Private Territory attract heavy cash // vampire

This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
shadowclan leader
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"What's been eating at you? Aside from the skinks, of course." Sablestar found a sliver of unruly humor as he sat within the shade of a pond pine, watching the rain pour down with a slow sigh. The rain would soften the earth again, and the firm ground that kept them from sinking down would make it's return. The ebb and flow of the swamp's cycle just as the rise and fall of one's breathing. How curious that the forest could look so alive.

"Maybe your name should be in honor of surviving eating that thing. Vampireskink, or scale... Doesn't really flow much though." A chuckle of surprise at his own humor. Sablestar had been watching as he promised for his warrior to be granted names but, well, it was hard to make it all sound in a perfect click. He almost wished they all had the same like the kits and apprentices. How much easier that would be. But that would be utterly boring.

  • @vampire
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
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Damp forest-smell fills Vampire's nostrils as they linger beneath one of the scrubby pocosin pines, watching rain fall with puddle-dark eyes. It would be a lie to say they don't almost prefer this place to the much more welcoming arms of their home in the Colony. It's dank and dark and full of strange nooks and crannies, lurking mudpools and puddles waiting to befall the careless or the naive. More importantly, it is a place that feels wholly theirs, unsullied by bloodlines and any tangled webs but for the bog-spiders'.

" Oh, you know. The usual suspects. "
His words are intentionally vague and delivered with a reticent shrug. A helpful little pocket-phrase that readily encompassed all of their current bloodsuckers—the struggles of a forming Clan, of their own personal issues across the Thunderpath, everything. They flick a chipped ear diffidently and allow a hoarse chuckle.
" And the skinks. Unkind little beasts, they are. "

Aiming a dark-eyed glance his way, they mull over his suggestions. He'd nearly forgotten about the warrior-name thing, in all truthfulness. Not that he'd ever felt any deep-seated connection to Vampire; it was just something other cats called him, same as you there! Rain mists their forepaws as they think.
" No, I wouldn't say it does. Nor would I prefer to be named for one of those scaly specimens, if I'm being honest. "

They snort gracelessly in tandem with his chuckle. Two cats under a tree, laughing at their own jokes; quite the Clan-founders they make, hm? Perhaps it'd be easier for them to narrow down what they'd rather not be named than what they would be.
" I've stomached much worse things than skinks, besides. "
She hums thoughtfully, cocks her head.
" Vampiretooth… clunky in the mouth, that one. I've never really liked the word fang much, myself… "



Vampire's snort is contagious and Sablestar would think the same, pondering the sort of cats history would paint them as. Surely not a pair that hid from the rain, entertaining the passage of time with jeers and low-hanging jokes. He tried to envision the sort of model Vampire might become- a defensive warrior, ready to protect what was theirs at the drop of a pinecone. Or maybe she would be painted as a ruthless warrior, ready to spill blood at any stranger that encroached onto her home as she nearly made Timber into flayed fur.

"It'd be too obvious, too expected... But it's almost there." Tooth, fang, and probably not tusk either- that sounded even worse than the other options. "Oh, what about this one. Vampire, stepping into the life of ShadowClan's warrior, watch out for that Vampirebite. Yeah? Good?" It was genius, really. Sablestar's mind wandered for just a moment to the other faces that flashed in his mind. As their leader, he could just lay out their names without question. Could they question him? Why would they? Prodded another thought he was much more agreeable with.

"I think you've just become ShadowClan's first warrior by name, Vampirebite." And what an honor to hold.

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes