TW: injury, blood (not that detailed i think but just in case)
One moment, Lovebug had been watching Rowan scale the tree, barely resisting the urge to cheer loudly for her as she climbed higher and higher, moving expertly between branches. Rowan's so cool! We're totally gonna come back with something amazing! Her heart began to race excitedly as Rowan examined the trees around her—maybe she spotted a bird! Or even a squirrel!
The next moment, there was a sudden snap!, and a ginger blur came falling down through the branches, crash-landing onto the ground with a loud, sickening thud. Lovebug froze and stared, eyes wide, uncomprehending, the forest suddenly going silent around her. She glanced back up at the tree's dark, towering branches, heart pounding when she realized that no, that wasn't some random fallen animal, and yes, that was her best friend lying on the ground.
She slowly took one step forward, whispering in a shaky voice, "Rowan?"
Rowan didn't respond, unmoving; blood pooled around her ear from where she had snagged it on the branches.
Lovebug lurched forward with a sharp burst of wild, all-consuming panic. "Rowan!" she nearly shrieked, any nearby prey immediately scattering away from them at the sound. She insistently nudged her friend's shoulder, shivering in the approaching dawn's sudden chill, but Rowan still wouldn't wake—still wouldn't move. Lovebug quickly backed away, nearly stumbling over her own paws.
What do I do?! I can't carry her!!! But I can't just leave her here either!!!
She looked around desperately, hoping someone, anyone, would jump out of the bushes to help her save Rowan; as the night laid unmoving around her, cold and silent, Lovebug felt a sob tear at her throat. She glanced back at her best friend, the familiarity in her features blurring due to her tears, and knew that she had to do something. She was the one who brought Rowan out here—she would do what any legendary warrior would do.
She would save her.
Hiding Rowan in the least prickliest bush she could find, Lovebug took off at a sprint, running faster than she ever had before. Her heart thrummed against her aching chest and the blur in her vision made it difficult to make out any detailed landmarks, but she had to get back to the Colony, and so she would.
Trying to squint the tears out of her eyes, Lovebug gasped in relief as she spotted the tall trees signaling the Colony's camp—she burst inside, fur fluffed up with equal parts adrenaline and fear, and let out a loud, echoing wail.
"Someone! Anyone! Please help! Rowan's hurt!"
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