Shipyard Beware the icy heart || open, intro

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


Riverclan Kit
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Sharp orange eyes scanned the abandoned shipyard, gaze watching as the older cats when by, his paws tucked underneath his chest fluff while this silky tail swished from side to side. Finally, he'll find his "victim" and approach, stumbling over large paws that he would eventually grow into. Orange gaze burning into the other cat's eyes while he sniffles slightly. His mother had been doing the most by giving majority of her food to him, but he wanted to at least... try and help her in what he thought was the most brilliant thing to do.

"I want... food... I'm hungry" kit said, his voice slightly monotoned, it wouldn't be for him, and surely the other cat would sucker up to a kit asking for some, right? It will go to his momma, and it was funny he even begged when the other shipyard cats were basically like a family but still the boy was only really close to a small few, being wary of newer faces, and sticking close to his mother of course, but once here and there when the kit's mom wasn't looking, he'll go out and explore the shipyard in more depth, run into new faces or get scolded. His ears perked forward while awaiting for the response of the other.

"Speak" // "Thoughts"

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lullaby & 08 moons & female & she/her & shipyard cat

Wide eyes stare down at the creature before her, blinking owlishly at a plea for food - and really, out of all the cats here, Lullaby is perhaps a safe choice to pester. White paw taps slowly against the ground, contemplating - it is not as though she is a perfect hunter, or even the most familiar with the shipyard, having only shown up out of hte blue recently, but it is not as though she is entirely helpless at fending for herself.

" Mrrp, " quiet noise finally slips past her lips, shadowy figure leaping down from her perch to vanish into a pile of boxes, emerging with a small half-eaten fish. Nose shuffles it forwards, head tipping questioningly - it's not the grandest of offerings, but really how much does a kit need to eat anyways? She'll have to either find something else or go hungry tonight, but that's fine. Sharing is caring.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

N E V E R - E V E R - B I T E - T H E - H A N D - F E E D I N G - Y O U
⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain
There was a certain look of amusement within Brook's eyes as she watched the interaction between Rime and Lullaby, giving her own kit a last lick over the head before he muttered a 'moooooom' and fled from her. " Stay nearby, child! " she called after him, shaking her head lightly as the other turned a bit to call back to her that he would. " And keep an eye on your sister! " she added quickly, flicking her tail once before she finally stood up and trotted over toward Lullaby and Rime, giving the two a light smirk and glancing between them. " Now, now, Rime... You know that if your mother needs some food, we are more than willing to provide for her, you truly shouldn't have to yoink someone's freshly caught prey. " spoke the mother, glancing over at Lullaby. " And you needn't give your fish to the little one if you needed it. "


There are far too many kittens here for Lichen's taste... she will lovingly suffer the burden of interacting with Smoke's children, because she cares for him but these extra rats....? Her nose scrunches, witnessing the exchange with not half the patience that Brook interjects with. If that thing was hungry, maybe it should learn to use it's paws- if you could walk and complain, you could probably learn to hunt. A broken tail twitches, considering if her words are worth adding to the situation when the motherly she-cat already seems to have addressed it well enough.

They frown, grown irritated by this stupid act of selflessness. "Don't go wasting your charity... kittens complain about being hungry every five breaths. It's like they're bottomless little leeches..." It's a harsh narrative, one that gives very little empathy to Rime, but they have no reason to bend over and offer their loyalty to some random kit.
  • Haha
Reactions: Sprout

Adder rarely stuck his nose in other cats' business. His energy was best spent caring for and providing for his own. Even so, he couldn't deny that these cats were becoming more a part of his life than he cared to admit. A small part of him even wondered if it might be good for his kits to grow up around others their age, to play with and learn from. So, stubborn as he was, he gradually began to open up to the idea of involving himself in their more trivial affairs.

One such occasion presented itself when he noticed the little ones getting up to their usual trouble. From his perch on the crumbling husk of an old rowboat, Adder kept a watchful eye. His paws were tucked beneath him, his tail swaying lazily over the wooden edge. His gaze settled on a pale kit that came slinking through the shipyard. There was a certain mischief in the boy's eyes, one Adder had learned to recognize. That thought was confirmed when he overheard Rime pleading for food.

The tom sighed, stifling the urge to roll his eyes. That kit sure had an appetite. He felt a pang of pity for the boy's mother, who no doubt had her paws full.

With a sluggish flop, Adder eased himself off the rowboat and onto the sand. Slowly and deliberately, he padded toward the commotion. As he approached, he watched Brook's kits scurry off, casting them a watchful glance before focusing his attention on Rime.

"Lichen has a point." Adder remarked, voice even but edged with skepticism, eyes narrowing at the fish. "Sure it's his mother he really wants that for?"

Whatever Rime's intentions, Adder had little patience for mooching. He taught his own kits better, and as soon as they were old enough, he intended to make sure they could provide for themselves. "If he's got the energy to slink around asking for scraps like a stray, might be nearing time to start teachin' him how to hunt for himself," The tom added with a sharp flick of his tail. He turned his cool gaze on Rime.

"I want an honest answer from you, boy," Adder said firmly. "Is that fish for your Ma, or is it for yourself?"

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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