PAFP The Farm And I dream of something wild || Exploring

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Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


Played by

ECLIPSE(SHADE) // 06 moons // Future Windclanner // He/They // #ff9e42
A scruffy long-furred tortoiseshell tom with low white, large ears and sky blue and soft yellow heterochromia eyes
Son of ASTRO and NEBULA, sibling to TWINKLE and COMET
A young cat with a bit of an attitude, sometimes snarky but also loves to explore and fascinated with the stars.

It wasn't unusual for the trio of siblings to be sent out to the horseplace for a while until things back with their parents' twolegs cooled down, it had occurred more frequently lately too as the three had gotten older, Astro wanted to keep the trio safe from the twolegs who had been hounding his housefolk about the three so he often helped them sneak out just before the loud twolegs arrived so they could race off to the barns for hours at a time, they usually would always come back before dark though. This time was unusual though in the fact that there was only two of the trio there this time. Twinkle, their sister had left alongside their uncle, Jingle to join a bunch of other cats he knew nothing about-- Other then that they had apparently been living down by the water or something. Eclipse and Comet were originally planned to go with their sister in order to not separate the littermates, but only Twinkle had been awake and present when Jingle came to say his goodbyes.

It was odd being out here in the open golden fields without her here with him and Comet, it was a lot more quiet without her excitable ramblings but man she'd also been such a pain in the tail too! Eclipse hadn't even wanted to go with Jingle to whatever water soaked lands he was headed for and was glad he hadn't been able to go along! Water made his fur soggy and damp... He much preferred the big wide open spaces that the land here by the barns provided with how much he could stretch his legs as he raced across the rolling hills! But then, he also still dearly missed his sister even if he would never admit as much out loud. Would he ever get to see her and uncle Jingle again? Were they really going to be gone forever? And what about him and Comet? If they had to also be sent away for good so they weren't taken away by those rowdy twolegs then where would they go? Would Astro come with them? He hoped that if they had to leave for good too that they were sent somewhere like out here at the horseplace. He was sure too that Twinkle would be safe since she was with Jingle but he didn't know the other cats they had left with, he hoped that they would see the two again sometime...

Eclipse eventually slowed his pace and padded up to the barn he and his siblings frequented the most often whenever they had come out here, sitting down just outside its walls and tucking his tail around himself neatly before then looking back to see where his brother had gone off to. Maybe the pair of them could catch some mice together today! Or maybe a good race would get his mind off of all the questions he had brewing.

OOC: Their sister Twinkle leaves home in this thread, mentioning here as it is referenced in this thread as well!