, ya hear? I'll keep 'em safe. He had to, if not for his clan, then his kin.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 79e7ea600f49a325f113a03a1d56a56b1c609e9a.gifv
    release me
    from my promise to

    don't make me do this anymore. don't make me go on
  • duskpool he/him
    a massive scarred obsidian-smoked ghost mackerel tabby maine coon / norwegian forest mix w/ molten copper eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ seventy-five moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
A rake of claws against a mirror - grazing pelts we all once wore
Coffeestar's death was not sudden nor was it unexpected, she was a proud elder leader and lived her many moons comfortable and content with her clanmates despite the recent issue with the rats growing in numbers. She died in her sleep knowing she was well respected, loved, was all he could ask for and he was sure his father had come to guide her to the stars. The comfort in this did not make him any less fine with Hawkstar's subsequent rise to power, he had ignored her as deputy for the most part with the exception of his assigned duties but now she was so blatantly in his face he had no choice but to be aware of her presence, her authority. It almost felt as if stripping him of the title bestowed by his mother was a showcase of this new power, a means to make clear she was on top now to the clan as a whole. Mousefang was an example, of all things. His fur bristles along his spine, Fujimoto is saying something about flowers but his head rings with buzzing so intense he wonders if its about to burst.

It was Swallowpaw's suggestion that brought him back from his thoughts, the hazy noise of the others muffled in his ears and drowned out by his beating heart. The black tabby glances to the newly named medicine cat apprentice, he thinks about how his mother probably would have agreed with Tigerfoot's decision and he offers a rare but tight lipped smile in her direction, "That would be nice." He says in agreement with Duskpool, words curt and carefully drawn out but not unkind. Inhaling through his nose he turns, his paw steps on a lose sprig of lavender and he raises it to examine the crushed purple blooms now plastered like bloodstains under his paw pad and it makes something dark and uneasy unfurl in his stomach. With a shake of his leg he rids himself of the petal debris and continues to make his way back to the edge of camp, a walk would clear his head surely.

  • x
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    — SkyClan Warrior
    — He/Him
    — A black rosette tabby with high white & mint green eyes.


SNOWVEIL, 88 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place

Snowveil remained by Coffeestar's lifeless body for a few quiet moments, her nose gently pressing against the former leader's fur. Though the death wasn't unexpected, a pang of sorrow still lingered in her chest. They had shared many moons together, and Snowveil would miss the old cat. Offering a quiet farewell, she finally pulled away and made her way toward Duskpool, her steps steady despite the darkness around her.

She felt their flanks brushing together, a soft yet heartfelt gesture from the blind cat as she pressed a bit closer to Duskpool. "You okay, old timer?" she gently jested, her voice warm and light. Though her heart was heavy with grief, there was a silver lining on the horizon and they would pull through. SkyClan had pulled through many dark tidings. This would be no different.

Snowveil listened to the medicine cat apprentice, Swallowpaw, as she spoke of making Coffeestar a grave. The thought of honoring the former leader brought a flicker of approval to Snowveil's expression. "That is a nice gesture, Swallowpaw. Perhaps we could." she mused, her tone thoughtful.

Tilting her head, Snowveil turned toward the young apprentice. "You should rest instead of sitting vigil with us, young'un. There's a long journey ahead of us tomorrow." she advised gently. "You'll need your strength for what's to come."

there's fire underneath this snow
I like it better when the sun shines,
Give me those good times, then I'll be alright


MILKHEART, He/Him / 29 moons / Skyclan Caregiver
Seal Sepia tom with high white, has scruffy tipped ears, a long fluffy cream-white tail and amber-caramel eyes
Former mate of DUCHESS, Father of CREAMKIT and two others
Radiates Dad Energytm, good with kits, warm and amicable (totally doesn't look like a hot chocolate, except he does)
Tagging [@]

After the last of the cheers had faded from the prior meeting, Milkheart had gone to ensure that all of the youngsters were safe and sleeping. Those that were coming needed their energy for the days on the journey that would follow in the morning— his three kits especially. Milkheart's gaze landed on those three bundles of joy, he wanted nothing but the best for them and he was in some way sad that they might not understand the significance of the journey at such a young age but he hoped that one day they might. What he needed to do for them right now was to make sure that they grew up big, strong and most of all; happy. Lingering for a little longer, he couldn't help but smile as they snuggled together under the protection of one of the other queens.

However, he could not linger all night, he had a solemn duty to attend to. While the protection and care of young life was immensely important, honoring the passing of old life was as well and Milkheart had a vigil to get to.

Swiftly, he arrived at the designated area wherein Coffeestar's vigil was to be held, bringing his own offering of a local flower. Several others were already in attendance, Duskpool, Mousefang, Snowveil, Swallowpaw, Fujimoto and one of Milkheart's oldest friends; Batwing who was pretty much of the same generation as him. He gave the blue and black tom a hopeful smile as he passed.

Placing the flower he had brought near Coffeestar, Milkheart gave a polite and silent nod of greeting to everyone in attendance before looking at the floral offerings that decorated Coffeestar's final resting place, then to the sky, beyond the sky and to the stars. He took a deep breath before thinking about fond memories of the former leader— like when he was barely a few moons old and she commented that he looked like a two-leg drink not unlike herself and how like a silly little kit he denied in a comical manner saying 'nuh uh!' and other kittenish things even when she explained its supposed warmth and alleged capacity to bring happiness to all...

That was just how she saw him, he supposed. Nowadays he really did try to live up to that, and he would endeavor to continue trying. 'Thank you, Coffeestar, for everything.' He silently prayed, deep in his thoughts, hoping that she might be able to hear him somehow.

I tell you what— you better not be bringing bad vibes,
Leave your troubles behind, then I'll be alright