Open Camp a riot quietly amassed // CAMP DISCOVERY

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.

This cat has far too much cheek for someone with her paw currently planted on his throat, Vampire immediately decides. Flailing, battering her with sloppily-flung paws, clawless cowardly blows that pull a back-of-the-throat scoff from her carved-open chest. Vampire loosens their grip—barely—and tries to tune out the seemingly a thousand background conversations. Their muzzle scrunches and they flick an ear, mrrowing in a voice thick with sarcasm,
" Convincing, aren't you? Heavy-pawed with the details? "

Smiling—perhaps he's mad, then, for she certainly wouldn't be smiling if she were in his predicament. Bone, bless her pragmatism, advances with equal ardor, needling the stranger with questions draped in shifty veils of threat. Marble's soft contribution is half-acknowledged by another twitch of a deep-notched ear, but it is not until Sable advances that he finally lets Timber up.

With great reluctance, Vampire lifts their moonmarked paw from his spasming throat, taking a step back to flank Bone. Quietly, they seethe at the inopportune timing—it gives the impression that they relented thanks to Sable's command, and not of their own volition. Their bobtail twitches once and they shake out their pelt, eyeing the stranger with suspicion glittering behind his placid white moonface.

" Indeed, "
he rasps, noting that the scuffle has reopened his just-dammed wound, so there's the slightest trickle of blood. Sighing, they scrape their tongue across their chest fur and taste copper.
" This is no time, nor place, for murkiness of speech— "
Here she pauses, glancing at the swamp that has their white legs soiled to the elbows with mud.
" —ironically enough... "


—————————————————— 'Till I can't run no more ✦

That was a lot more attention than the tom was expecting. Timber winced at the barrage of questions, looking from cat to cat as he was surrounded. "Well, I suppose living here implies I've been here for a long time." He thought aloud, shrugging as best he could with a cat on top of him. "Sorry to disappoint, I've only been here... what, a moon? A moon and a half?" Yes, that sounded about right - he was lucky to have his daughter with him, watching her grow helped orient him with just how long it had really been. Hopefully that was enough to satiate that black and white she-cat who spoke so sharply. At another cat's words, the blue-point, he laughed to himself a little. "I sure hope not. It's just been me and my daughter for a long while now. We haven't run into anyone out here since we showed up." He grew quiet at the appearance of a brown cat, one that didn't look too far from himself, commanding the cat upon him to step back. Ah, that must be this ragged group's leader, then.

"'preciate it." Timber said easily as the white cat stepped off, and he righted himself as he shook off some of the rain that had begun to soak into his fur in a rather uncomfortable way. Thankfully he was used to being wet, but he would much prefer not being so muddy. The tom took note of the cats around him - while he was rather tall and long, that length did not come with an enormous amount of strength. Even so, the injuries on these cats would slow them down somewhat... if he really had to run, maybe he could gain some ground. "I've no idea exactly what you'd want from me, but... well-" An apologetic smile was flashed. "You all look like you're in need of a good rest. At the very least, I can say that you won't be running into anyone else out here. Not as far as I've been able to smell, anyway." He rolled his shoulders, running mentally through the notes he's made of the surrounding territory since he's lived here. "It's not exactly the prettiest vista or anything, but it seems to be safe. It has been for me, y'know, till you all." Timber blinked for a moment, looking all around at the others. "Name's Timber by the way. Thought at the least I'd introduce myself, don't exactly have anything to hide anyway."

  • Timber
    ✦—Future Shadowclan Caregiver
    ✦—A large chocolate tabby with pale gold eyes
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  • Hehe
Reactions: Sealpaw

Everything is a numb blur, Seal's ears ring with Charcoal's callous words even as Marble's tail curled around her. Even as Sable tried to smooth it over with the promise of being able to visit her mother's day. When was that? She wasn't sure what to feel. If they didn't go back soon to at least bury her, then... The kit shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut to force the tears back inside before opening them once more to look up at Sable.

"When is that going-" She's cut off by a commotion and her tiny body whips around to see Vampire pinning a stranger down by the throat. Who was he? She didn't think she'd ever seen him before. She at least knew everyone in the colony in passing. This was someone who was brand new.

Despite everyone else's misgivings Seal toddled forward, stretching her neck up to sniff this new cat before a small sneeze left her. It was hard to tell for sure with the rain and mud now covering him, but she was almost certain. "He doesn't smell like our old camp at all," She wrinkled her nose as she looked back at the other adult, blue eyes wide. "He smells like... He smells stinky, like this place."

A tufted ear flicked back towards the stranger as he spoke. So he had a daughter..? Was she around her age? Older? Younger? A glance was given between Timber and Sable, question on her lips. "Mister can you show us around? Sable can he help, since he knows this place..?"


