{$title} A still grieving Sealpaw opens up about her mother to Timberfrost
Sleep did not come as easily as it had when they were the colony instead of Shadowclan, Seal...Seal..paw..? quickly learned. The nursery did not feel as warm and safe from the world as the burrow between tree roots at Fourtrees that her mother had dug out herself had felt. She wasn't sure it ever would- her nest felt so impossibly large without Leopard to share it with her and a new wave of grief came over the kit as she slowly stood to make her way outside on silent paws. Sealpaw took a breath as if it had been her first in moons as she sat outside the nursery, nose wrinkling uncomfortably at the humidity of this new place that she still wasn't quite used to. Idly she wondered if her mother would have liked this new place, remembering how the molly had enjoyed rain.
With a brief shake of her head blue eyes drifted upwards, to the stars above. A faint memory of a story from when she was still but a nursing kit barely able to walk tickled at the back of her mind. What had it been again? That every star one saw was a cat who had lived before them and was watching over them all..? "Are you really up there..? Are you watching? ...Are we doing the right thing, mama..?" It was a barely there whisper, ears pricked despite knowing there would be no answer from the stars.
It felt like an eternity before Sealpaw finally let her gaze drop to the mud at her paws. ...What a silly kit's tale....
- @Timberfrost
— Shadowclan Apprentice
— She/They
— Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.