Open Backwritten The Colony BACKHANDED HELP // sharing food

This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


i imagine you're still out there
Played by

[ @Jade pls wait for her !! this is pre battle lol ]

Serpent grinds her teeth. She's managed it a few times before - twisting her selfish greed to benefit another. Thunder and Juniper were each not happy to take from her meals, but she had gotten sufficient conversation out of each of them in return. But that tactic doesn't seem to work all of the time. Not when the cat she's trying to convince is just as snarky and conniving as she is.

The mouse, spindly and thin, is nudged back into the paws of the molly. "I've been fed already, Jade. Please, just take it," Serpent ticks her head to the side, her muzzle cracked in a saccharine smile (though her annoyance shows in how her tail writhes, whipping like a striking snake along her stomach.) "You look thinner than the bare twigs, you know. You could use a meal or two," rather than complain about my wellbeing. Perhaps it was anxiety or paranoia, or perhaps it was true - regardless, Serpent pressed away the notion that she was fat and comfortable, like a kittypet. She attempted to be gracious and kind... which was not easy with Jade as her opposite.
There's only two types of people in the world

The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe

It wasn't often that the rosetted molly was on the other side of an offering. Hell, it wasn't often she was apart of an offering at all. She preferred to keep to herself when around this group of cats, not wanting to have to form close relations when she would wander in and out of the territory for her own needs. She also didn't like being caught with spoils that wasn't her, which happened more often then her bringing her own meals into the Colony. Even more reason to not interact with the others... Last thing she needed was to be accused for something she did do, even though she'd vehemently deny it.

Today, however, it appeared to be slim pickings. As the colder weather edged in and more and more cats came back empty pawed, Jade could feel her stomach contrast and protest. Her bones were showing, which she tried to conceal as she cleaned and pressed down her fur so it would layer over her ribs better. When the overly pregnant mate of their so-called leader came over with a mouse in tow, Jade made sure to make it clear that she would not take a meal from a mother-to-be. was still rolled back into her dainty paws, words clear in their intentions.

Toxic green eyes glanced around her, wondering if she was being watched. Surely, someone was always looking over the other molly. She was going to deny her once again, but her selfishness started to rise as the smell of the fresh kill made her stomach protest louder. She pinned her ears back at the moment of weakness before she sighed and pulled the tiny thing closer to her. Better to her than any other cat if she was adamant to just toss it away. "Only because you keep insisting, Serpent." She leaned down and delicately ripped into the prey, tongue lapping at her lips to get any stray blood off her whiskers.

Immediately the taste helped ease the anger in her stomach. After the initial bite, the molly dug a claw into it and started picking out pieces of meat and blood to lick off, like a twoleg with their weird removable claws. "I owe you one. Next time I land one in my paws, you'll be the first to know." A claw was pointed at her, a slim muscle stuck to the tip before it was popped in her muzzle. What she didn't mention was how she would most likely procure said future meal. Afterall, the prince's mate didn't need to worry herself with Jade's... escapades.

Not wanting the conversation to end so quickly, or even revolve only around food, Jade licked the blood off her paw as she proposed a switch in topic. "So when are they due?" She waves her paw at the rather round belly that Serpent was sporting. "You already look ready to pop. Hopefully the cold wont bite ya in the ass." Another piece popped into her mouth, and her eyes were locked onto the future queen, tail twitching at the prospect of information she could use.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Jade she/her
    An Average Sized Black Rosette Tabby with Low White and Green Eyes
    ❖ Future Warrior of Shadowclan
    ❖ 28 moons; ages on the 8th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❖ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru