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Character Hub
placeholding things and such do do do do do

if you know more latin than I do, tell me if I'm wrong on the declension.


  • ★ Squid → small, grayish, and slippery.
    ★ masc (ish) → any pronouns
    ★ ? → single
    ★ 5 moons
    ★ ship-yard cat → future riverclanner
  • ★ a small, timid long-furred fawn smoke self with copper eyes → Squid is small in a way that betrays both a genetic tendency and childhood malnutrition. Their eyes are large and expressive. He has absolutely no poker face. What he lacks in size and strength, he makes up for in maneuverability.
    ★ smells like low tide and damp
  • ★ traits → Squid wants to know everything about the world, but is scared of most things in it. When they are finally comfortable, they have a very slight, dry sense of humor. It takes a lot of comfort first, though. She believes in the idea that might makes right—an idea that seemingly would contrast with the fact she's fairly weak. It's about trying to accept his place in a world that tries to keep him down. This has to be right because he has no power and if that's not right then it's unbearable.
    → You can find Squid watching and exploring, though always ready to run away if the going gets tough. He was meant to be some kind of a sidekick. He's easy to manipulate into your schemes. Please do so.
  • ★ PARENTS parent x parent
    ★ sibling to here
    ★ mates with here → crushing on here → how many/no offspring​
    ★ mentored by here → mentored here → currently mentoring here
    → VERY open to a mentoring plot
    FRIENDS here
    ADMIRES here
    DISLIKES here
    HISTORY history here
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
    ★ easy to battle → is not inherently violent
    ★ will not start fights → will not end fights → will run away
    ★ medium difficulty to talk to → shy and likely to just go along with any strong personality. If she's comfortable, she will ask lots of questions.
    ★ okay hunter → poor fighter → okay mediator
    ★ based on images of cats getting baths and looking sad about it