[ @Jade pls wait for her !! this is pre battle lol ]
Serpent grinds her teeth. She's managed it a few times before - twisting her selfish greed to benefit another. Thunder and Juniper were each not happy to take from her meals, but she had gotten sufficient conversation out of each of them in return. But that tactic doesn't seem to work all of the time. Not when the cat she's trying to convince is just as snarky and conniving as she is.
The mouse, spindly and thin, is nudged back into the paws of the molly. "I've been fed already, Jade. Please, just take it," Serpent ticks her head to the side, her muzzle cracked in a saccharine smile (though her annoyance shows in how her tail writhes, whipping like a striking snake along her stomach.) "You look thinner than the bare twigs, you know. You could use a meal or two," rather than complain about my wellbeing. Perhaps it was anxiety or paranoia, or perhaps it was true - regardless, Serpent pressed away the notion that she was fat and comfortable, like a kittypet. She attempted to be gracious and kind... which was not easy with Jade as her opposite.