PAFP The Colony beneath the broken sky // pafp

Public after first post! This means you must wait until the designated posters tagged in the thread post before you may.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


in the dark there's always a light
Colony Clan Founder
Played by

The young cat felt her paws thunder upon the frozen ground, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts as she dashed forward, slipping past fighting cats with fear evident in her eyes. The chaos of her once-loving colony echoed around her. She couldn't make sense of it, couldn't understand... Why were they fighting?! They were supposed to be a family! A colony built on trust and cooperation to survive the brutal leafbare! But when Fray passed on... It seemed like everything had exploded around her.

Tensions had been rising, she knew this... She wasn't blind. But her foolish heart had thought they would overcome this... She hadn't believed this would ever be the outcome of it all... The hissing, the snarling, the claws unsheated and the icy air feeling cold to her fur. Her heart cried in disbelief... They were supposed to be working together to survive, but now they were tearing each other apart...

Her brother's words eachoed in her mind, Hide, Marble! Get away from this! He had looked so defiant, so determined in the words spoken, so fierce... That for once she had not defied his words. She had not argued his decision. Fear and confusion had taken a hold of her as she fled, the turmoil inside of her nearly as overwhelming as the chaos she was running from. Her sleek body ducked into a small den, breathless and panting softly. It was musty and small, but it was shelter...

But then, there was a feeling of being stared at... It caused her fur to fluff up a bit, her blue eyes turning to inspect the place behind her, almost afraid to be met with a snarling cat. But... What she found was Seal, staring at her with wide, fearful eyes. Marble froze, her breath catching at the sight of the young one. Leopard must have joined the battle, kept the young one safe in here... Oh, young Seal... Ears flicking down for a second she swallowed.

Seal's gaze mirrored her own confusion and fear... And neither of them had the answers to what was happening. In that moment, her own fear was pushed aside, instincts taking over as she gently stepped closer, lowering her head a bit to give Seal a gentle little nudge with her nose. " It's okay... " she whispered, her voice trembling, but soft. " You are safe now. I'll keep you safe. " she vowed.

She didn't know where the words had came from, where she found the strength to say them... But something about Seal made her heart more steady. She didn't understand the war, couldn't make sense of it. But she knew one thing. She would protect this young life, no matter what. Atleast in this turmoil, they were together.


ooc: wait for @Sealpaw to post first <3 marble will be defending the young cat to any hostile cats but will probably allow other young cats to join to keep them safe

The speed at which her mother had jumped up had been near blinding, with rushed and fretful pleas that if she did not come back to go and find… Halfy? Smoky…? Seal thought she'd heard Mallow's name as well leave Leopard's lips before her mother told her to stay hidden in the den.

Don't come out, no matter what you hear outside...

Leopard had never said what to do if someone came INSIDE the den- and that was exactly what had happened. Blue eyes squinted at the figure blocking the entrance, a small hiss that the kit hoped was intimidating even as she pressed herself against the wall. "G-go away..! I'll-" Seal cut herself off with a sudden sniffle as the figure came into focus. Miss Marble. "...What's happening!? I thought we were like a big family, why is everyone fighting?"

The last bit comes out as a barely contained sob, she had barely been told that they would be leaving come morning and now there was only the muffled sounds of utter chaos above and around her. The kit pressed the other's side, eyeing the entrance with a newfound trepidation. "...Is my Mama coming back..? Is she ok?"

  • ooc: Now open! Come join (or attack) the den!

  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.


Hawthorne had warned the members of the Colony that they would be invaded, and while the adults rose to their paws and leapt to defend their home, Lemon cowardly (childishly) dove to hide further away from the fighting. Her heart pattered against her chest like a herd of horses running against her ribs. Her ears felt hot with the fear and adrenaline rushing through her small spotted body, and she clung to be hidden amongst the frost within the bushes.

Mama will find me. She repeated the only thought that could possibly provide her comfort over and over, holding her breath as she heard voices, Seal was crying.

"Did you... did you see my mama?" Lemon asked timidly as she poked her nose out from the brush.

Marble's chest tightened painfully as she watched Seal, the kit's wide, uncertain eyes reflecting her own inner turmoil. She had believed, as Seal had, that they were all one big family, a united colony. But the chaos outside proved otherwise, and the betrayal of that belief stung deeply.

Her tail curled protectively around Seal, gently pulling the kit closer to her side. "Fret not... I will keep you safe." she murmured softly, her voice carrying a steady reassurance despite the fear clawing at her heart. "The chaos outside won't—"

Her words faltered as her ears twitched toward another sound, a frail, timid voice cutting through the muffled roar of conflict. Marble turned her head, her gaze landing on Lemon, another young kit from the colony.

"I haven't seen your mama..." she admitted quietly, her sadness evident in her tone. But she quickly softened her voice, offering a gentle smile to ease Lemon's fear. "But you're welcome to stay near me until both your mamas return, okay?"

Her protective instincts flared brighter as she brought Lemon closer as well, determined to be the anchor these kits needed amidst the storm of chaos outside. Whatever happened, she would shield them from it all.





OOC- Just popping him in here for flavor ! He's in and out because he's in the middle of.. stuff. Feel free to have no idea what his intentions were, or to assume whatever you want-- maybe he was just here to check up on things??? WHO KNOWS >:D

Marbleshine. Wolf stopped short in the entrance of the den, blood soaking his paws and muzzle, a few scrapes and cuts darkening his mottled fur. Why isn't she fighting?

Mismatched eyes were not quite so friendly as they'd been the day of their hunting trip, something more animalistic alive in them as they shifted from the blue shecat to the the youths huddled around her. The stench of fear and confusion thick in the air.

She's protecting them.

They'd be easy to take out, even so. Easier than Cone, or even Straw with his three legs. not even that determined glint in Marbleshines gaze could really deter the beast if he was so inclined. He probably wouldn't even feel bad about it afterwards. Strategically, if he wanted to get rid of as many mouths as possible...

There were three easy kills right here.

And while Wolf had never killed a child before- having no reason to even consider it- he wasn't sure he'd feel quite as badly as the others would want him to. The lives of others, in general, just didn't mean much to him.

But he wouldn't be finding out today.

"You should diig. Block off part of this entrance so only the kids can get in." he instructed as he backed away from the threshold, a plague turning away from the lambs-blood that was Marbleshine.

He disappeared back into the fighting before anyone had a chance to ask why he was there in the first place.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Why was everyone fighting so suddenly? Weren't they all supposed to be working together? What was the point of drawing blood like this when they were all hungry and tired? Grown ups could be really stupid sometimes... Her eyes briefly found Lemon's, just as terrified and confused as Seal was. A small uncertain smile crossed her face as the tiny tabby motioned with a paw to come into the den, where it was safer.

"It'll be ok, Lemon..! I'm... I'm sure your mama's ok, maybe she found my mama and they're sticking together to find us!"

Even as the words left her maw the kit was uncertain. Even as she pressed into Marble to try and quell her own shaking, the sounds and scents of an all out war above them drowned out what comfort the molly could give. 'Is Mama ok..? Are Blue and Manzanita and Meadow safe too? What if Mama doesn't come bac-'

A new shadow covering the entrance of the den snapped her out of her thoughts. The overwhelming scent of blood assaulted her senses as she found herself looking up at Wolf. Panic seized her throat, mouth agape. A question given to the tom with a look alone. Who's blood was that? It was a question that went unanswered as Wolf turned away as quickly as he had come. Seal hid her face into Marble's flank, trying to drown out the sounds of battle.

She hoped Leopard would return soon.

  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.