  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
  • Haha
Reactions: Scarlet



"Well, if you're telling the truth and we're the only cats out here, that makes things a little easier-- not that I'll be taking your word for it." He'd be taking up a guard position up top the second things had settled down enough here for him to ensure he wasn't missing anything important.

"Where's the best place to hunt around here?" Wolf asked, though the look and tone didn't make it sound quite so optional. He had done a lot of things tonight to ensure Sables group would have less competition going forward, and he wasn't exactly eager to refill those freed up spaces with cats that weren't going to directly benefit their little war party. This guy and his daughter were just two more mouths taking from the groups resources, and if they weren't going to make themselves useful in some way, Wilf didn't see the point in keeping them around.

But if the brown tomcat could make things easier on the groups hunters by pointing them in the right direction, that might be worth something in terms usefulness. A reason to not just immediately drive him and his daughter out.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
As Sables supporters move forwards, deeper in to unknown territory, the only thing Vanilla could smell was the metallic tang of blood. She has not smelled something so acidic before, something that burns her nostrils and makes her sick to her stomach… She has stomached prey blood before, but never has she ever had to fight another cat like she had. She runs her tongue over her fangs. She can still taste the opposing cats blood and shes not quite sure she could ever forget that. Red beads between once well-groomed strands of fur now caked with dirt and shredded with claws. She rolls her shoulders, ignoring the dull ache in her right one where she had landed wrong. She cannot smell anything else, but she damn sure tries to scent out her siblings regardless.

Eventually, she weaves and bobs around enough cats and finds herself a little bit aways from @FENNEL. and her eyes soften in relief, then harden with hardly disguised anger. "Fennel…" she murmurs softly, gently drawing her tongue over the wound on his shoulder. If she could clean up the fur around it just a little bit, perhaps she could assess how dire it truly was. A certain type of rage stokes the ever-growing fire in her chest as she cleans. "Who did this to you? I'll kill them." her voice nearly drips with venom as she pauses to speak, pulling back just a moment to look at him.

She should have been there. She should have stayed near them. She should have battled off her opponent quicker and stuck to her original plan of protecting him and Ginger. Speaking of- where was Ginger? She scans the growing crowd, searching, and then a stranger pops out. Vanillas fur nearly bristles, and despite her bruised and aching shoulder, she steps protectively in front of her brother, claws out and ready to defend should the stranger attack.

Vampire gets to it first, swiftly disarming him. She breathes out a sigh of relief, then turns back to Fennel. "… Sit down, let me take care of you." she murmurs. She doesn't know the first thing about healing another, but she sure will try.
𓆝 . ° ✦
Cedar's scowl is potent as the group trudges, sore and weary, through a peatland that makes her nauseous. The saturated dirt seeps between her toes, and stars - this place stinks. It's all she can do to hold her tongue as she begrudgingly follows, casting long unreadable glances towards their leader. This place is awful. But it's yours.

There are seeds of doubt being sown across companions and, lucky for all of them, Cedar greatly lacks the energy to challenge them. Cats blame Sable as they follow him - ironic, they are, and their words pester her like mosquitos at her skin. Still, the stoic warrior keeps her gaze on the paws that touch the ground in front of her, single-file; until the group halts at their seeming resting place, and another spat of chaos breaks loose.

Cedar echoes the stranger in a thoughtful mutter, as if the name could be any stranger upon her tongue like some of their own. One of their young chimes in, asking Sable to consider, and Cedar follows their gaze, staring at the leader's face with an expression that begs, Well? Can he?

° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 76648366-hzmx-Am-Bm-CGv-Sd-N5-1.png

    a stern, righteous molly with a guarded heart.

Coming here had to be worth it... Ginger is made certain of it the more bodies that trail after Sable. There could not be such great numbers of the for no reason (there had to be justification... that blood... so much blood... it couldn't be for nothing). But his paws ache... and his shoulder burns where one of those fiends had nicked him during his hurried path towards retreat. The sensation of blood rolling in a weak-willed stream down his leg is both exciting and terrifying... to connect the dots of his mortality and place the faces of the dead over his own like masks of what could've been. He doesn't want to linger on it too long, pressing past bodies that suddenly still as if they've become frozen alike the ground they tread. What was everyone waiting around for?

The adults start talking about settling in, interrupted only by Smudge's ignorant question and the appearance of a stranger. His eyes narrow to skeptical slits, reassured by how strong their presence is that this new face will not pose a real threat.

There is a flicker of familiar furs out of the corner of his eyes... Vanilla hunches over Fennel with an anxious ferocity to the stroke of her tongue and he practically trips over himself to reunite with his siblings, pressing his cheek into Fennel's with a furious sort of impatience. "You're safe... both of you," he leans to lick the top of Vanilla's head while she fusses over their litter-mate, turning his body away from them so they wouldn't have to worry about his own wounds. He'd be fine...

