☆ Scale's eyes were half-closed when she knew someone settled down next to her. Feathered ear twitched, head turning up to view her smaller friend- bushy and white-furred. Gentle was a constant in her life, ever since she arrived here after leaving her family behind. A friend who offered a smile when she needed it- and she did what she could in turn. Most prey caught was split between her and Gentle, leaving their hunger sated. Whichever leftover she caught went directly back to the Colony's youngest.
"Long day?" She chirped at him, eyes shifting back forward- languid paws stretched and a breath left her, eyes shifting to close moments later. The sun was setting, there was no gnawing aches of hunger at her stomach. Things were... okay, beyond the tension that lived outside of their little bubble. She knew that soon it would reach them. Soon, she'd have to participate. Put what fighting skill her father engrained into her to use for once.
SCALE she/her, colony cat, 30 moons.
☆ A SH/LH chimera cat who appears almost 'scaled', akin to a dragon. She is large and imposing with a dark pelt and glowering yellow/orange eyes.
☆ mentored by tba / mentoring no one
☆ siblings to tba
☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
☆ penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.