This cat has far too much cheek for someone with her paw currently planted on his throat, Vampire immediately decides. Flailing, battering her with sloppily-flung paws, clawless cowardly blows that pull a back-of-the-throat scoff from her carved-open chest. Vampire loosens their grip—barely—and tries to tune out the seemingly a thousand background conversations. Their muzzle scrunches and they flick an ear, mrrowing in a voice thick with sarcasm,
" Convincing, aren't you? Heavy-pawed with the details? "
Smiling—perhaps he's mad, then, for she certainly wouldn't be smiling if she were in his predicament. Bone, bless her pragmatism, advances with equal ardor, needling the stranger with questions draped in shifty veils of threat. Marble's soft contribution is half-acknowledged by another twitch of a deep-notched ear, but it is not until Sable advances that he finally lets Timber up.
With great reluctance, Vampire lifts their moonmarked paw from his spasming throat, taking a step back to flank Bone. Quietly, they seethe at the inopportune timing—it gives the impression that they relented thanks to Sable's command, and not of their own volition. Their bobtail twitches once and they shake out their pelt, eyeing the stranger with suspicion glittering behind his placid white moonface.
" Indeed, "
he rasps, noting that the scuffle has reopened his just-dammed wound, so there's the slightest trickle of blood. Sighing, they scrape their tongue across their chest fur and taste copper. " This is no time, nor place, for murkiness of speech— "
Here she pauses, glancing at the swamp that has their white legs soiled to the elbows with mud. " —ironically enough... "