"Does it hurt, Fen?"

-- interacting with @fennelpaw and @Vanilla

Awkwardly, he limped ahead of his sister, a deep frown etched across his face. Dried blood crusted uncomfortably around his neck and sides, a grim reminder of their recent battle. Their somber group seemed to trudge forward forever until Sable finally called for a stop. As the others began discussing how to delegate duties, Possum's only thoughts were consumed by his pounding headache and his sister, Marble. I need a nest. He thought bitterly, scanning the area. All he saw was endless mud and muck. This is it?

Disdain churned within him. For a fleeting moment, he entertained the urge to lash out at Sable for leading them to such a desolate place. They fought, lost lives, and endured so much, only to end up here. The irony felt cruel. His dark musings were interrupted by Seal's mew, cutting through his bitterness like a claw. Possum's mask of irritation faltered, replaced by a fleeting glimpse of pity. Poor kid... Few things stirred his empathy, but no kit deserved to lose their mother.

Finding Marble and Seal amidst the group, he aimed to nudge his sister's shoulder gently, a silent gesture of reassurance. He knew Marble well enough to guess that she already felt responsible for the kit. Leopard's lifeless body would haunt them all, a stark reminder of their loss and a reminder to never forget who had caused it. Charcoal's grating voice pierced the air, shattering what little calm Possum had managed to find. The fur along his spine bristled, irritation splintering through him. He shot the older cat a sharp, hateful glare. "No one asked you." He growled under his breath, whiskers pinned back. Exhaustion weighed him down too heavily to muster any further fight, but his temper flared regardless.

Before tensions could escalate, an unexpected commotion erupted. A stranger appeared, and Vampire wasted no time pinning them down. Possum's orange eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene. Distrust instantly clouded his thoughts. The newcomer, who identified himself as Timber, seemed to know the area better than any of them. That might prove useful but Possum wasn't about to extend any friendliness. His frown deepened, skepticism etched into every line of his face. Let the others listen if they want. He thought grimly. But I won't trust him.

Seal already seemed ahead of them all as she bumbles away questioning Timber and Sable. For a second he considers stopping the kitten but his fatigue prevents him from moving. Opting to carefully observe and stick by Marble's side given the tabby was little threat when surrounded by the colony.

  • text text text text
  • RXohUba.png

    possum, possumgrin
    LH blue ticked tabby w/low white and orange eyes
    amab, cis male,18 moons
    ex-colony cat, warrior of shadowclan
    heterosexual/romantic, single, crushing on no one
    child of npc x npc ; sibling to marbleshine
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted - hub - playlist - penned by tasmagoric
  • 3aHZKNY.png






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Marble listened intently to Sable, her ears flicking back as she processed the words. The mothers had fought bravely, yes, but uncertainty gnawed at her. She hadn't been with Sable's group during the attack. She had simply followed her brother, wanting to stay close to the last piece of family she had. She'd seen Charcoal too, he wasn't blood, but his partner had been kind to the two cats. Still, there was no sign of Copper, Flint, or Cinder. Where were they? Were they still back there? Or… No, she refused to entertain the darker possibilities.

Her attention shifted to the stranger, Timber. He seemed kind, not a threat. Yet her gaze flicked to Vampire, concern etched on her face. " Vampire... You're hurt. " she meowed softly, her tone tinged with worry. " I can look for some cobwebs? " The offer hung in the air as she glanced around, taking in the scene. Seal was engaging Timber, Wolf was asking about hunting grounds, and everywhere she looked, cats were wounded or weary.

Her mind spun, the chaos of it all pressing down on her. From the corner of her eye, she saw Fennel, Ginger, and Vanilla huddled together. Others were limping, bleeding, or just sitting in stunned silence. They all needed care, cobwebs, herbs, something to help with the injuries.

Her brother, Possum, was nearby, tense and defensive as usual. She'd heard his sharp retort to Charcoal earlier. She understood his mistrust, but she couldn't dwell on it now. For a moment, she leaned against him, the exhaustion catching up as the adrenaline left her body. But only for a moment. She couldn't afford to linger.

" I'm going to collect medicine. " she finally announced, her voice steady despite her weariness. Her blue eyes turned to Sable for approval. " And cobwebs, for the wounded. " she added, stepping forward with purpose.

Her tiredness would have to wait. She'd seen healers at work before, she could manage. " If anyone needs urgent care, I can help. " she offered, her gaze earnest as she sought Sable's approval. " With your permission, of course. "


mention of @vampire @SABLESTAR @possumgrin