Newleaf is strange here, far from the crowding bough of Fourtrees. The undergrowth is dense, and her senses are crowded with the sound of rustling leaves and the scent of too-small prey. Honeysucklecry loves it for keeping her occupied, loathes it for its difference to where she'd learned to hunt, adores that it keeps her from thinking too much on her losses ... And she has company in these trips now, too. Bearpaw is young and clever, and Honeysucklecry is still entirely unused to him.
"I know we've got a long way to go until then," Honeysucklecry begins with a glance towards Bearpaw, "buuut, Juniperstar was talking to us recently about how we decide our apprentices are ready to become warriors. Obviously it's up to the other Stormguards too, but ... I'm not your age anymore. My job is to get you up to warrior standard!"
She slows to a halt as her ringing purr fades into the morning. Claws dig into the dewy terrain, stabilising, but not catching on the moss patches and slippery leaves. She would have an easier time moving in the sandy hollow, where they're headed, but this isn't so bad for now. The corners of her maw quirk up, offering Bearpaw something akin to an unsure smile as she turns to face him properly. "So ... what sort of test do you think would be good?"
"I know we've got a long way to go until then," Honeysucklecry begins with a glance towards Bearpaw, "buuut, Juniperstar was talking to us recently about how we decide our apprentices are ready to become warriors. Obviously it's up to the other Stormguards too, but ... I'm not your age anymore. My job is to get you up to warrior standard!"
She slows to a halt as her ringing purr fades into the morning. Claws dig into the dewy terrain, stabilising, but not catching on the moss patches and slippery leaves. She would have an easier time moving in the sandy hollow, where they're headed, but this isn't so bad for now. The corners of her maw quirk up, offering Bearpaw something akin to an unsure smile as she turns to face him properly. "So ... what sort of test do you think would be good?"
HONEYSUCKLECRY ☼ penned by wren
— — she/her, thunderclan stormguard
— — a thick-furred dilute calico with soft yellow eyes.
— — single, open to plots ; mentoring bearpaw
— —brackenx hazelheart ; littermate to magnoliapeak, hyacinthrain