"What's been eating at you? Aside from the skinks, of course." Sablestar found a sliver of unruly humor as he sat within the shade of a pond pine, watching the rain pour down with a slow sigh. The rain would soften the earth again, and the firm ground that kept them from sinking down would make it's return. The ebb and flow of the swamp's cycle just as the rise and fall of one's breathing. How curious that the forest could look so alive.
"Maybe your name should be in honor of surviving eating that thing. Vampireskink, or scale... Doesn't really flow much though." A chuckle of surprise at his own humor. Sablestar had been watching as he promised for his warrior to be granted names but, well, it was hard to make it all sound in a perfect click. He almost wished they all had the same like the kits and apprentices. How much easier that would be. But that would be utterly boring.
"mew" -
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
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